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During his second career, Roland Barthes concentrates mainly on the criticism of the ‎Evident. He believes what pretends to be natural, universal and evident is in fact an outcome of ‎a naturalization process; a process through which the ideological is finally configured as the ‎Evident. Accordingly, the final result of the naturalization process, according to Barthes is a ‎Doxa which embodies the Evident. Therefore, on his way to criticize the Evident and also ‎reveal the ideological implications of Doxa, Barthes proposes Paradox as the antithesis of Doxa. ‎Paradox is actually a weapon against the intrigues of language, on the basis of which it would be ‎possible to experience a different reading of the text. However, Barthes never provides a clear-‎cut explanation of the semiotic mechanism of Doxa and Paradox. As a result, it may be ‎assumed that Barthes' theoretical reorientation involves with the denial of his former doctrines ‎regarding sign. This article, then, tries not only to analyze the semiotic functions of Doxa and ‎Paradox, but also explain the logical outcome of this viewpoint. It will be finally revealed that ‎Barthes' second approach is basically influenced by the criticism of the hierarchical relationship ‎between connotative and denotative meanings. ‎

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Although since classical times philosophical reflections on the nature and functions of literature have not been uncommon, the “philosophy of literature, ” as a separate discipline or field, is a new phenomenon. The two approaches distinguished in Western philosophy since about a century ago, i.e., analytic vs. Continental philosophy, can be observed in philosophy of literature as well. Adopting a comparative method, this essay first examines the differences between analytic and Continental philosophy and, then, those between analytic and Continental philosophy of literature. The focus of this essay is on the analytic philosophy of literature since it seems this kind of philosophy, with its logical and realist method of conceptual analysis, can help us better in understanding the nature and functions of literature. The basic claim of this essay, then, is that Continental philosophy of literature is itself another manifestation of literature and only increases the ambiguity and mystification of the concept of literature. In order to give meaning to life and consequently to literature, Continental philosophers, like literary creators, have recourse to “metaphysical or logocentric metaphors” and “philosophical fictions.” However, the products of these attempts almost have the same functions and effects as those of literature. Of course, this is not to deny the value of the Continental approach; rather, as discussed at the end of the essay, in my view, what we need more in the current critical situation in Iran is analytic philosophy of literature rather than Continental philosophy of literature, because by concentrating on the analysis of the concept of literature and other related concepts the analytic approach prepares the ground for acquiring a more precise understanding of this field, and it is only then that we can adopt the Continental method for exploring the other aspects of literature.

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From past till now the formation of the ghazal have a constant form and defintions and glint in the persian literature. According to this definitions, ghazal is a form that the first hemistich have a same rime with even hemistich. in this period and simulataneously with popularity of the nimas new poetry efforts began to evolve into the field of a ancient forms including ghazal. This innovations mainly occur for dynamics of these formation and their adaptation to the changes with time. One of the most important and original course in the ghazal course is the new ghazal field that there is in the country in a literary atoosphere In this years we have seen a lot of changes in the field of content and form in ghazal. In this research basd on form transformations we try to describe the types of innovation in the form of the appearance of ghazal but the finding of this study show that the most important of them are: 1.change in the form of writing and the system of ghazal lineage.2. Nimas ghazal formation.3. Take ghazal visitingly.4. Put the synonym beyt together.5. Blending with other formation.6.Writing the beyt regulary, 7. Bring two hemistich in one beyt, 8. Use of punctuation makes in the frame of the ghazal, 9. Divide the ghazal into several part, Finishing in ghazal technique, This is a research article to survey this techniques, aesthetic and provide examples and analyzes around them and finally a brief discussion a bout the pathology of this techniques. Different.

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A logical relation between research theory and text is a point that Iranian researchers have less considered because in most of the studies published (however some studies are theory-driven research), it is the theory which has dominated the text and in case of non-compliance and inconsistency, the text has become consistent with modifications. In other words, in this kind of the studies, the theory stands in a position of authority and the text is silenced. In the present paper, it is attempted to be said with the pathological view from the logical relation (and not the authority realistic) between the theory and text by examining the category of these studies (the studies which the basis was of Bakhtin's theory of the conversation logic). According to the author of this article, the relation between the theory and text will be a logical relation for many years (non-authoritarian). First, independence of the text is maintained against the theory and second, the text selection has not merely been for confirming the theory and it is not only for the validation and reliability of the theory, but on the contrary, the selection of the text should be in such a way that the possibility of reforming and presenting the newer theory is provided that it should have the ability of determining more text with the cancellation of the theory.

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According to Jung's Archetype concept. some of the affective behavioral and though patterns are inherited by human beings and these patterns do significantly affect human being's personality development. These primordial perceptions are rooted in "collective unconscious" and since mystical poetry is this poet's achievement from this smooth layer. therefore. many archetypes will appear in that. The idea of "perfect man" is one of these archetypes. The appearance of this idea within mystical poetry is illustrative of the poet's challenge in achieving self-actualization and realizing self. The present study applies a descriptive-analytical approach and it mainly relies upon Jung's psychology school. The objective of this study is to provide the reader with a psychological criticism of "Emadodin Nasimi"'s poetry. with regard to perfect man idea. This archetype has been projected within various characters such as Prophet Muhammad. Fazlollah Na' eemi. etc. The appearance of this idea in Nasimi's poetry follows a specific target and the main purpose in so doing is for the poet himself to achieve "self". This achievement is the result of passing several stages like " Identification ". "mental inflation". "projection" and " Individuation ".

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There have been disagreements on the number of original Khayyam’s Quatrains (rubaiyat). Stylistics approaches can help to distinguish the original Quatrains. The prosody has the ability to show some stylistic characteristics. Although the main goal of this study is to find the prosodic style of Khayyam’s Quatrains by determining the Frequency of prosodic factors, there was no way to study prosody of Quatrains in general. The history of finding the main meter of Quatrain is studied in critical view. The results show that the frequencies of prosodic factors is effective and useful in realizing Khayyam’s personal style. Some prosodic factors have high frequencies and others have low frequencies: three long syllables is not used as the first foot generally; In the second foot, two short syllables are not substituted with one long syllable. %95 of Quatrains have composed in just 4 meters.256 prosodic patterns could be distinguished on the whole.

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This article attempts to show the fundamental shortcomings of phenomenology-based researches in persian literary articles. The phenomenology- based research articles in the last decade has been collected and their definition of phenomenology has been compared to that of the founders of phenomenology, specially Edmund Husserl. These articles are divided in to three groups: 1- Those which attempt to "interpret" a literary work according to phenomenological approach 2- Those which compared phenomenological concepts with some poetic themes and viewpoints of some poets (specially Sohrab Sepehri and Nima Yushij) 3- Those which used "Phenomenology" as a completely useless concept, which has no crucial role in the whole research. The article concludes that these kind of researches are full of misunderstanding, because of 1- mixing the true meaning of phenomenology with poetic inventions, 2- the misuse of phenomenological approach in reading literary works, and 3- not having an appropriate recognition of what a "Theoretical Framework" should be.

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