Freedom is an innate need which is a salient feature of human being. Mankind is created free as it cited in Imam Ali’s speech:Don’t be slave, God has created you freely.The reflection of this feature has been in the Persian literatures long ago, this thought has been presented in the early Persian literatures till the present himes in different ways.In this article I have tried to analyze and follow this sabject matter in the Persian literatures, I have come to the conclusion that freedom has three distinctive meanings in the Persian literatures.The first meaning is in the early poets such as Naser khosrou, Masoude Sad, and khaghani. It refers to the releasing from prisons and abstacles towhich free humans for difherent reasons are involved. In his respect, poets such as Masoude Sad and khaghani and in the recent times lecturers like Malekolshoarabahar and Faroukhi Yazd, have verses under the title of ' imprisonment that at the present times, they are known as prison literatures.The second meaning is in the mystical contexts and refers to the setting free from materialistic obstacles to which human spirits are involved. These materialistic obstacles restrain human spirits to reach to their highest level of the spirituality. Body, time, place, sensual pleasures, ambitious, celebrity, etc… are all obstacles which restrain human spirit these obstacles are Presented through frameworks of novels, anecdotes, allegories etc…The third meaning hasn’t any record in our ancient literatures. It has been started from Mashroutiyat period till the present times. Poets and writers like Mirzadeh eshghi, Nasimeshomal (Seyyed Ashrafodin Gilani) faroukhi yazdi, Malekolshoarabahar, Dehkhoda and the likes have made use of it in their works.