For the first time, Julia Kristeva, while exploring Bakhtine’s ideas such as "dialogical logic" and their application to literary texts, introduced the term of "intertextuality". She considered intertextual relations and considerations as rationales in freeing the literary text from a limited semantic system. From then on, Kristeva and other post-structuralists such as Roland Barthes extended many of the ideas associated with "dialogism" and they approved that every literary text have a continuous and solid link with other texts. From this perspective, none of the text is lone and novel rather and emerged and derived from different and plural cultural origins.In this paper, for applying the intertextuality theory to the contemporary Iranian poetry, we have chosen poems of Qeysar Aminpour and believe that intertextual relations and considerations in his poetry have institutionalized a remarkable essence of dialogism and have substantially led to complete the meaning of his text. In other words, we believe that the intertextual considerations and relations in Aminpour’s poetry fulfill two principal functions: "create the character of dialogism" and "help complete the basic implications of meaning". In this paper, apart from explaining the results which are obtained in the light of intertextual reading of Aminpour's poetry, it aims to examine the possibility of applying this theory to other poetry especially the contemporary Iranian poetry.