Affiixal structure of Farsi language allows a large amount of complex structures with various features that make the design of a complete lexicon rather impossible. But, according to have a fairly definite structure, this problem could be resolved by a morphological analyzer. In Farsi, adjacent morphemes rarely affect each other and on the other hand multiple affixes could appear on the same word, hence, Link grammar as a powerful formalism could be used for this purpose and makes the transformation from traditional to computational grammar more cost effective.Through introducing a system, which is able to decompose a word to its morphemes and reflects its features, we will give a complete survey on Farsi Morphology from a computational viewpoint. Unlike other approaches such as Finite State Transducers, the system covers derivational affixes as well as inflectional ones. Besides, we introduce an approach to represent features in this formalism. Knowledge of the system is listed, in details to make the approach most clarified.