Different approaches have already been proposed for the analysis of the scattering field of targets. However, in practice, there are numerous targets for which, the calculation of the dispersion analysis is highly complex. To solve this problem, point target model is taken into account. This model aims to replace the target with a finite number of points that are dominant in their vicinity in terms of the radar cross section. These points, which are called scattering center or phase center, are local maximum in terms of the radar cross section and are effective in many practical applications such as radar imaging of targets, analysis of the dispersion, extraction of the target scattering mechanisms, Stealth technology, remote sensing, passive defence, etc. The present study is an attempt to extract the point target model for the complex, distributed targets using SAR image. For this purpose, image production and extraction of the dominating points have been conducted in two stages. All the simulations have been performed in MATLAB and CST software environments.