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Pakistan, as one of the most important Islamic countries, has been the hub of many extremist movements of South-east Asia over the three past decades. Many changes have extensively influenced the growth of the extremist movements in Pakistan: domestic, regional, and international changes, including the Islamization program of General Zia UlHaq, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the Islamic Jihad against the Soviet Union and the occupation of Afghanistan and American invasion of Afghanistan in 2001. Given that Pakistan is a chaotic country economically, politically and socially, the catastrophic flood which hit it resulted in new critical troubles and difficulties. This paper is an attempt to investigate the effects of the destructive 2010 flood on the rise of extremism inside Pakistan. In this regard, the concept of extremism and its characteristics are first examined. Then, the most important extremist groups of Pakistan are categorized. Having studied the economic and political consequences of Pakistan's flood, this paper will finally bring to light the following point: the flood crisis caused the Islamic groups to be united to help the people of the damaged areas, and it also caused the extremism to be raised because the chaotic situation after the flood was attributed to the inefficiency of the government.

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One of the variables which challenges the position of the states and makes them pay attention to the structure of the international system in the foreign policy decision making is the situation imposed on them by the international political economy. Therefore, the theoreticians of the political economy and International Relations, regarding the current trends in the International system, have named the 21st century, the century of Geo-economics. That is because of the fact that they believe one of the most important global challenges in this century is the competition for energy resources, moreover, the problem of energy security is among the most important issues of the political economy paradigm in this century. In this regard, International relations theorists, including Functionalists and Regionalists, suggest that the development of the economic cooperations is among the appropriate methods of creating convergence in the international relations, as well as creating peace and stability, especially among the countries in one region. Concerning this fact, the development of the strategic Cooperations between Iran and the countries of the Indian Subcontinent in the field of energy can be evaluated as a strategic move and positive step towards the provision of national interests and national security of the nations involved although it seems that such an idea will encounter serious restrictions. Investigation of this issue and different problems regarding the gas export of Iran including the Peace-Pipeline is the main purpose of the present research.

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With the spread of Islam in Iran, the Muslim conquerors, determined for other conquests, took control of new lands different in terms of religious, political, social, and economic conditions from the territories they had conquered before. One of these lands was the Indian land. Although since the time of the second Caliph some attacks were carried out by the Islamic commanders, the entry of Islam into the north-west lands of India, located in the Indus State, in general and in order to establish a political structure, commenced at the time of Walid-ibn-Abdul Malik. The present research project illustrates the historical atmosphere of the discussion by putting forward the issues of the time difference since the initial days of Islam, as well as the confrontation of Muslims with people other than the people of the declining governments such as the Sassanids whose government and religion's decline trend had started long ago. The nature of the Indian conquests was distinctive, and it was due to the difference of the Omayyads' attitude from the Rashedyn caliphs' (the first four caliphs), as well as the geographical differences, and the local and regional structure of India in comparison with the other conquered lands by the Muslims. This research is based on the assumption that the shape and nature of the conquests of the conquered territories in the north-western India in terms of military, economic, administrative, and religious conditions were different from the other conquered lands. The main wave of these conquests which had started at the time of Walid-ibn-Abdul Malik, and performed by Mohammad-ibn-Qasim remained unchanged until the formation of the independent states of the eastern lands of the caliphate territory, such as the Saffarian. In this period the form of the administration of this land and the way of the Muslims' settlement in these areas have continued steadily, accompanied by events of quarrel and compromise between the Hindus and Muslims.

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The land of India that is 6000 years old is filled with numerous myths, the analysis of each will open windows of consciousness towards the human mind. The art and civilization of this land, like other nations, should be reviewed within its myths and gods. Dravidians, the ancestors of the inhabitants of this territory, were nature-worshippers who created the brilliant civilization of the Indus Valley. Their beliefs became the distinctive origin of the gods and the next faiths of India. The next period in the history of India is the attack of the Aryan warriors whose entry caused a new phase called the Vedic Era.In the Indian mythological culture there are many gods that are of multiplied organs: multi heads, multi eyes, multi arms, multi trunks, and so on. Each organ is the symbol of a certain concept. For example, the three-headed god demonstrates three aspects of his power. The heads are the centers of thinking and the force of ruling, multiplicity of eyes shows separation from mistake and a better encirclement of the world, and the multiplicity of the ears represents better understanding of the divine speech. The one thousand-eyed Varuna, the one thousand-eared Mitra, the three-faced Agni, the three-eyed Shiva are among the gods of multiplied organs that bear the concept of exta-ordinariness and the divine power.

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Music of poetry is one of the best characteristics, that intrinsically denote the value and significance of the poem. Indeed, it is the music of poetry that, while making the poetry attractive to the ears, is a way of making it pleasant in order to convey the concept and the purpose lying in the core of the speech faster to the given destination and intention. The external music of the poem which gives rise to the music of the speech and causes its beauty is the very prosodic rhythm that is based on the length of the syllables and stresses.Naziri Neyshabouri's divan (book of poems) is considerable in terms of the external music and the variety and variation of the prosodic rhythms employed. In Naziri Neyshabouri's divan there exist 564 ghazals (lyric poems), 42 qasidas (ballads), 3 ghat'es (stanzas), 10 composites and refrains, and 141 rubais (quatrains), total of which becomes 760 poetic Pieces. The poet has made use of 9 meters and 37 rhythms throughout the divan: 275 cases in the Hazaj meter including 128 ghazals, 3 qasidas, 2 composites, 1 ghat'e and 141 rubais, 186 cases in the Ramal meter consisting of 174 ghazals, 9 qasidas, 3 composites, 134 cases in the Mojtas meter comprised of 115 ghazals, 18 qasidas, 1 ghat'e, 111 cases in the Mozar'e Meter including 100 ghazals, 7 qasidas, 4 composites, 29 cases in the Khafif meter comprised of 25 ghazals, 3 qasidas, 1 composite, 16 cases in the Rajaz meter consisting of 15 ghazals, 1 qasida, 6 cases in Monsarah meter containing 5 qasidas, 1 ghazal, 3 cases in the Sar'i meter including 2 ghazals, 1 ghat'e, 3 cases in the Motaghareb meter consisting of 2 ghazals, 1 ghat'e.

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Dar-ul-Ulum of Deoband which was founded by some Indian muslim scholars under the British rule in India became the origin of some major cultural and political developments the effects of which are still alive. The main questions which are the bases of the current study are as follows: What are the backgrounds that created the necessity for the establishment of this educational center? What was the nature of its strategies in different historical periods?Using the descriptive-analytic method, the current study tries to base its findings upon the following hypotheses: The menace to the muslim identity by the extremist Hindus on the one hand, and the cultural invasion of the British colonialists on the other hand, were the reasons of the necessity for the establishment of this scientific center. In addition, according to social circumstances, Dar-ul-Ulum of Deoband adopted the political strategy along with the cultural strategy in order to function in the crucial political arenas.

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The objective of this research is to evaluate and to analyze population changes of India, the second most populous country in the world, by employing the Descriptive-Analytical method as well as using comparative studies. The primary data of the research has been collected from documentary data of the internet and library resources and the Indian census reports from the statistical center of the country.The results indicate that the fast population growth in this country has commenced since the middle of the 20th century and has continued until the end of that century, but its growth rate has decreased since the first decade of the 21st century, the level of which is different in different states of the country. India has been one of the countries with low percentage of urbanization whose urban population is about 32 percent. Life-expectancy has been increased from less than 40 years in 1955 to about 69.88 years in 2011. The average sex ratio is about 110.4, while a significant difference is observed in this case between different regions, religions’ followers, and various groups of the society. Ultimately, the success rate of family planning policy has been very different in different states of India.

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