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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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At the present study, social and cultural factors affecting social trust have been investigated. for theoretical framework of the study, perspectives of scientists like Coleman, Putnam, Giddens, Tunis, Offe have been applied. Till now the studies on social and cultural factors affecting social trust have been investigated. For theoretical framework of the study, viewpoints of scientists like Coleman, Putnam, Giddens, Tunis, Offe have been applied. This study has been adopted using survey method and using questionnaire. The group of 400 people in age range of 18-25 years old, from Sari, Babol, Amol and Tonekabon were selected using Cochran formula based on random and cluster sampling method. After collection of data and confirmation of the instrument's validity by the professors, reliability of the questionnaire was also judged using Cronbach alpha in SPSS software. Final data analysis has been done descriptively using frequency, percent and diagrams and in inferential statistics, questions have been analyzed using Friedman test, Man Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Spearman Correlation. Findings of the study indicate that there is a significant difference among types of social trust. There is a significant correlation between perception of social openness and social trust. Also, there is a significant correlation between belief in social values and social trust. There is a significant correlation between attitude to government's performance and social trust.

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Instagram is the fastest growing social network site globally. Instagram is an online, mobile phone photo-sharing, video-sharing, and social network service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and then share them on other platforms. The purpose of this study is to distinguish the student’s Instagram social network addiction by personality, alexithymia and attachment styles in Tehran city. In this correlational study, a group of 100 high school students (50 Instagram social network addicted and 50 non -addicted) as multi stage sampling are selected. The data collected by the questionnaires of Costa and McCrae (1982) personality scale, Bagboy, Parker and Taylor's twenty-item Toronto alexithymia scale (1994), Collins and Read attachment styles scale (1990) and researcher made Instagram. The obtained data were analyzed by using the technique of discriminated analysis. The results of the discriminant analysis showed that variables of neuroticism, alexithymia, ambivalent and avoidant attachment style can help in predicting how students are involved in Instagram addiction. The study selected 81 percent of the students for their actual classification. The results of this study emphasized on relationship between neuroticism, alexithymia, ambivalent and avoidant attachment style with Instagram addiction. Thus, the prevention and treatment of dependence to Instagram mentioned variables are very important.

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This study aims to investigate the role played by social networks, including Facebook and Telegram, in changing the social life styles of the young and middle-aged generations of Iranian society. The research method consists of survey group of 512 people of the young and middle-aged generations selected from 5 provinces using multi-stage cluster sampling. Data were collected using a research-made questionnaire. The results show that there is a close relationship between the use of social networks, including Facebook and Telegram, and their difference in intergenerational value. But in most cases, this convergence is not positive and reduces the tendency of young people towards the values of the Iranian society. According to the research findings, there is a direct and significant relationship between the use of the social networks, including Facebook and Telegram, the social values of individualism, selection of modern clothes, and criteria of spouse selection among the young and middle-aged generation. Moreover, there is an inverse and significant relationship between social values of legalism, religiosity and accountability, ethical criteria for spouse selection, and selection of traditional clothes.

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In this research, it has been attempted to determine the social role of two languages, Persian and Mazandarani languages in Qaemshahr and their influence on young people on the use of these linguistic species. In societies with more than one language, we see the collision of languages in various forms. In other words, some consequences of this collision of language cause the loss of the importance of local language and dialects. This loosing of the importance is much influenced development of various industrial organizations in recent years. Technology and communication has led to the influx of native speakers into official and authentic languages. This is an important factor in undermining the status of local languages and a threat to their survival. Mazandarani is one of the regional languages in our country, and its application has been reducing in years to come. The purpose of this research is to study the position and situation of Persian language and its application among youth in Qaemshahr, Iran. This town is an industrial city, and with industrial development, youth's employment in various industries, education, and urbanization are the vital factors in use of Persian language in urban areas and in different situations. In general, it must be clarified/noted the education media is emphasizing on Persian in technology and engineering. The grasp of language is more in lower age groups than older people, and among women is more than men and among urban people is more than rural people. In general, the research findings indicate the erosion and gradual deterioration of the Mazandarani dialect in different areas of the region is increasing.

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Social trust is one of the important factors of the social relations, the social order and also the social capital. It also possesses an effective role in the development of the society. Its increase and decrease will influence on the primary groups and institutions to the entire society. Social trust is influenced by various factors and variables. The change in these factors will change the extent of the social trust. Particularly, the issue becomes more important by the social changes and the isolation between the society and the traditional conditions. The study has been done aiming to measure the extent of social trust and its sub-branches among the young people of Hamadan and its effective and related important factors especially religiosity, social satisfaction, sense of security and sense of justice. The study has been done using the mixed theoretical approach based on Putnam, Colman, Giddens theories and survey method using questionnaires with 385 subjects (based on Cochran formula). Data has been analyzed by SPSS and the model exam (structural equations) has been done by Amos. The results of the study indicated that the extent of the social trust among the young people is average. The most trust is interpersonal trust and the less extent of trust is in the public dimension. There is a positive, strong and significant correlation between the variables of the religiosity, the social satisfaction, sense of security, and sense of justice and the young people's social trust. Also, there is a negative and reverse relationship between education, family expenses, area of residence and the social trust.59% of the young people’s social trust changes have been explained by the mentioned variables.

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The purpose of this study is to do a sociological survey of the factors affecting tourism satisfaction. This study is carried out with sample group of 250 foreign tourists in Kish Island, by the survey method and the data is collected by an English questionnaire. The study uses Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory, Homans’ Exchange Theory, and Morton’s Instrument and Goal Theory to explain the tourism satisfaction. The findings of this survey showed that there are meaningful and positive relationships between the factors of population, economy, tourism knowledge, tourism experiences, tourism attractions, propaganda, Iran’s political situation, nationality, religion, and tourism satisfaction. The results of the multivariable analysis show that the variables of market attraction, tourists’ rights, historical attractions, and the age are the parameters that are most effective. The factors are entered into the regression equation in the field of tourism satisfaction and they could explain more than half of the changes of the dependent variable. The study model explains more than half of the variance of the dependent variable (tourism satisfaction). Regarding this, it seems that the theoretical model of the study, which is derived from the theories of Maslow, Homans and Morton, is a proper and efficient model to evaluate the tourism satisfaction.

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Awareness of the citizenship rights and duties is the first prerequisite for asking the right and performing duties and obligations. Members of the temporal community find opportunity to participate to be aware of their own rights, duties and obligations on one hand, and the rights, duties and responsibilities of the existing institutions on the other hand. The main aim of this study is to investigate the factors affecting awareness of citizenship rights of youths. Then, views of the sociologists such as Weber, Marshall, Parsons, Turner and Habermas and also Keith Faulks towards the postmodern citizenship were investigated and finally the views of Marshall, Habermas, Parsons and Turner have been used for the theoretical framework. Survey and questionnaire technique methods were used to collect data to investigate this issue. The Statistical population was the youth of 18-29 years in Bandar Abbas. Multi-stage cluster sampling has been used for sampling and the sample size was of 280 individuals using the Cochrane formula. And Pearson tests as well as regression analysis and path analysis have been used to test the hypotheses. The results of the study show that awareness of citizenship rights had been more than awareness of citizenship duties. Also, universality variables, social economic base, having cultural resources and social trust are correlated with citizenship awareness and 52.5% of variance of awareness of citizenship have been predicted by the above variables.

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This investigation is about the cultural, social, and legal factors influencing on the amount of dowry. Hence, we used structuralism theory, functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and reasonable selection, theory of mass society and media power and religiosity theory. Therefore, for this topic we examined cluster random sampling of the 384 married men and women of 18 to 35 years in Qom. The results of this study have shown that women with higher education and higher status have higher dowry. According to the results, dowry has different meanings between different ethnic groups. There is a significant relationship between family members, reference group, mass media and feeling of security, fear of the future, emulation, conformity, legal awareness, and religious quality, kinship, lodging and determining the amount of dowry. But there is no relationship between people experiencing divorce, native people, age at marriage and dowry.

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