One of the prominent examples of religious epic in Persian literature is Khavarannamah mathnavi, that of Ibn-e-Hosam Khusafi versified in ninth century with the subject of explaining Islam army wars with the commandership of Hazrat-e-Ali (peace be upon him) in Khavaran, Ghahreman, Sahelzamin and Gham areas.In the present research, we have first discussed about epic, religious epic and it’s examples and appearance reasons, and also about Ibn-e- Hosam Khusafi’s biography and works; then after brief introduction of Khavarannamah, it’s epical aspects and other noticeable points, and it’s defects and stylistic characteristics have been enumerated expansively; Finally, it has been tried to present a perspective of the most important characteristics of this religious epic based on the mentioned matters and evidences.In this book, the epic-making elements such as storical form, making heroes, war, and supernatural components and powers have appeared clearly and Ibn-e-Hosam’s complete imitation from Ferdowsi’s Shahnama in words and composing way, and contetnt areas can be seen obviously. Other remarkable aspects of this work are: satirical statement, appearing lyric literary genre, religious prejudices and the poet’s beautiful prayers. The most important defects of this epical poem are: problems in making story, pleonasm, defects in the rhythm and rhyme of some verses, and problems in syntax and images. Since Khavarannamah has been composed in imintation of Shahnanma, there are no effects from poetic style fashionable in the ninth century in this book and in contrast, signs of language oldness is clear in it.