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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Purpose: To assess three main emotions (happy, sad and calm) by various classifiers, using appropriate feature extraction and feature selection.Materials and Methods: In this study a combination of Power Spectral Density and a series of statistical features are proposed as statistical-frequency features. Next, a feature selection method from pattern recognition (PR) Tools is presented to extract major features and apply to classifiers.Results: The experimental results on various classifiers demonstrated the priority of proposed emotion assessment system to the previous ones where Back-Propagation Neural Network was the most accurate classifier to complete the proposed system and Linear Discriminant Analysis was the best choice regarding to the accuracy and runtime of the system.Conclusion: In this paper we proposed a prominent method that led to a highly accurate system with three emotion states. In this regard, unequal numbers of experiments on different emotion states were employed. This idea indicated that in order to avoid domination of one emotion state rather than other states in self-induced emotion signals unequal number of different states should be applied.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: To assess the relationship between the severity of coronary arteries involvement and the extent and pattern of myocardial scars in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance of patients with history of remote myocardial infarction.Materials and Methods: The Cardiac Magnetic Resonance images of sixty patients with history of remote ST segment or non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction were reviewed. The patients were candidates for selective coronary angiography and referred for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance imaging in order to evaluate the myocardial viability.Results: The age of patients with history of old myocardial infarction (n=60), among whom 78.3% were male, averaged 61.2 (SD=11.5). There was no association between the severity of coronary artery stenosis in each territory and the presence of myocardial scar detected by late Gadolinium enhancement of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (for all three vessel territories P=.05). However, there was a significant association between the coronary artery runoff and the presence of late Gadolinium enhancement in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (P value for left anterior descending coronary artery [LAD], left circumflex [LCX] and right coronary artery [RCA] was=.002, =.001 and=.001, respectively). A significant relationship was found between the pattern of scar in terms of being transmural or non-transmural and the severity of coronary artery stenosis (P=.001), while the pattern of scar was not associated with the coronary artery runoff (P=.2).Conclusion: The results of this study support the hypothesis contending that the time window for revascularization will increase in the presence of antegrade coronary flow in the jeopardized myocardium, which causes a limitation in the infarct progression and subsequent lesser extent of myocardial scar.

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Purpose: Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease and a cause of many disabilities in individuals. Set of symptoms and the chronic nature of this disease, together impair the mental state of the person and cause awidervariety of psychological symptoms worsening the disease. Therefor, this study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness psychological symptoms, meta-worry and thought fusion in patients suffering from Multiple sclerosis.Materials and Methods: This research is a quasi-experimental research in which pretest, post test and control group designs were used. The population included all patients recognized having multiple sclerosis admitted to the Multiple sclerosis Society of Kermanshah, among whom 24 people were chosenusing random sampling for both experimental and control groups. The instruments of study were the Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Fatigue Severity Scale, Meta-worry Questionnaire, Thought Fusion Inventory and the mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy package.Results: The results of the study showed that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy effectively lowers the rates of depression, anxiety, meta-worry and thought fusion in patients with Multiple sclerosis but is not effective in reducing fatigue severity in these patients.Conclusion: Although drug treatments are effective in relieving the symptoms of Multiple sclerosis, they conversely accompany with a lot of side effects. Thus, the implicit orientation of this study suggests that the variables of depression, anxiety, meta-worry and thought fusion can significantly be improved as the result ofmindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Health authorities in this area should try to consider this therapy as a complementary therapy in the afore mentioned patients.

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Purpose: Microgravity causes major changes in various systems of the body in space, such as shift in cerebrospinal fluid, decreased red blood cells count, and electrolyte loss. These complications are very important in space and we should find new approaches to prevent the side effects of microgravity in astronauts.Materials and Methods: This experimental study was conducted on 21 adult male rats in three groups: control, Hind-limb unloaded, Hind-limb unloaded plus Erythropoietin. SPSS software was used for data analysis. RBC indices were assessed in the first, third and fourteenth day in different groups.Results: The highest mean of hemoglobin was 17.98 ±.35 in the Hind-limb unloaded plus Erythropoietin group (on the 3rd day) and the lowest amount was 13.52 ± 1.22 in the Hind-limb unloaded group (on the 14th day). The P value to compare RBC and reticulocyte count in Hindlimb unloaded group with those in Hind-limb unloaded plus Erythropoietin group was.017 (on the3rd day), to compare hemoglobin in Hind-limb unloaded group with that in Hind-limb unloaded plus Erythropoietin group was 0.004 (on the 3rd day), and to compare reticulocyte values in Hind-limb unloaded group with those of Hind-limb unloaded plus Erythropoietin group was 0.036 (on the 14th day).Conclusion: The lowest amount of RBC indices was in the Hind-limb unloaded group (on the 14th day). RBC indices were significantly higher in Hind-limb unloaded plus Erythropoietin group than those on the 1st day. Erythropoietin injection induced significant improvement in RBC indices in rats under microgravity condition. Erythropoietin is very useful to prevent space anemia and its highest effect occurson the 3rd day after injection. This is as an innovative method to prevent space anemia.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: The quality of life is the overall well-being of individuals and societies. This study aimed to compare the quality of life between students in Imam Hossein University and Iranian students’ norms and the effects of high and moderate physical activity on the quality of life.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional, retroactive and comparative research.A sample of 227 scholar students of Imam Hossein University was randomly selected and asked to fill out WHOQOL-BREF and Global Physical Activity Questionnaire.Results: The results pointed out that physical and environmental dimensions show the highest and the lowest scores, respectively, among quality of life domains. Moreover, it was shown that psychological (t=7.75, P=.0001) and environmental (t=6.33, P=.0001) domains of Imam Hossein University students were better than Iranian students’ norms. In addition, students with high physical activity had higher scores of Physical health (t=2.94, P=.004), psychological well-being (t=2.17, P=.031), and total quality of life (t=2.57, P=.011) in comparison with those with moderate levels of physical activity.Conclusion: Imam Hossein University students had a better perceived image of their body and appearance, more positive feelings, more self-esteem, more spiritual orientation, and religious and constructive personal beliefs. They also showed better learning potential, better memory, and better concentration powers while they had lower negative feelings. These findings were attributed to Imam Hossein University students’ monetary provisions, scholarships and the curriculum. Furthermore, it seems that high physical activity triggers better quality of life in young students, overall.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: To investigate the factors affecting communicational skills of regimental commanders toward conscripts at an army introductory military training center in Tehran.Materials and Methods: The participants were 82 regimental commanders of the regiments and battalions of an introductory military training center. A 21-item questionnaire was used to collect the required data. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the data. Pearson correlation coefficient tests and stepwise regression were also used.Results: Stepwise regression analysis indicates that in the first step, the individual factors are involved in Regression equation. Individual factors predict 28% and in the second step, environmental and organizational factors can predict 35% of the regimental commanders’communicational skills toward conscripts at the studied military training center.Conclusion: There is a meaningful correlation between the environmental factors and regimental commanders’ communicational skills.

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Purpose: According to frequent needs to gastric decompression by nasogastric tube insertion during laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, the current comparative study was accomplished through single blind clinical trial considering both the presence and the absence of guide wire insertion.Materials and Methods: Twenty patients were selected for elective surgery of laparoscopic Cholecystectomywith general anesthesia. Guide wires were usedin the nasogastric tube insertion operation of patients with even numberswhile the operation of patients with odd numberswas not assisted withthese guide wires. Afterwards, the considered parameters between the two groups were evaluated. The gathered data was analyzed by SPSS softwareversion 18.The results were considered statistically significant for (P=.05).Results: The two groups were uniform regarding demographic parameters such as age, and sex (P=.05).In the group utilized guide wiresthe surgeon’s satisfaction rate was higher while some other parameters such as trial score, bleeding episodes, insertion time, and Rate-Pressure Production Index were meaningfully lower than the those of the group not utilized guide wires.Also, in both groups the success rate of insertion through left nostril was statistically higher (P=.05).Conclusion: In laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, theinsertion method of nasogastric tube with guide wires is better than not using theguide wires.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Purpose: Obesity is one of the most common problems in the world. Imbalance between energy consumption and expenditure is a main factor in weight disorder. Exercise helps losing weight by increasing energy expenditure and modulation of the energy intake. The present study examined protective effects of daily moderate aerobic exercise on preventing weight gain in high fat diet rats.Materials and Methods: Male wistar rats weighing 200 ± 20 grams were randomly divided into 4 groups of five rats as follow: Normal (cont), Normal and exercise (Ex), sedentary and high fat diet (HFD/sed) and exercise and high fat diet (HFD/Ex). High fat diet (HFD) was made by adding 10% animal oil to the standard rodent chow. Exercise protocol consisted of swimming for 1 hr/day, 5 days/week for a period of 8 weeks. Weight gain was calculated according to weight of each rat in the initiation of exercise and food intake was measured in a certain day each week.Results: Moderate swimming exercise increased the food intake in control group, which was significant in the first (P=001), third, fourth, fifth (P=.05) and eighth weeks (P=.001).Moderate swimming exercise decreased the food intake in HFD/Ex group, which was significant in the first and third weeks (P=.001). HFD decreased the food intake in the first, second, third, (P=.001) fourth and fifth weeks (P=.05) in comparison with the control group. There was a gradual increment of weight gain in all groups during the experiment without any significant difference.Conclusion: Findings of this study indicated that moderate swimming exercise without any calorie restrictions was not sufficient to prevent weight gain.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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