Most existing theories in the field of international relations are based on a particular anthropology. Therefore, to understand international relations from an Islamic point of view, the author argues one should first understand the anthropology inscribed in Islamic sources. Usually, in many theories of international relations, no argument or empirical evidence are provided for anthropological foundations and these attitudes are constituted based on theorists' perceptions and general understanding. But in the Islamic attitude, it seems that there is clear evidence of anthropology on the basis of which we can reach a certain understanding of the foundation of society and politics. This article tries to find the Islamic anthropological attitude as well as the nature of society and communication between societies, relying on Qur’anic verses which are the most important sources to gain knowledge about Islam. This article shows that according to what is stipulated in the Qur’an, human beings are not evil and aggressive, but have a common origin and carry the spirit of God. According to the Qur’an, human societies are not created to fight each other and their differences contribute to positive integration among them. For this reason, based on anthropology and Qur’anic concepts, the author argues that one cannot consider the arena of international relations as an environment replete with conflict.