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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Dear Chief in Editor, Health is one of the most obvious and important issues preoccupied the human mind, as a concern which still is in force. Maintaining health requires health-related information which is found in the informative resources of the relevant area. Web space is considered as a multifunctional and multi-directional sources of information in which the quantity of presented information is increasing day by day, so that it seems it would be a challenge to accuracy of information in relation to health system since people can publish the content freely without any supervision in weblogs and social networks and cite to outdated articles and commercial, advertising sites which may not be scientifically validated. The number of people around the world using the internet was more than 2.5 billion in 2013 which is expected to reach 4 billion currently. Using health information in this way, even before visiting a doctor, is dramatically increasing, as it has been reported that about 70% of the adults in Europe and 90% in America seek help from health information on the web [1-2].On the other hand, everyone may have not enough knowledge to search the relevant and valid content or all existing websites in this space not scientifically qualified, while such resources of information are shaping like mushrooms.

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"Inner well-being" is the scientific name for people's assessment of their own life. Illness behavior is a process that involves understanding and interpretation of symptoms, assessment of possible reactions, and ultimately, making decision to deal with symptoms or ignore them. The present study seeks to find out whether there is a relationship between inner well-being and pattern of illness behavior. This study was conducted on a sample of 297 residents of the city, selected according to random sampling from a population consisting of patients aged 20 years and older attending hospitals and health centers (regardless of type of illness). Data were collected through a combination of standard Oxford Happiness Questionnaire, Diener's Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), and Illness Behavior Pattern Inventory.Results obtained showed a significant difference between level of inner well-being and type of illness. Those visiting health centers immediately after onset of symptoms had the highest level of inner well-being, and those that never visited had the lowest.People that visited one physician only reported the highest level of inner well-being. Socio-economic and cultural status are the major factors affecting pattern of illness behavior. The present study showed inner well-being is one of the variables that can affect pattern of illness behavior.

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The socioeconomic factors have crucial effects on health inequality. The unequal distribution of socioeconomic factors may lead to the health inequality. This study aimed to determine and give priority to the socioeconomic factors affecting health in Iran in the experts’ point of view. This study was a sequential mixed methods research conducted in quantitative and qualitative phases. The study population consisted of 16 policymakers and experts in the field of economic and social determinants of health. The purposive stratified non-random sampling method was employed. The qualitative data were collected in a semistructured interview and giving priority to factors was conducted using multiple criteria decision making with the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method. The qualitative phase showed that the main socioeconomic factors determining health were the economic factors, income, education, sex, social class, and employment.The data analysis in TOPSIS technique showed that priority parameters were income, employment, and economic factors with coefficient of 0.66, 0.60, and 0.55, respectively. Paying attention to the socioeconomic factors may result in the increased equity and eventually the promoted public health. It is essential for policy makers to take this approach into account and improve the socioeconomic factors for attaining the promoted health outcomes.

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As personality traits play an important role in the determination of individuals' behaviors and their readiness for special abnormal behaviors, it seems necessary to assess the various levels of personality traits in different cultures. The present research was performed by the purpose of assessing psychometric characteristics and factor analysis of Diagnostic Assessment of Personality Pathology-Basic Questionnaire (DAP-BQ) Persian version.415 participants (253 male and 162 female) were selected voluntary by available sampling from university students, Eram Park's personnel and pedestrians. The study sample completed DAP-BQ and the short form of Neuroticismextraversion and openness Personality Inventory Revised (NEO-PI-R). Findings showed a high-order solution with fourfactors including emotional dysregulation, dissocial behavior, inhibition and compulsivity obsession which explained 72.57% of total variance. Also, Cronbach alpha coefficients (ranging from 0.73 to 0.93 range) and test-retest coefficients (ranging from 0.51 to 0.92 range) were in an acceptable range. Results showed that the Persian version of DAP-BQ had a proper validity and reliability. Furthermore, result revealed that the characteristic structure of DAP-BQ was the same across various languages and cultures and supported the four-factor essence of DAP-BQ.

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Given the importance of parks in urban habitats, health and safety is among important issues that ought to be considered in planning, implementation, management, and maintenance stage prior to occurrence of accidents, in order to meet citizen' s needs. The study aims to assess status of Gonabad city parks in terms of safety, hygiene, and aesthetics. Study population consisted of people attending Gonabad city parks. A total of 384 questionnaires were distributed among people older than 15 years of age attending these parks on certain days. A checklist was prepared to assess how parameters matched standards. All parks in Gonabad city (8 parks) were studied. Data obtained from checklist and questionnaires. Mean standard of equipment and facilities in parks was found 43%. Ghori Park enjoyed the highest standard (67%), and Noghab park had the lowest (10%).The highest standard of equipment and facilities in Gonabad city parks was found in Ghori park (67%) and Melli park (60%), respectively, and the lowest standard in Noghab park (10%).Municipal managers should now take urgent measures to improve quality and safety of city parks.

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Drug abuse as social problem is phenomenon which degrades ability of society. The aim of this study was to investigate effectiveness of behavioral couple’s therapy to promote marital adjustment in women with addicted spouse. The design of this study was experimental with pre-test, post-test and fallow up with control group. The study included all couples that had referred to clinics of addiction treatment in Ahvaz, Iran, that among them 20 couples were selected and randomly divided into two groups as experimental and control group. Research instruments include revised dyadic adjustment scale and structured diagnostic interview by clinical centers' psychiatrist. The results showed that there was significant difference in marital adjustment between two groups. These results remained significantly stable during follow-up. Behavioral therapy is one of the most effective in improving marital adjustment.

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Pain is common symptom in multiple sclerosis (MS) which is experienced by the sufferers in all stages of the disease.Therefore, multidimensional and comprehensive treatments are necessary in order to reduce the pain; via programs including of pain management. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of the pain management programs in reducing the pain symptoms in patients with MS.10 MS patients were chosen using convenience sampling method from those registered in MS clinic of Ghaem hospital in Mashhad. Then, they were divided randomly into the experimental and control groups.The experimental group participated in 12 sessions of 45 minutes per session to receive the pain management education programs. Data were gathered using a numerical rating scale of pain, symptom checklist-90- Revised (SCL-90-R) and physical symptoms subscale of the general health questionnaire.The results showed that pain mean score of patients reduce significantly after receiving the education. The effect of intervention was 0.79 for numerical rating scale, 0.67 for the somatization subscale of SCL-90-R, and 0.52 for physical symptoms subscale of general health questionnaire. That is, the intervention reduced pain meaningfully in all measured parameters. Based on the obtained results, the pain management education can decrease the amount of pain in MS patients. It is recommended to consider this treatment as a part of this group's main treatment and rehabilitation programs.

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Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have deficiency in many aspects of cognitive functions and quality of life (QOL). The study aimed to examine the relationship between cognitive functions and quality of life in children with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This analytical study is a correlation one.60 participants were chosen according to statistical formula. Participants were evaluated using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised edition (WISC-R). Their cognitive functions and quality of life (QOL) were assessed by Cognitive Assessment System (CAS), Continuous Performance Test plus Integrated Visual/Auditory (CPT+IVA) and Pediatric Quality of Life inventory (Pads 4.0) Generic Core Scale. After analyzing data a significant correlation was found between attention and school functioning of QOL in all grades, separately. Furthermore, significant correlations were found among full scale attentions of CPT+tIVA test with psychosocial functioning and also total score of QOL, in grade 2 and in grade 5, as well Social Functioning in two grades children.Also significant correlations were found among simultaneous subscale of CAS and emotional, social and psychosocial functioning of QOL, in grade 4. Cognitive functions of children with ADHD have effects on some domains of QOL.

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This study was carried out to investigate the effect of education on knowledge, and attitudes, and practice of pregnant women in order to decrease tendency to elective cesarean delivery. This study conducted on 160 nulliparous Iranian pregnant women who referred to the health and wellness centers. The participants were randomly divided into the experimental and control groups.The data were collected through administering questionnaires, holding interviews and referring to the health records. The experimental group was educated about cesarean section and vaginal delivery through group meetings, face to face education, playing videos, and distributing pamphlets whereas the control group received routine cares. One month after intervention, the level of knowledge and attitudes was again measured along with the level of practice performance of two groups in choosing cesarean or vaginal delivery for childbirth. The findings of the study showed that before the intervention, there was not a significant difference in knowledge and attitudes between two groups. After training, however, the experimental group showed a significantly more knowledge and attitudes towards the vaginal delivery. There was also a significant difference between two groups with respect to practice (kind of delivery) as the cesarean section reduced about 15% in the experimental group compared to the control group. This study showed that training can enhance the level of knowledge and attitudes of pregnant women, leading to the less likelihood of having cesarean without a medical reason.

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Divorce is an event affecting couples, children, families, and community. Little is known about the perception of Iranian couples who intended to get divorced with regard to the process of decision making on divorce. The purpose of this study was to build a theory about the process that leads the couples to get divorced. The grounded theory in qualitative paradigm was used. Ten couples were interviewed based on the theoretical saturation. Purposeful sampling and semi-structured in-depth method of interview were used. The interviews were analyzed by using the constant comparative method. The results indicated that a category named improper marriage formation included the causal condition of divorce, which consisted of lack of initial interest in spouse, improper reason for getting married, lack of marriage preparation, insufficient dating before marriage, forced marriage, and unawares spouse selection. Intervening condition was divided into three subcategories of intra personal factors (dysfunctional attitudes and characteristics); inter personal factors (dysfunctional marital, parental, and intergenerational systems), and Meta personal factors (financial issues). Contextual condition consisted of history of divorce and unhealthy family of origins. Couples and familial dysfunctional strategies were also explained. Consequences were identified as emotional, cognitive, and behavioral. We concluded that collapse of marriage occurs as a process not an onset event.Improper marriage formation, dysfunctional family of origin, lack of constructive boundaries, and dysfunctional strategies of family related to the eastern culture were explained in conclusion.

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Growth in gross domestic product does not necessarily mean growth in human development; experience in global level demonstrated that income growth and human development are not always companions and in some countries, an increase in one of them was took place with a decrease in the other. On the other hand, a study has found that as government health expenditures grow the efficiency of such expenditures fall. Taking into account the above as the main concern, this paper hypothesizes and tests a positive relationship between expenditures states allocate to health and human development index. The model, human development index is considered as endogenous variable and total health expenditures are taken as descriptive variable.Estimation of the hypothesized relationship is carried out using countries combined data from 2000-2008, extracted from Iranian government's “2025 Horizon” document. Results suggest that health expenditures growth in these countries has led to increased human development index.

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