The superiority of the geosynthetic reinforced soil wall to another reinforced soil systems, is led to the increasing expansion. So far many studied have been conducted on geosynthetics reinforced soil walls, with assuming rigid bed. But the behavior of this system and mechanism of it components has less been considered when the bed is compressible or loose. The present study investigated the effect of effective parameters (i. e., facing inclination, connection type of geogrids to the facing, toe condition, length of reinforcement and vertical distance of reinforcements) on the behavior of reinforced soil wall seated on compressible bed, using finite element method. Also the behavior of the wall under conditions of end of construction and surcharge loading has been investigated. The results showed that the parameters that had the greatest effect on the behavior of the reinforced soil wall during the weakening of the bed, is facing inclination, vertical distance between reinforcements and toe condition. Decreasing vertical distance of reinforcements and increasing facing inclination, has led to significantly decrease in horizontal displacement of wall and maximum reinforcement load. Also according to the results, the bed with compressible soil, the type of connection of reinforcement and length of reinforcement did not show a significant effect on the improvement of the wall’ s behavior, except when the wall was placed on a loose bed.