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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This paper aims to show the impact of fear of God, as one of the most important signs of religious spirituality, on improving sexual and gender relationships in family and society as well as other social relationships and thus to offer some procedures for enhancing and expanding this character at familial and societal levels in order to reduce the problems involved in social relations specially male-female relations. With respect to the approach, a three-dimensional method which employs religious texts, sociological insight and social engineering standpoint could be seen in the article. And with regard to the value, it could be said that although fearing God is a familiar doctrine and its desirable societal outcomes specially the prevention of deviances are not deniable, reminding this nearly forgotten virtue and explaining its societal outcomes in detail could be taken as a considerable contribution to the literature of sociology of religion. Meanwhile the application of this discussion to the problems of sociology of family and sociology of gender could be considered as an important contribution to the literature of these two fields.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The role of the motherhood is the most important factor in individual and social life of the human beings. Mother willingly and /or, unwillingly, plays her role in the destination of child via various factors. Some of these factors are experimental whereas, some not. Undoubtedly, what is not in the domain experimental science cannot be grasped but, via revelationary guidance. This article studies the role of un experimental factors which are related with mother in the embryonic period. Awareness of these factors can be affective in two domains: the first one is a need to a divine school to explain the vital role of mother and, its efficacy in the physical and spiritual health of the child, before birth; the second is a multilateral awareness of the affective factors in the process of the growth of the child, from coagulation of sperm to end of life which is more than the one that physicalists emphasized on.This research would be an introduction to the religious anthropology and, developmental psychology based on Islamic teachings. The approach of this article is intra-religious in which the teratogens from Islamic teachings’ point of view are analyzed.A survey on the Islamic texts shows that the vital role of mother on fetus from coagulation of sperm to end of this period begins with physical and metaphysical factors and, it continues to the end of life. Therefore, there are some obligations for parents, specially, mothers to observe both physical and spiritual rights of the child as a heavenly trust. This article tries to clarify these rights of the parents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Various factors are engaged in broadening the culture and structures related to individualism, humanism and egoism which have provided humans with a uniform lifestyle leaving the religious in confrontation with their environs. In order to get out of this situation, the principles of a religious life must be read out and structured as ignoring any principle may have considerable qualitative and quantitative results. Considering the distinction between the sociological study and the religious dialogue about lifestyle, this paper, through a normative view deals with three principles: 1. Contentment, 2. Avoiding a Dissipating way of life, 3. Believing in the boundaries between right and wrong. As a result this article deconstructs the subject of ‘lifestyle’ and proves that without the above mentioned principles it is impossible to direct constructions based on the principles and to reform people’s mentality and education so as to establish a religious lifestyle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social institutions have not changed equally, completely and simultaneously under the impact of modernization process. Different levels of the family construction have been formed disharmoniously with social changes. That is why we are witnessing incompatible coactions among a some parts of traditional family norms on one side, and the values arisen from modernization. So that in some cases this issue has become a reason for harms and family problems because of incompatibility with the present social changes. In such conditions, families cannot be encouraged to accept traditional family norms, nor are they expected to accept modern system norms. This article studies the theoretical controversies about the future of the family and suggests the formation of a family example to go with the Iranian-Islamic identity and with applying new elements compatible with new changes which can provide the capabilities to prevent issues and social harms.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Lifestyles, since their emergence as constructive parts of modernity changes, have formed cultural and economic procedures and they even represent a quest for personal identity and have also affected social communications. Therefore sociologists are paying more attention to the subject of lifestyle these days and are studying the factors like religiosity of people influencing it.In this study which is a basic research, survey method was applied to assess the relationship between variables theoretically, and questionnaire was used to collect information. The questionnaires have been filled out through face to face method. Statistical population included 370 women of twenty years old or over, residing in Tehran. Probability sampling was put to use through multi-stage cluster sampling which is normally applied for wide areas. The research aims to examine and recognize the relationship between religiosity and lifestyle among women. The theory is based upon Weber’s theory of action. According to religiosity assessment measures of Gluck and Stark four aspects are considered to measure religiosity: beliefs, emotions, outcomes, practices and knowledge. Also, to assess life styles, three indicators of body management, interpersonal relationships, and norms of consumption were used. Findings indicate that among independent variables which have been confirmed to have a weak relationship with dependant variables (such as religiosity, cultural asset and age), the highest correlation exists between religiosity and lifestyle. It was also confirmed that there is a relationship between women’s lifestyle, their body management and their consumption norms. Among the most important achievement of this study is the relationship between religiosity and lifestyle. Accordingly, when religious institutions begins losing their power, and individual selections in the field of religion become a norm, and when intellectual and opinionative principles intermingle, individuals are not the only influential factors on people’s reactions towards social issues, decision makings, and opinions of the speakers of religion institute. Therefore beside religious options, individuals’ selective practices in the area of lifestyle are also affected by cultural patterns.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although gender justice, is considered a foreign subject in social & legal institutions and it is often taken into consideration theoretically, operationally due to the amalgamation of cultures and its unrefined foundation it has been faced with challenges, so that it requires explanation in terms of attitudes and approaches based on local & Islamic culture. In monotheistic creed, unity parity is arising from wisdom rapture, that justice will be achieved simultaneously by foundation of other valuable principles like: human dignity, security & accommodation, friendship & compassion, kindness & generosity. The purpose of this article is to explain justice principle’s central role in Islamic regulatory system & its effects on gender justice & human relations in family, so that all require expression of fundamental differences between two thought systems: Islam & humanism. According this article, methodology is based on discourse analysis, description & interpretation - dominant method in Islamic research.Findings reveal that gender justice is of the wisest characteristic of Islamic legislation system, arising out of significant proportion & distinctions in the creation & Sharia law & has tips & points within Family Emotional, Ethical & Economic Relationships, so in it, justice principle is intertwined with all human values & has provided facilitate, glorify & adjustment in the shadow of monotheistic idea & also guaranteed Sharia principles & purposes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“Equality of Genders” is a subject which has occupied the minds of academic society in recent decades. Many experts have had had theories on this subject and Islamic thinkers have tried to explain justice and equality from the Islamic point of view and they have criticized feministic approaches. There have also been researches conducted in this regard. In this article we will briefly review the mentioned theories, applying systematic review, we will also analyze the conducted researches again in the field of gender equality. Therefore out of conducted researches we have selected 20 cases in 1980s.The results reveal that in problematic level and reasons of inequality about 55 percent of the questions had the social aspect, 24% had the economic aspect, and only 21% had cultural aspect. Regarding the factors affecting inequality, among social factors “Gender Cliches”, “Patriarchy” and “Gender Sociability” factors included 17.7%, among economic factors “Women’s Employment” included 14.6%, and among contextual factors “Ethnicity” and “Education” included 7% of the most important factors. The approach adopted in all cases was equality about the gender equality and justice. It was concluded that the conducted researches have thoroughly considered the feministic perception of equality and it is necessary for the future researches to consider the local approach in respect to gender justice between two genders and Islamic elements in gender justice must be taken into consideration as the basis of research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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