Nowadays the quality of surface water is a serious matter of concern to water authorities. Certain human activities, as well as some natural processes, contaminate surface water resources and decline their quality for drinking, industrial, and agricultural uses. Planning for preparing a reliable guideline for evaluation of water quality is not possible without understanding the spatio-temporal variations of stream water. In this study, spatio-temporal variations of 12 water quality parameters: total dissolved solids (TDS), electrical Conductivity (EC), acidity (pH), cations (Ca, Mg, Na and K), anions (HCO3, CL and SO4), sodium absorption ratio (SAR) and total hardness (TH) were investigated at six stations in the Talar Watershed during the 1382 - 1390 study period at the significant level of 0.01<P£0.05, 0.01<P£0.01 and P£0.01. The results showed that sampling time had a significant impact on the variations of the quality parameters and this impact varied spatially. Temporal variations at the Kiakola, Pol Shahpoor and Shirgah-Talar Stations were not significant; however, time had a meaningful impact including increasing the amount of most water quality parameters (decline in river water quality) at the Polsefid-Talar, Khatirkuh-Doab and Paland Stations. Moreover, spatial variations analysis revealed that space had a significant impact on the change in the quality parameters of the water as well. Therefore, Khatirkuh-Doaband and Pool Shahpoor Stations had the best and the least water quality, respectively.