Management theorists believe that leadership is the main factorcontributing to an organization’s or a society’s success. There are various approaches towards leadership. One of such approaches, which has recently attracted management authorities, is "servant leadership". This approach aims at upgrading leadership of organizations. Efficient leaders are eager to serve. They have such characteristics as enthusiasm, foresight, listening effectively to others, etc. Perhaps, Imam Ali (a.s.) is one of the rarest examples of a servant leader among the great leaders of the word. The aim of the present study is to determine the elements of servant leadership from the viewpoint of Western thinkers, to find out these features in Imam Ali’s (a.s.) words and deeds, and to design a model for servant leadership using Imam Ali’s (a.s.) words and deeds. This is a comparative study in which the views of Western thinkers and Imam Ali (a.s.) on the characteristics of servant leadership are compared. Our findings indicate that Imam Ali (a.s.) not only advised other managers and leaders to be servant leaders, but he himself was a true example of a servant leader. Other findings of the present study suggest that, besides the characteristics of servant leadershippointed out by Western scholars, Imam Ali’s (a.s.) characterfeatured other dimensions such as leading a simple life, self-confidence, patience and endurance, promotion of spirituality, justice, influencing hearts, outgoingness, friendship, brotherhood, etc. Scholars can investigate this new leadership approach from various perspectives.