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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Solving social problems requires understanding that problem. Moreover presentation of any kinds of strategy to figure out the issue of poverty necessitates recognition. Due to this argument, researchers in this article try, first of all, to study the trend of poverty in Iran so as to attain a general understanding of the trend. To do so, the main approach of this study is library research in which accessible documents on situation of poverty in Iran were studied. Then researchers tried to study the documents so that the amount of changes in poverty can be recognized. Furthermore while there is an attempt to provide the newest theories suggested for poverty eradication, authors evaluates the effectiveness of the plans designed to eradicate the poverty in Iran and found the limitation of these plans. Findings show that most of texts indicate a great growth of poverty. Also because of lack of understanding poverty by itself, the proposed plans for eradicating it have not been successful in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Trust and trusting each other are key social concepts and elements in society. In a general meaning, trust may results in interaction with people and creation of social relations, also since trust goes beyond the family, relatives and friends, it can result in developing a trust network or trust radius. Trust is one of the significant aspects of human relations and paves the way for participation and cooperation among members of society; it is a fundament for the most of the daily individual and social interactions and communications in the human societies.This article is based on a survey research. The statistical society of the research is all undergraduate students in Faculty of Social Sciences of Allameh Tabatabai University and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Tehran University. After accomplishing the statistical calculations using the Cochran sampling formula, numbers of samples were defined 370.Analyzing the hypotheses shows that there are significant relations among level of using Internet and participation in peer and friendly groups in the virtual space, amounts of participation in scientific, literary and cultural associations, economic-social status and level of social trust. The regression analysis also shows that independent variables, in general, signify 51 percent of the changes of dependent variable.In conclusion social trust is one of the most important human demands. Thus, human relations can be considered as valuable capital. Besides gaining these capitals, we should always think of preserving these social capitals, as well as keeping them away from erosion over times.

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The Society of Iran has experienced extensively cultural and social changes during recent decades. These changes have been remarkable particularly in the families. One of the most important changes is the changes in lifestyle of adolescents that has brought about serious challenges for families. The challenges that seem to cast doubt on the traditional format of family. The most significant challenge in the families is facing rapid changes of family's norms and values among children and parents so that we can talk of rival norms besides traditional ones.The Theoretical framework argues emerging new media, expansion of educations and access of people to information in society, the growth of individualism, the effects of reference group and changes of values as the main causes of these changes.This study has been accomplished through social survey in Tehran (3 and 17 districts) through 398 cases. The statistical techniques were used are dispersion and central indices, bivariate correlations, multivariable regression and path analysis.Findings indicate that there is some conflict between parents and children lifestyles. The most conflicts spheres are relationships between girls and boys, smoking and alcohol drinking. The least conflicts spheres are praying matters, favorite music listening. Results show that factors such as individualism in children, attitude of adolescents toward modern values and lack of democratic behavior of parents caused conflicts in families.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The significance of poverty as a social problem is indicated by the fact that it has attracted a lot of attention among social scientists, in particular, and social thinkers in general. Sociology, has dealt with this social problem with different approaches and methods. This article is based on a qualitative research, using in-depth interviews in order to find out how the poor people look at and conceive their daily life and their poverty.The main questions had the following themes: definition of poverty by the poor, reasons of their poverty in their view, process of their impoverishment, ways of adapting to situation of poverty, transference of poverty, ways they use to get rid of poverty, their social depravation, and their expectations from the society. While the poor who were studied were divided into two equal groups of men and women, the findings can be best compared between these two groups. The differences and similarities between women and men s conception of poverty was one of the main questions of this research.The interviews which were conducted with the constructionist approach of Peter Berger and Thomas Luck mann towards reality had the following findings: The poor define poverty as a hard life. The reason of their poverty is conceived as a combination of God s will and other objective factors. They have reached their present situation of poverty through a process which had one of the three incidents of illness, addiction and bankruptcy at its beginning. Their actions, in the face of their poverty, involved a variety of adaptive ways which were studied in relation to housing, medical care, pastime, and their children s expectations. Social depravation among others is the most outstanding consequence of poverty which causes the socialization of the children of the poor being directed towards ways of liberating them from poverty. Considering these findings, the construction of the reality of poverty including the life story and the interpretation of the world around us was obtained.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Old age is one of the most delicate and important periods in human life. Since this group is among the sensitive, paying attention to the issues of this period such as life quality and social support is of great importance. Therefore, to improve the quality of life, they must get various informal support from their network members or formal support from social security service. Not only is the present study going to determine the status of the elderly life quality but also to investigate the role of (formal and informal) social support in this area. Here informal social support is investigated in two dimensions of functional and structural referring to social network theories such as Leen, Welmer and Granuter; Furthermore formal social support is studied by social welfare and support. Also, life quality is examined from objective and subjective point of view due to theories of France and Zan.Statistical population of the survey is 60 or older pensioners of Civil Servants Persian Fund and Social Security Organization who live in Tehran. Using multi-staged and random cluster sampling, 384 of them are selected by Kukran formula as a sample society.The results show that there is direct and significant relation between various social support (formal and informal), and life quality. Considering coefficients indicates high social coefficients of formal and informal social support and subjective aspect of life. Coefficient relationships between functional aspects of informal support and subjective aspect of life quality among the mentioned elderly are stronger than other relationships. In the regression multi-factor analysis, adequacy of formal supports has higher rates and informal supports in the functional aspect (instrumental) and structural links (individual and group links) are in the subsequent ranks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Welfare and social politics is one of the significant topics of development programs which can reduce issues like poverty and social inequality in the shadow of social justice in society. In order to achieve the fair social welfare, regional planning, that its main purpose is creating balance within and between regions, is useful. In this context, gaining knowledge from the studied area, to provide balancing is necessary. This article attempts to study the situation of Zanjan province in social welfare categories and ultimately reach to a ranking among cities for future social welfare plan.In order to achieve the goal, 30 indicators in the field of social welfare after the selection process due to basic data of each were collected. In the next step TOPSIS technique was used for data analysis. Since in this technique specific weight of each indicator is necessary, the ordinal technique, based on indicators weighting by 15 people of specialist experts of social welfare, was used. Result of data analysis represents inequality of social welfare issues among towns of Zanjan province. Likewise Zanjan with 0.50 score has the highest level of social welfare services and Khodabandeh with 0.18 score has the lowest.

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Money has been known as an economic and abstract attribute. Thus it is expected that money is not gender sensitive. On the other hand, to alleviate poverty and produce equal opportunities and especially women s empowerment, the development planners usually inject various amounts of money to communities based on different plans like microcredit. By giving these micro loans, the development planners expected that the women benefiting from this opportunity would begin a small business, make money, and save some money to repay the loan as well. But the lenders confronted with different expectation coming from various layers of the community (based on diverse social and cultural aspects). If money is an abstract attribute, why special layers of community use it in numerous ways? Regarding the cultural feature of Iranian society that usually keeps financial features as a top secret, a case study for 7 years was implemented. For data gathering, mixed method of field research and a small survey was designed and applied. Based on some theoretical approaches, women understand and use money differently. This research indicated that women in daily life show their own understanding of money. They manage their monetary issues based on this understanding. Social roles and expectations as mothers and wives lead them to manage their financial sources. When their earnings increase, their social expectations change too. They have to spend the money to answer these new internal expectations instead of saving it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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