Manliness is a social norm in Iran. The present research seeks to explore the Gnostics texts (from the beginning era until the ninth century) in search of manliness in sayings and manifestation in Gnostics’ lives while concluding that manliness is in Koran and Hadith. Gnostics believe that prophet Mohammad, Imam ALi and Imam Sadegh are true manifestation of manliness. In general Gnostics texts define manliness as donating one’s rights to others and practicing freedom. Major moral components of manliness include fight against egotism, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, trustworthiness, modesty, concealing other faults, fidelity, respecting the old and honoring the guests. Manliness is not only a social norms leading to forgiveness, peace constant preference of others to one’s advantage but also has a religious meaning. This latter term is defined as praising God and avoiding satin (deceiving elements). Manliness against one’s soul refers to one’s liberation from both worldly and unworldly wishes, i.e. preserving one’s human identity.