The optimal utilization management is indispensable due to the limited groundwater resources and water resources high demand. The artificial recharge of aquifers is one of the most important approaches for this purpose, because of high performance and relatively low cost. In order to find the optimum sites for artificial recharge of aquifers, it is necessary to consider the whole effective factors in relation to recharge. In this study, the Rockworks software, widely employed in previous subsurface studies, was used for site selection analysis and final map generation. The case study is located in Surander watershed, Saravan countryside, Sistan and Baluchestan province in Iran. In order to find the suitable sites, it was used for analyzing data layers including slope, infiltration, permeability, alluvium thickness, alluvial quality, land use, watershed discharge, and aquifer layers transmissivity. These factors were weighted in Rockworks interface. Then, each of them was interpolated using Krigging method. All of the maps were produced by using Boolean operation. In the next step, generated Boolean maps were overlaid by using Algebra multiplication operation. Finally, the map of suitable places for artificial recharge was produced. As the result, the susceptible and insusceptible areas of artificial recharge were calculated as 2104.57 (17.33 percent) and 10036.53 hectares (82.67 percent), respectively.