Urban public spaces are used for compulsory, voluntarily, and, more importantly, social activities and women certainly have the right to play an active role in, and they should benefit from equal right the same as men. This study aimed to address the amount of adaptation of public spaces in zone 8 of Tabriz the needs of women. The present study is applied and, in essence, is descriptive-analytic. 242 questionnaires were distributed, according to the Cochran formula, among women and data were analyzed using Factor-analysis and t-Test. The Cronbach Alpha was 88/3 which is ‘ good’ . The questions, based on Exploratory Factor Analysis model, have been categorized into four factors: physical, accessibility, social-cultural, and security. Overall, these factors specify %68/32 of variance of the variables. The result shows that the factors of infrastructure of physical, accessibility, social-cultural with the levels of significance, 0/04, 0/01, and 0/03, respectively, are not adapted desirably to the needs of women, but the level of significance for the security factor (0/217) shows a suitable condition through the lens of the respondents. According to results and due to the fact that citizens and tourists visit the zone regularly, this issue should be taken into account significantly by the authorities and the related organizations.