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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The optimal utilization management is indispensable due to the limited groundwater resources and water resources high demand. The artificial recharge of aquifers is one of the most important approaches for this purpose, because of high performance and relatively low cost. In order to find the optimum sites for artificial recharge of aquifers, it is necessary to consider the whole effective factors in relation to recharge. In this study, the Rockworks software, widely employed in previous subsurface studies, was used for site selection analysis and final map generation. The case study is located in Surander watershed, Saravan countryside, Sistan and Baluchestan province in Iran.  In order to find the suitable sites, it was used for analyzing data layers including slope, infiltration, permeability, alluvium thickness, alluvial quality, land use, watershed discharge, and aquifer layers transmissivity. These factors were weighted in Rockworks interface. Then, each of them was interpolated using Krigging method. All of the maps were produced by using Boolean operation. In the next step, generated Boolean maps were overlaid by using Algebra multiplication operation. Finally, the map of suitable places for artificial recharge was produced. As the result, the susceptible and insusceptible areas of artificial recharge were calculated as 2104.57 (17.33 percent) and 10036.53 hectares (82.67 percent), respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Flow pattern in a fish way has an effective role in providing a proper and safe passage for absorbing of fishes. High turbulence flow can be considered as a reductive factor of fish velocity and by causing damages to them leads in delay in raising the fishes or even dam their movement through the fish way. In this research, applying a combinatorial bi approach, hydraulics and biologic features of the fish way is analyzed and investigated. Velocity abilities and fish swimming power are used as an index for selecting optimized fish way. Toward this end Denil frame was changed in 30, 45 and 60 degree for investigating turbulence pattern of the flow using Flow-3D model. After comparison of numerical results and previous environmental studies about swimming power of fishes, the optimized fish way was selected. The results indicate that Denil fish way with 20 percent longitude slope and frame angle of 45 degree has higher accordance with swimming power of fishes especially rainbow Salmon in teenager, mature and pregnant mature ages.

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Local scour at. bridge pieds is one of the numeroussafty hazaraels that the eaten their stability. An abundance of such facfors and their complexities, along with a mulfiplicity of empirical relationships, make the development of an integrated approach for estimation of scour depth very difficult. However, the presence of novel data-mining approaches such as the artificial nevral networks (ANN) and the M5 Tree Model has facilitated the solution of complicated engineering problems.  In this study by using laboratory data and identifying 10 scenarios including different combinations of effective parameters in scour depth, the performance of ANN and M5 tree models have been investigated and results compared with 3 empirical relationships (Melville, Mississippi and HEC-18). The results indicated that the M5 Tree Model via presenting 2 simple if-then rules and may CC=0.95 in comparison with the other ANN and empirical approaches may estimate scour depth with high accuracy. The results ahso indicated that between the 3 used empirical relations, HEC-18, Mississippi and Melville relations presents high accuracy, respecfively.

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In this study, water balance of Ghare-sou watershed, was simulated using the SWAT model. The main objective of the study was to test the performance of SWAT and the feasibility of using this model as a water balance simulator for Ghare-sou watershed. The required input data were collected and the model was run. A parameters sensitivity analysis was performed using OAT method to determine the most important parameters. Model calibration was first performed manually and then automatically using SUFI2 algorithm. In order to reduce uncertainty, a number of hydrological components as well as a number of subcatchments were used simultaneously in the calibration and validation. The results showed that, the SWAT model performance for simulation of Ghare-sou watershed hydrology is satisfactory. During calibration, the simulated monthly flows in Syah-ab station (outlet of the watershed) matched the observed values with a Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of 0. 6 and a coefficient of determination (R2) 0.65. These values were 0.36 and 0.62 during the validation. The values obtained for uncertainty assessment indicators were also satisfactory. P-factor and R-factor for the calibration period were 0.77 and 1.23 respectively and for the validation period were 0.97 and 1.73 respectively. Based on the model simulation, about 67% of the precipitation returns to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration process, about 17% runs off over land and moves toward the stream networks, about 16% percolates to the aquifer. This study provides useful information about water balance of the Ghare-sou watershed and helps better water resources planning for this watershed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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If the greenhouse gas increases, the climate balance of the globe upsets, so the climate changes. The General Circulation Models, GCMs are widely used to evaluate the climate change impacts. The GCMs only can simulate the climate parameter in the big areas. It is necessary to change the data of the model to the micro scale by the different techniques in order to use the model. The aim of this study is evaluating the effect of climate change event on the daily temperature of Kerman and Bam station. In this study, the HadCm3 GCMs under two scenarios of B2 and A2 was used, and the outputs of HadCM3 model was made micro scale by the statically model of SDSM for three statically periods of 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2099. The results of the statically T-test show the significant variation of temperature of the months in the three statically periods when it is compared with the observation periods. According to results of making micro scale, the average temperature of Kerman and Bam station increase 3 to 5 centigrade until the recent century, and the maximum increasing temperature will be in the summer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Snow is the most valuable water resource in arid lands as it eliminates the need for large man-made reservoirs due to its gradual melting. However, the information about the snow melting conditions is essential in the water resources management planning. Therefore, the daily discharge of the snowmelt runoff of the kardeh Dam, Basin, the primary surface water supplier for the City of Mashhad, was simulated. The daily discharge records were acquired from the Kardeh Dam Gauging Station (the only reference station in the area) for a 17-year period. Precipitation and temperature data were obtained from the Mashhad, Golmakan and Ghootchan Meteorological Stations. Physiographic parameters, namely: area, weighted average of height for each elevation class, and aspect’s areal percentage were extracted from the digital elevation model and the topographic maps at scale of 1:25000, and introduced into the model. To estimate snow cover, the normalized difference snow index (NDSI) and Land sat ETM+ imageries for the hydrological year of 2001-2002, were used. The results showed that the optimum simulated values of x and y (subsiding flow coefficients) were 0.79 and 0.084, respectively. The daily flow hydrograph for the hydrological year of 2001-2002 was simulated with an acceptable conformity to the actual values. The coefficients of determination and volume difference methods of0.91 and 0.21, respectively, indicated that the model is valid. The calculated flow volume and discharge rate of 4.876 Mm3 and 0.212 m3.s-1, respectively indicated an acceptable conformity to the actual discharge volume of 4.886 Mm3, and 0.213 m3s-1. These were further proofs of the model's validity. The snow cover percentage and the subsidence coefficient showed the highest sensitivity to the changing runoff coefficient. Additionally, it was found that among the parameters introduced into the model, snow cover and flow subsidence coefficients had the highest sensitivity to changing runoff coefficient, which were subsequently calibrated in depth.

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The Parapet Walls were installed on the top of PKW crest. There slopes were investigated with the 3.0 co-flow angles 3.5.5 and 8 Degrees (positive slops) and counter-flow slopes (negative slopes). The Parapet Wall heights were 2.5, 4.5 and 6.5 cm on the two models. The experiments were conducted on a PKW with the P/WU=1.33 and P/W=0.5 (P=Spill way height, Wu=width of one cycle. W=ouHetkey with). The test were performed on on experimental model with the length, width and height of 10.00, 0.80, and 0.60 meters, respectively. The results indicated that the model with the P/WU=0.5 was more effective in raising the water level that of P/WU=1.33. The Results However the influence of positive or negative slopes was ineffective in increasing the angle of parapet wall. Furthermore, it was found that the discharge coefficient and Ht/P were increasing up to the peak discharge and reversed afterwards. Generally, a horizontal parapet wall increases the discharge coefficient up to 15 percent. The coefficient of determination (R2) between that discharge coefficient and the slope of parapet walls was 0.977 and statistical parameters NRMSE and WQD, 0.147 and 0.004, respectively.

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Kor River is one of the most valuable water sources in the Fars province, which has special economical and ecological values and conditions. In the current research, QUAL2K software was used to identify and understand changes and to predict water quality of Kor River for its future urban, agricultural, and industrial plans. Then by field studies, 7 appropriate points between downstream of Doroodzan dam to Tashk-Bakhtegan lake were determined for sampling and dissolved oxygen was measured by collecting and analyzing samples, in September and March which have the lowest and the highest water amounts in the year. The minimum and the maximum DO simulated by the model in September and March were 5.59 in Khan Bridge and 8.25 mg/l in Shahid Ghanizadeh Bridge, and 5.71 in Khan Bridge and 7.91 mg/l in Shahid Ghanizadeh Bridge, respectively. Reason of the decrease of Dissolved oxygen in Khan Bridge Station is discharge wastewater of Shiraz Petrochemical Complex and Marvdasht’s wastewater to it. After this, because of decrease of wastewater’s effect and existence bridges and dikes like Bande Amir, Rahmat Abad Bridge and Hasan Abad Brige, they can increase turbulence, aeration and self-purification of Kor River and as a result increase of dissolved oxygen in it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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