In this project have been done in descriptive-analyze method, mid utilize from mythology-psychology by studying women characters in five plays. We are searching traits of “wild woman archetype” in secret defense drama. This archetype has been formed from theories of Carel Gustave Yung, unregarded in literary and artistically studying in my country. Important asking in this article is introducing traits of wild woman archetype (that it is picture from true nature of women). We understand about reaction of these traits into secret defense drama and lack of one or several traits or overhand, inordinate emphasis on one or several traits, what respect does find with worth while sense of secret defense? In first part, psychologize, sociological and mythologic traits of wild woman archetype are studied and we have studied about cultural sensations and other elements on it. In another parts, we recount traits of wild woman and reconcile them with picture of woman in secret defense drama. In deduction are said, two traits about rellion and patience are into whole of women of sampling plays, but another traits that these are very important in personaly and social life of wild woman, creating life, vivacity and laugh aren’t into any plays. In secret defense drama, lack of creating, vivacity and joyance in protagonist woman’s life is very usual. Better recognition from wild woman archetype is able to make plat for imaging women with true nature and keeping values. Purpose of this project isn’t costing on secret defense drama by theories of Yung, rather show whether project will be about theories of Yung or another psychologists and philosophers is able to get more recognition about woman character in this plays.