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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study, sociological analysis of changes happened in modern individual identity and transformation of sexual identities in Iran during the 1990s, among urban middle classes. We have used qualitative method especially semiotic in order to study and analyzes these three film. The Kanaan by Mani Haghighi, The famous by Iraj Ghaderi and The None Expected by Mohammad Hadi Karimi. The findings show that during the studied decade (1990s), a kind of transformation of in timidity among people particularly in relation to the formation of the SELF has been happened which can originate from changes of the improvement of the SEL, expanding of individuality in society and changes of gender and sexuality of middle class who looking for its gender and fluid personal identity. Changes also show some degree of democratic tendencies in giving central role to women and men in the process of decision making on their bodies but also have signs of some kinds of depressing and agitations in their lives. Studying of such changes through cinema will help us better understanding of modern individual life and his minding.

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In this project have been done in descriptive-analyze method, mid utilize from mythology-psychology by studying women characters in five plays. We are searching traits of “wild woman archetype” in secret defense drama. This archetype has been formed from theories of Carel Gustave Yung, unregarded in literary and artistically studying in my country. Important asking in this article is introducing traits of wild woman archetype (that it is picture from true nature of women). We understand about reaction of these traits into secret defense drama and lack of one or several traits or overhand, inordinate emphasis on one or several traits, what respect does find with worth while sense of secret defense? In first part, psychologize, sociological and mythologic traits of wild woman archetype are studied and we have studied about cultural sensations and other elements on it. In another parts, we recount traits of wild woman and reconcile them with picture of woman in secret defense drama. In deduction are said, two traits about rellion and patience are into whole of women of sampling plays, but another traits that these are very important in personaly and social life of wild woman, creating life, vivacity and laugh aren’t into any plays. In secret defense drama, lack of creating, vivacity and joyance in protagonist woman’s life is very usual. Better recognition from wild woman archetype is able to make plat for imaging women with true nature and keeping values. Purpose of this project isn’t costing on secret defense drama by theories of Yung, rather show whether project will be about theories of Yung or another psychologists and philosophers is able to get more recognition about woman character in this plays.

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Anomy is the one of the concepts common in the sociology. That can be felt equally the anomy to anomy in connection with that, as far apart as they can be imagined. The members of the felt anomy are not anomic society and vice versa. The purpose of this article, regardless of the presence or absence anomy, Iran anomy study among sons and daughters students and the role of emotion in the music consumption is increasing or decreasing. In this context, the theories of the Pierre Bourdieu about the art and the anomy Merton’s theory has been used. We searched for survey method and the the questionnaire data have been used. The population of all students studying at the University of Shiraz is the number of 18452 persons.380 persons were selected by using the table as Lin and according to the survey respondents were divided into two groups of sons and daughters and end up using simple random sampling is to select respondents. The nominal credit for the validity and reliability of the items were used to assess its Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The results show that the consumption of music and feel there are not significant relationship anomy among students based on gender. But this is a meaningful relationship without counting the gender. This means that as more music is consumed, more felt anomy.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Global trend of fashion photography has adopted the modesty fashion photography as a new procedure for advertising the hijab fashion. The birthplace of this current is outside of Islamic countries but it has become important to accommodate fashion and photography with religious beliefs in Islamic countries. The paper tries to review the fashion photography in the field of hijab fashion concerning Iranian magazines (published or online) and to compare it with global modesty fashion photographs. Then the paper focuses on written sources for getting perception of the features and distinctions between these two trends, on the base of cultural and religious and historical backgrounds. Finally, having studied hijab fashion photographs, one would notice an endless conflict between religious and cultural taboos and psychological needs of any society, leading to a different kind of fashion photography in Iran. This metamorphosis in Iran fashion photography is the result of prohibitions in depiction of feminine bodies, on one hand, and unfamiliarity with modesty fashion Photography, on the other hand.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ferdowsi’s Shahname is a Literary work with many and varied personalities which can be converted to dramatic texts, but it needs to analyze on basis theories of dramatic characterization. Characterization of the protagonist of the play, as a key element of the show has a special component such as action and motivation to handle dramatic action, a physical and mental characteristic that distinguishes his/her from a fictional character. Sudabeh is one of the most interesting characters in Shahname. Her character traits are analogous Phaedra on a play of the same name by Jean Racine, French dramatist. She possesses features of a dramatic hero and in this paper have been tried to show Ferdowsi’s artistic method Sudabeh besides Component of characterization how have highlighted her on center of a play. In recent years, the theories of the characterization used to analyze fictional characters in ancient literature, are classical theories which are now being questioned. It needs to be addressed with new approaches to the critical analysis. One of the theories of dramatic characterization is theory of action figures which is evaluated based on the action of characters in the context of the script.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research deals with the differences in the writings of male and female authors in the contemporary Persian novels, and employs Lakoff’s (1975) linguistic approach to reach this objective. The main aim of this work is to make sure if the factor of gender may lead to differences in methods of writings between men and women in terms of vocabulary choices and syntactic variations. In this research, three novels Cheragh ha ra man khamush mikonam (I Turn off the Lights), Koliye Kenare Atash (Gypsy by the Fire), and Baziye Akhare Banu (The Final Game of the Lady) by three female authors, and the novels Kafe Piyano (Cafe Piano), Sanfoniye Mordegan (Symphony of the Dead), and Sorayya dar Eghma (Sorayya in Coma) from the male authors have been analyzed with respect to their vocabulary, and then the statistical analyses of these novels are presented. The results show differences in the writings of men and women in Persian novels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Kharijite as one of the groups in the first and second centuries, had a respectively certain attitude toward women. They have offered quite different views of woman and her participation in social and political issues including, marriage, treatment toward female prisoners, women in battles and women caliphate, which took influence of looking at surface and appearance of Quran and ideas of people of the Book and Islamic sects. Kharijite who were raised in the context of Islamic community, had more freedom for women in political and social areas, compared to other contemporary groups. This refers to certain political conditions in that period of time where the Kharijite have been. Kharijite have allowed women marry to infidles and Mavali. They also opposed to captivity of women and get bondwoman in war. Kharijite women have also active presence at battles and were the first who have allowed women caliphate in Islamic period. In this research we examine four political-social approaches of Kharijite toward women in an analytical- descriptive method (marrying to infidles and Mavali, treatment toward female prisoners, women in battles and women caliphate issues).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The art of Qajar period includes many unique features and themes. One of the most exceptional features of Qajar artworks (painting on tiles) is women motifs depicted at semiprivate and private spaces, at houses of nobilities, and palaces. Qajar women in these paintings interact with foreign women’s identity and they have shown a new face of Iranian women. The archi-myth of Qajar period is included of three different groups of myths: Islamic myths, Iranian myths and distant myths. After all, we can say in the female motifs of Qajar’s artworks, Iranian, Islamic and native identities are present simultaneously. Qajar woman has an independent entity in solitaire frames. This article has investigated the identity of the Qajar woman and her actions and her personal characteristics, by analyzing a set of visual documents- solitaire frame tiles with women motifs- which is left from that era in Shiraz’s houses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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