Monshaat writing or letter writing which was called Tarassol in the past, used to be an important measure among court issues in front of great and local rulers, so it has had a special importance and long history in Persian culture and literature.By the influence of Persian literature and language in sub-continent and the generous advocacy of Indian kings toward Persian writers and poets, profuse works were composed in Persian there; meanwhile, Persian letter writing received remarkable attention by beletterists and amanuenses. The style of such works is more artificial and rhythmic, adorned in verbal and semantic figures of speech, and usage of Persian and Arabic poems in prose.The present work belongs to an anonymous author in the 11th century and its only transcription numbered 16170, is kept in the library of Islamic Parliament and the writer has tried to emendate this work syllogistically.After many investigations, this work turned out to have some characteristics like other monshaats. Some features are as follow: it has 129 Quran verses, 319 Persian couplets, 173 Arabic couplets and also high frequency of simile, euphuism, allusion, homonymy, metaphor and opposition in this work is remarkable. Also, it enjoys a rich intertextuality with Quranic verses, proverbs and other poems.