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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, reserve evaluations of by products (metals and precious elements) are an important operation in mining exploration. Also, this occur high rate difference in mine planning and extraction operation program. Titanium and vanadium are the important elements in the world because these are using in strategic industries. In Iron ore reserves in Bafq are found high amount of titanium, vanadium and rare earth elements. Norh Anomaly iron ore is one the Bafq iron ores situated in 11 Km NW of Choghart iron mine. This deposit divided to three blocks by tectonic effects: eastern, central, western. In this paper, central block is 3D modeled by Data Mine software and titanium and vanadium reserves are evaluated. First, information are entered and classified. Next, geological sections are prepared. Finally, 3D model of central block is designed and evaluated titanium and vanadium reserves by Data Mine software.

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Northern Anomaly iron deposit, as one of the largest reserves at Bafq area, is situated at a distance of 10 kilometers on the North West of Choghart iron mine. The host rocks of this deposit are dominantly composed of hypabyssal to extrusive igneous rocks of acidic nature such as rhyolite, trachyte and microgranite that are metasomatised to a great extent. The effects of metasomatic phenomenon has resulted in fundamental changes in the mineral composition of the host rocks in such a way that the basic minerals. Quartz and feldspar have recrystallized and new metasomatic ones viz. tremolite, actinolite, chlorite, epidote and calcite have been formed.The main mineral of the deposit is magnetite that is converted into hematites in shallow depth as well as surficial portions of the ore body.Minute particles of pyrite are scattered throughout the ore. The results of mineralogical studies revealed the presence of at least two phases of pyrite formation in this ore deposit. X-ray diffractometry on samples taken out from a depth of 285-300 meters showed that mineral taenite occurs in some of the borehole samples as an exsoluted crystal phase in association with magnetite (on the octahedral faces of magnetite crystals). Normally, taenite is found in iron meteorites, the sudden release of pressure during magmatic phases can result in its separation from magnetite.The occurrence of taenite considered along with the geochemical investigations, are both indicative of low-grade low-phosphorous apatitic iron deposit of magmatic origin.

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Platinum-Group elements (PGE) deposits often found with layered mafic–ultramafic association and PGE enrichments occur in Cu and Ni-rich sulfide mineralization. Faryab ophiolite area is the main resources of chromite in south of Iran that has sulfide mineralization in different lithology. Sulfide phases recognized by Microscopic methods. It indicates that main sulfides are including pyrrhotite, pentlandite, millerite and heazlewoodite. Samples are analyzed by ICP-MS, XRf and Atomic absortion. Results indicate that nickel sulfide mineralization has occurred.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2013

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The Barite mine of Komshecheh is located in north eastern of Isfahan province and south western of Ardestan County at 30o12' N, 52o02' E coordinates.The ore reserves are formed among anticlines which their main axle public orientation are north eastern-south western. Barite occurs above crest lines and toward down and beside anticlines. Barite reserves are located beneath a conical hill that their stones are Triassic Dolomite.Based on the exploration operation, Barite is located among Triassic Dolomite as three main veins and some layer like forms; these layers are accordance with sedimentary layers.Komshecheh barite generally considered as worthy mine, containing 20 percent of Fluorine and lower percentage of Calcite and Quartz inside veins. Veins’ protractions are north-south and their slopes are almost vertical and somewhere are 80 degree to east. Totally, the amounts of Fluorine among veins are layer concentration form and Barite concentration looking like lenses inside a layer form.

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The study of area base of tectonically division of Iran is situated in on the central part of DEHAJ-SARDUIEH volcanic belt. Based on Morphology and climate this area mountain and has a rough topography. The oldest units are composed of Eocen volcano sedimentary complex, which are intruded by intrusive bodies of probable oligo-miocen age and has occurred mineralization and alteration in the area.Frequency histogram of copper, lead, zinc, cobalt and molybdenum By means of SPSS software were obtained. Due to asymtic of their distribution function and there shoaling (X+2S), were obtained there fore its results showed the their distribution were Anomaly an the area, also for investigation of correlation Anomaly among of elements the SPERMAN correlations were calculated. According to the results show that correlation coefficient Cu, with Mo and Co were higher than the other. In contrast to the relation ship between copper and Ni not showed. The distribution geochemistry maps for elements (Cu, Mo, Zn and Pb) have been draw. The result show that highest anormal accumulation in the around BAGH - HAJI village. BAGH - HAJI occurrence, According to know mineralization, geology, geochemistry and copper grade, this occurrence can be taken in the first step of next exploration.

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Fully-processed gamma ray survey data can be present in a variety of ways to enable interpretation of radioelement profiles and grids. Since 1990's, the enhancement of gamma ray spectrometric data is benefited from digital image processing techniques. Nevertheless, the traditional presentation methods, such as profiles and contour maps, have their advantages, and are still in common use today. Although some visualization methods can considered as routine in the presentation of gamma ray spectrometry data, none of the individual methods are universally appliance to all gamma ray mapping applications. In the general, one should experiment with different methods to find those that are optimally suited for a particular interpretation. Image presentations of airborne gamma ray spectrometric have gained enormous popularity with the development of low-cost image processing systems. Image presentations of data are far easier to visualize than the conventional contour and profile maps, although they lack the absolute quantitative value of the older methods. The image format also enables the interpreter to benefit from a variety of digital of specific features. In this article, we utilized from variety of techniques that are used for drawing of digital airborne radiometric data, and also utilized from color spaces to interpretations of  airborne radiometric data in barandegh area, in southwest of masoleh at Gillan state, then provided the ternary radioelement maps in RGB color space and in the end interpreted and processed this images. All this images are made by Geo Soft software.

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Gorgan metamorphic complex located with the length of 110 km and with of 2 to 10km parallel to general E-W direction of eastern Alborz. Shear zone was detected extensively in the region which some of them contain considerable olistolith fragments. By studying the kinematics and geometry, this zone is divided in to 3 kinds:1- Mehdi-Rajah Shear zone in northern part2- Reverse shear zones of the southern part of Gorgan Metamorphic Complex3- Naharkhoran-Toskestan Shear zones in Eastern partMehdi-Rajeh shear zone with slow slope towards the south which by field and laboratory studies considered to be Khazar fault with reverse mechanism.Southern shear zones with different distances with the direction of roughly east-west with the slope of N-NW and begins from Niala shear zone and continue to Deraznoo. All this shear zones are reverse.Naharkhoran-Toskestan shear zone in the east with steep slope from Naharkhoran towards Toskestan. With respect to the studies in the field, shear zones of eastern part to Gorgan metamorphic complex connected to the shear zones of southern part.The previous studies on Gorgan metamorphic complex showed that folds and faults of the region formed simultaneously with the placement of Gorgan metamorphic complex the mechanism of shear zone have a close relation with explored structures in the region and it seems that these zones formed simultaneously with placement of Gorgan metamorphic complex in the northern margin of Iran.

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Make a distinction of geochemical anomalies from background values in exploration operation is one of the most important stages. Recognition of suitable methods for distinction of anomaly from background need to exactly process and application of professional techniques, such as concentration - Area (C-A) method that honor parameter of spatial location of samples. Using ancient and traditional methods such as`X+2S without regarding to spatial location and only in face of 2-D, in Ghoolan region has been ignored some real anomalies. Operation of C-A and statistical`X +2S methods on stream sediments data and estimation of threshold and drawing cumulative distribution function (CDF) map for Cu, Mo using both of methods, have been detected some area as anomaly foe every elements. Finally, comparing to results of both of this two methods have been determined, for detection extender geochemical haloes C-A method has been useful and this method can recover weak anomalies and it has more exactly than`X+2S method.

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Inverse modeling of geoelectrical data is an important method exploration and underground water studies. Intrinsic nonlinear nature of geophysical data is obstacle in modeling procedure. Here we describe a study of the applicability of neural networks to solving some geophysical inverse problems. In particular, we study the problem of obtaining formation resistivities and layer thicknesses from vertical electrical sounding (VES) data.

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