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Hafez is the composer of love and mysticism in the Persian poetry. In the Persian literature especially in poetry we see so many verses about love and mysticism. Therefore there is no need to discuss about them anymore. However, in Hafez poems the composition of love and mysticism is so creative that there is still need for discussing about them. Among Hafez poetry, there is some love poetry. In this article a lot of mystical poetry and the rest of them is a combination of love and mystical poetry. In this article the love and mystical poetry of Hafez has been identified; however, the exact distinction is not decisive.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Among Farsi speaking woman who have the talent of composing poetry, few have reached the highest position. Therefore, these few poets are recognizable in the Persian literature. One of them is Mastoeh Kordestani. A woman with great talent in literature; especially, composing poetry. All literary works belonging to this poet were distorted except her Divan which includes two thousands couplets and a book about the history of Kordeastan. Her history book is the biography of the rulers of Ardalan. From the beginning of this dynasty to the poet's period. Mastoreh is a Shiite poet whose poems describe Shiite Imam especially Imam Ali. Her poems are very similar to Iraqi style. Mostoeh was an eloquent speaker and was overwhelmed in mystical word. This doesn’t mean that her poems are deprived of social concepts and conflicts. Her poems are overflowed with humanitarian values and religious concepts. In her poetry you can see the mourning for Imam Hossein and praise for Prophet Mohammad and other Imams. Other aspects of her poetry are mysticism and concepts related to it.

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Prose texts of Safavid haven't many literary and artistic values in comparison with previous periods. Therefore, little attention has been paid to them. However, a close look at that period shows that there are some books which deserve attentions. One of them is Khaghani's Jahangosha. This book has received little attention by the literary researchers of Safavid periods. The book explains the exact report of Shah Soltan Abbas's life and detailed descriptions of important historical events in Safavid periods. They contain techniques of telling stories very similar to Naghali by using many idioms and Divan compounds. Sentences with figurative speech are identifiable throughout two manuscripts. This article in addition to introducing the book and investigating its literary values, presents two more writings which have been written after Khaghani's Jahanghosh.

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This article tries to answer this question "with regard to the fact that that the couplet Matla-ol-Anvar is the book of mysticism, research and didactic, which components of moral elements have been used in it?" In order to answer this question, first these moral elements were extracted from the text and moral excellences which are called Maqamat and the spiritual manners which are called Ahval were separated. Therefore, this article deals with individual and social behaviors considering Amir Khosrow Dihlavi’s criticism of factitious Sufis. Results show that Amir Khosrow in Matla-ol-Anvar, considering mystical morality, has invited the reader to moral individual manners such as self analysis, knowing God, purity, hermit, solitude, research, following preceptor and contentment. In moral manners (not too subtly separating individual and social moralities) he has dealt with generosity, beneficence, trusteeship, respecting parents, preserving limbs from sins and violence toward people, friendship etiquette, etc.Entirely one can visualize morality in Matla-ol-Anvar as practical.

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The conversation of people in a story is on of techniques in characterization. Characters come into existence by speaking. Every person shows her/his social class, education, knowledge and etc through conversation. The ability of creating characters through dialogues is not an easy task especially if the literary work to be in the form of poetry. In this article the story of "the caliph who was more generous than Hatam Taee" is analyzed from content point of view to show the power of conversation in creating an artistic piece of literary work. This story is written by Mollavi and it is based on Attar's Mosibat Nameh and Aufi's Javameol Al Hekayat. This comparison has been carried out to show the supervisory of Mollavi in creating true characters out of conversations. Mollavi with a great talent depict the Morales of social class, their thoughts and feeling. Moreover through lengthy dialogues he has achieved his goal namely creating an artistic literary work.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Prayer is the foundation of religion and the nearest way to approach Allah. Saying prayers with great attention results in the achievement of treasures of secret and divine realities and consequently to the everlasting beloved. Prayer is the best and the most effective device to fight against Satan and its deceits. It is the predictor of man and causes him to be relieved from the jaws of the devil of self. It renews the first servitude contract between man and his God. This percept that Prophet Mohammad has called it his “eye sight”- has such a position that saying even two units of it is superior to the entire world and its preferences and leaving it results in the destruction of religion. Molavi, who is one of the most famous eloquent Gnostic speakers, considers an external and an internal appearance for prayers that the person who says the prayers, depending on his own capabilities and the extent he understands its reality can achieve the goal of prayer and approach Allah. He considers the prayer said with love to be superior to the prayer said with asceticism, because while ascetic approaches his beloved very slowly and with his physical foot. The Gnostic man paves this way through love wings and gets closer and closer to his beloved.  He considers cleaning the self from preventive thoughts and the idols of carnal desires as a necessity for passing exaltation way, and based on holy verses, he believes that not only human beings and angels, but also animals, plants, and things all praise Allah, however, one need to possess heart ears to be able to hear such a nice melody.This research has investigated the ascetic appearance of prayer in the poems of Molavi based on Masnavi and according to verses of holy Quran, and honorable traditions. Moreover, the speech of ascetic people and especially those of the followers of Molavi have been referred to.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There are some letters of alphabet in Persian language which have exceptional impact on word formation and hence its spelling. Being unaware of their rules, one might make some mistakes branding him as unknowledgeable.This paper, which actually pursues Dr. Ahmad Tamimdari's article entitled "Verb-ending Pronouns and Their Writing Methods in Persian Orthography" published in the fifth edition of Literary Researches Quarterly, makes an attempt to provide the reader with a detailed and intensive analysis of the way Hamze, Alef, Vav, Ha, Ya are written in Persian and how they might undergo alterations.The author believes that, such an analysis can be of great use for the students and those who seek an interest in Persian language and its orthography.It has also been endeavored to express the rules and significant points in the simplest way possible, and the inclusion of new terminology in which Iranian linguists are very much interested have been avoided. On the contrary, the author tried to define and justify the traditional literature and linguistic terms, so that no punctuation is observed between our young researchers and their traditional culture and literature.Writing this paper, the author had no alternative but getting involved in grammatical fields, phonetic alterations, alphabetical conversion, and the related terminology. Thus despite the hard effort to express them in the simplest way, the outcome has turned out to be a detailed one. If we intended to be still more economical in this respect, it would be very likely for our mutual understanding with the reader to be distorted.The reason for selecting these five letters is that, they are greatly dependent on each other, and if one was ignored, the chain would most probably be torn up, and their dispersion would cause nothing but imperfection.The author has put the issue forward in the hope of paving the way for critical discussion in the field, and it can be considered as a sign of success if such a result is obtained.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Each literary genre can contain other genres. Attars poems have different concepts and meanings as well as didactic aspect. Being aware of concepts and literary genres of these works and whether a frequency of a literary genres and special poetic concept are identical in all poems necessitate the investigating of these works team the literary genres point of view. Twenty-eight literary genres and poetic concepts were found by investigating and carful studying of four poems of attar (elahi nam-e, asrar nam-e,manteq-al-teir, mosibat nam-e) and as a result the exact statistics of each kinds and concepts in each poem and also overlapping of them with each other were concluded.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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