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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Family is a social-biological institution and it is one of the most fundamental institutions of society. This article explores the structure of the family institution in Iran at the historical period from the Taherid dynasty to Mongols, to analyze the impact of the bondswomen on twofold function of the family. The family is taken into consideration as the institution which has been provided the individual’s emotional- sexual needs and the social- cultural security for reproduction and training children. In this regard, the paper seeks the functional roles of the bondswomen and the free women and it also goes through the other tasks of the bondswomen in the family institution to examine if there are any relations between the superabundance of the bondswomen and changes in family system

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This article aims to explore the role of the gender bias in the choice of address terms in some Iranian contemporary stories. Some address terms due to their gender distinctive functions refer either to men or women; however, as it has been observed the variability in the choice of some address forms or references are more or less due to the social status and values of the interactants in the target stories. For example, male characters would address their counter parts with their first names and the pronoun /tou/, but the female characters would address their counter part more politely with their last names with the title or the pronoun /shoma/ This article thus tends to consider the socio-pragmatic functions of address terms such as the first name, the last name, the address pronouns, the special titles, and the kinship terms. The findings indicate that the major factor affecting the choice of the address terms is based on the gender bias of the interactants.

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The distinguished gender language of the dominant gender discourse in the social atmosphere of Iran, as one of the most influential phenomenon determining the linguistic and non-linguistic actions of individuals, has been appeared in the popular magazines. It seems that the ruling ideology of the dominant gender discourse is to construct and use the self-made gender view that preserves its interests. This view deeply exerts its impact on the individuals’ social identity, therefore, we are going to analyze the dominance and the effects of this concept in the subjective subconscious and gender discourse of the Iranian society. The present study exploits the theoretical point of view of Michel Foucault and Norman Fairclough’s methodological approach to discursively analyze the stories published in Persian popular magazines during the year 1386. So, the findings of each text were analyzed with regard to the basic concepts of dominance, subversion and unconscious mind. The results indicate that individual attitudes, especially among women, are influenced by the unconsciousness affected by the dominant gender discourse demands. Therefore, they don’t act according to their demands and beliefs, but in consistence with the ruling gender discourse which uses them as a tool to reproduce the current situation.

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The aim of this study is to investigate the role and the place of women and men in vulgar tales in the 60 selected vulgar tales exploiting Parsons’ role theory and the infra- analysis method. The case tales are among which are narrated by people older than 50 years old. This paper aims, first to review the cultural elements which are verbally transferred from generation to generation, and, second, to analyze the role and the place of men and women in these folk tales. To analyze these tales by content and compare the gender roles, then, are the main concerns of the present study. The research findings state that; however, the recent statistics show that women’s role in society is not limited to the domestic ones, and some women undertake the political and economical roles, the women in these tales are mostly represented in the family with its traditional stereotypes. So, these women are characterized by weakness, inability, kindness, lack of instruments of power and the power, itself

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The paper aims to examine why women took part in the battles at the advent of Islam and how much they were effective in the promotion of Islam. The participation of women in battles in the advent of Islam is one of its undeniable and sure facts, and however, Islam is against the women to take part in battles as warriors, yet, nothing in the cases of saving oneself or defending the holy Prophet’s life, no disagreements are reported. Even he allowed his family and wives to take part in ghazvas. The presence and the participation of women in battles in the critical periods of the promotion of Islam and understanding the extent of their influence in battlefields are of great importance. Then, the historical methodology with an analytical social approach is exploited to analyze and compare the existing texts. The study results show that women took part in battles with various motives and intentions in the advent of Islam and they were there the influential and active agents to help and support men warriors back the front and when necessary, they fought at the front and even they have changed the war directions for the Muslims.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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خانواده نهادی زیستی- اجتماعی و یکی از بنیادی ترین نهادهای اجتماع است و در این نوشتار در نظر است با بررسی اجمالی ساختار نهاد خانواده در ایران در دوره تاریخی طاهریان تا مغول، تاثیر کنیزان بر کارکردهای سه گانه ی خانواده، (تامین نیازمندی های عاطفی ـ جنسی، تامین موقعیت اجتماعی ـ فرهنگی برای تولید مثل و تربیت فرزندان) و نیز مقایسه اجمالی نقش کنیزان و آزادزنان نسبت به این کارکردها و اشاراتی مختصر به دیگر وظایف کنیزان در نهاد خانواده به این پرسش پاسخ داده شود که آیا فراوانی کنیزان با تحول در نظام خانواده ارتباط دارد،

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A group of Palestinians became refugees in neighboring Arab countries after their homeland was occupied by Israel. Other part of the population continued to reside in the occupied country at Karate Gerbil and Ghazi, but they have lost the peace, and the political stability and establishment. Consequently, this disordered situation affected Palestinian poetry. Refugee status, exile, massacre, pillage, confiscation of the land and the property, demolition and destruction, etc caused the Palestinian poets to reflect their compatriot's endless sufferings post 1948. This has strengthened the Palestinians’ adherence to their national poetry. Thus, the spirit of the resistance and the liberation of the occupied homeland have become the main goal of the Palestinian Mojahids to promote and support the National Palestinian Movement

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Identity has different dimensions and the most important ones are the individual and the social. Analyzing these identities seems to be necessary in order to recognize the actual rights and to internalize the individual and social roles. The identification of the youth identity particularly among young women can be taken into consideration as an important issue in this regard. This process of identification shows some deviations about young Iranian girls and women. This has led into the adolescent girls and women to have distinct unrealistic pictures about themselves and social set up they live in. Therefore, today, they face many problems caused by their own identity. Lack of proper socially realistic education and trainings is the chief reason result in such a crisis. So, they have been deprived of the creativity and the constructiveness. The present study exploits the documentary studies to describe the identity of the adolescent Iranian girls and the factors avoid them reach the ideal Iranian-Islamic identity. Achieving the ideal identity is a tough task in the developing countries specifically because traditional and modern criteria often contradict with each other. As a matter of fact, it seems necessary to revise the perspectives on the role of the family, its Islamic viewpoints and the identity-based policies applied by the social policy makers to answer for these contradictions, as well as, culturalize the ideal identity among young girls

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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