The study of area base of tectonically division of Iran is situated in on the central part of DEHAJ-SARDUIEH volcanic belt. Based on Morphology and climate this area mountain and has a rough topography. The oldest units are composed of Eocen volcano sedimentary complex, which are intruded by intrusive bodies of probable oligo-miocen age and has occurred mineralization and alteration in the area.Frequency histogram of copper, lead, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum By means of SPSS software were obtained. Due to asymtic of their distribution function and there shoaling (X+2S), were obtained there fore its results showed the their distribution were Anomaly an the area, also for investigation of correlation Anomaly among of elements the SPERMAN correlations were calculated. According to the results show that correlation coefficient Cu, with Mo and Co were higher than the other. In contrast to the relation ship between copper and Ni not showed. The distribution geochemistry maps for elements (Cu, Mo, Zn and Pb) have been draw. The result show that highest anormal accumulation in the around BAGH - HAJI village. BAGH - HAJI occurrence, According to know mineralization, geology, geochemistry and copper grade, this occurrence can be taken in the first step of next exploration.