In order to identify the plant parasitic nematodes of potato field in Lorestan province, 70 soil and root samples were collected from different regions of Lorestan province, during years 2013- 2014. After extraction and preparation of permanent microscope slides, by using of light microscope, equipped with digital camera. According to morphologic and morphometric characters and valid key nematodes species studied and identified, and their relative abundance determined. In this research 28 nematode species belonging to 19 genera of suborder Tylenchina including Aphelenchoides graminis, Aphelenchus avenae, Boleodorus thylactus, Ditylenchus medicaginis, D. dipsaci, D. myceliophagus, Ektaphelenchoides sp., Filenchus andrassy, F. hamatus, Geocenamus rugosus, Helicotylenchus digonicus, H. tunisiensis, H. vulgaris, Irantylenchus vicinus, Merlinius brevidens, M. nanus, M. microdorus, Mesocriconema sp., Neopsilenchus magnidens, Paraphelenchus amblyurus, Paratylenchus sp, Pratylenchoides ritteri, Pratylenchus neglectus, P. thornei,, Psilenchus hilarulus, Rotylenchus cypriensis, Tylenchorhynchus dubius, Zygotylenchus quevaria were identified. The Aphelenchoides graminis and male of Pratylenchus neglectus and Filenchus andrassy are new recordes for Iran so the descriptions of this species and male and female of Pratylenchus thornei are presented in this paper. The characterstics of Ektaphelenchoides sp. were different from the described species of this genus and its identification is going on The results showed that Pratylenchus neglectus, Ditylenchus medicaginis and Pratylenchus neglectus with 78.57, 71.42 and 57.14PFP, respectively, have the highest PFP in potatoes field of Lorestan province.