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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes are integral part of human life in the communities of developed and developing countries. Earthquakes as a natural disaster have been posed inevitable risks to everyone who has been lived in the earth planet. The map of earthquakes in Iran shows that the most populated areas are located in the Zagros and Alborz Piedmonts especially in Qazvin province that are vulnerable to earthquake. This research uses the qualitative and quantitative methods to respond a basic question, how is the vulnerability level of rural areas according to earthquake in Qazvin province? To respond these question firstly 19 vulnerability indicators were selected according to the theoretical studies and indices were weighted by the expert's questioner. Finally, the rural area was ranked by TOPSIS method. The Results showed that the rural areas of Qazvin and Boein Zahra counties are the more vulnerable areas in elative to other counties of the province. To formulate the strategies of earthquake risk reduction, 29 villages were selected by cluster sampling and then it was estimated the samples by Cochrane method. To gather the data, 386 households were selected by random method. The data analysis by the quantitative methods especially SWOT method also show that to decrease the earthquake risk between the studied villages, it is necessary to consider the earthquake risk management formwork in all earthquake phases. These phases include data collection and identification of earthquake risk, describe the risk, qualitative and quantitative risk analysis, estimination the damage Quality, risk acceptance and planning to reduce injuries in all stages the earthquake (before, during and after). In order to reduce vulnerability of rural settlements in Qazvin County it is necessary to increase the awareness, skills, knowledge, institutional capacity, environmental carrying capacity (improve the quality of housing, infrastructure, and access to services).

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Sunnpest is the main pest of wheat and it is the most important plant medical problems in Iran. In this research, we analyzed the relationship between temperature characteristics (Min, Max, Ave Tern Peratmre, as wall as the number and degree of frost), precipitation and drought-wet years with attacking date in Isfahan during the years 1999-2000 to 2009-2010. The research results showed that the attacking date of sunnpest is depended on the climatic conditions before attacking date of the pest. If the Autumn and Winter temperatures at are higher than the average temperature, and S.P.I. indices are normal, the sunnpest attacking date begins to take place sooner. There is a strong and significant correlation between the yearly and seasonal frost numbers, different frost thresholds, minimum, maximum and average temperature, and the attacking dates of sunnpest at 0.05 and 0.01 significant levels. The R2==97 % shows that 97% of variance depended variable (attacking dates of sunnpest) corresponds with the independed variables (min. and max. temperature, total precipitation during the cold period (Autumn and Winter), and the number of annual frost). This shows that these parameters are important in predicting the attacking date of sunnpest in the regression model.

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Poverty causes human distress, wandering of the mind and provision of sorrow. The leaders of UN member states were committed in the third millennium that the number of the poor should be reduced by half up to 2015. However, since there is a close relationship between the black economy and poverty in the Iranian economy, which has a growing trend, this shows the importance of identifying the factors effecting on the creation of black markets in urban areas on creating poverty. So the first step in designing and implementing new programs to reduce poverty is to review these offices. This study analyzes the effects of the black economy in rural and urban areas on poverty by using regression model (V AR). using this model, the variables of per capita income, unemployment, tax on income, direct tax burden, the degree of openness of the economy and inflation as the factors, which cause the black economy were studied for the years 1984-2007 . The results showed that, in both the rural and urban areas, the per capita income variable has the most influence on poverty. This shows that if the policy makers want to improve and irradiate the poverty in urban or rural areas, correct changes in the per capita income variable with all accessories and institutional and distributation arrangements can be useful.

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This is the main question was how the combination of primary and secondary obstacles facing spatial planning? For this purpose, were used of the Delphi technique and AHP. Findings show that is highlighted at the primary and secondary obstacles, the role of administrative and structural obstacles among the six obstacle studied (Economical, geographic and territorial, political and security, Research, Social and Cultural and the Administration - Structural). For example, among the 60 sub-obstacle studied, were at first to fourth place Ignore to land use planning by managers during management changes with final weight (0.109), lack of coordination between responsible organizations for land use planning in the preparation implementation and monitoring with final weight (0.078), lack of clear strategy in trustee organizations to implementation of proposed scenarios projects in preparation of weak regulatory foundations with final weight (0.061) and weaknesses of of the regulatory bodies final weight 0.055. Among the other primary and secondary obstacles has been an economic barrier of the preference.

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Malaria is a vector born disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmoclium that causes 300-500 million new infections and 1 million deaths annually. Before any anti-malarial campaign in Iran, about 60% of the population were living in malaria endemic areas and 4 to 5 million of them had malaria infection each year. By starting of the anti-malaria campaign, the number of infections decreased so that the nwnber of malaria infected in Iran was 3000 people in 2009, 0.65 of them lived in Sistan & Baluchistan province. In the present study, for spatial modeling of the Annual Parasite Incidence (API) of malaria in Sistan & Baluchistan province, we applied a Geographical Weighted Regression (GWR) model to predict API by there independent climatic factors. The results indicated that the most important climatic factor for explaining API in Sistan & Baluchistan is annual rainfall as spatial factor, which is more important in the southern parts of the study area such as Chabahar and Nikshar. Temperature and relative humidity are of the second and third prioriies, respectively. The importance of these two climatic factors is higher in northern portion of the province. This model explained only 0.48 of API spatial variation (R2=0.48). Therefore, the non-climatic factors such as socioeconomic and lifestyle and the neighborhood position of this province with Afghanistan and Pakistan should also be considered in epidemiological survey of malaria in Sistan & Baluchistan province.

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The geogeaphy of elections is one of the branches of the political geograpby, which studies the aspects of the geography of elections such as spatial organization of elections, spatial diversity in voting patterns and the impact of spatial and environmental factors in the voters' decisions. The factors that influence elective decision making conditionally, geographically and spatially are extensive. One of the factors that is able to influence the extent of voting of the people in many countries is the types of the people's ethnicity. The neighborhood phenomenon is a significant factor in the political behavior of citizens and also in creation of the spatial patterns of elections. It means that the residents of a particular place (local area, town, city, and province) make sympathy with the candidate who was born in that place, so people think that this candidate can understand their problems well. Therefore, people vote in favor of him. This survey examines the role of neighborhood ness in the voting patterns of Iran's tenth presidential elections. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic. In order to explain the subject, the GIS software was used for drawing the elective maps. The results of this study showed that neighborhood need had a significant impact in the 10th presidential elections' voting patterns.

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Rapid urban development and change in basis of life style in modern world, has shown the necessity of planning and management of spend leisure time. On the other hand urban is the basic of tourism development in much successful country in tourism. Nowadays, Experience has shown that where tourism development accidentally and unplanned, has emerged environmental and social effects and its problems is more than benefits in long time. In this regard, including strategic model that use in urban tourism development is SWOT model. But nowadays during the years of using from this functional model, it is concluded that emphasis on weakness and treatments caused to little attention to strengths and opportunities and unconsciously the process of strategy formulation move towards to negative points. As a result, Scholars with combined SWOT and Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach has created SOAR strategic model. This research with aim to tourism development in Taft city introduce SOAR model in Tourism section for the first time. To do this research has been used from descriptive and analytical method and the technic of data collection is documentary, surveys and field studies. Use from SOAR model to codification development strategy and explanation of strengths, opportunities, aspirations and measureable result. Based on the obtained results, due to existence proper green space in Taft city, locating this green city in Yazd province and other positive points caused to high potential to tourism development in this city and has created opportunities such as job creation, attraction native and non- native investigators in health, medical, gardening and sport tourism. In fact, Taft city have necessary ability to become an excelled city in tourism. In this regard, it is necessary initiates actions such as preparation of Master Plan for Tourism, holding exhibitions of handicrafts and Taft agricultural products, preparation necessary fields to inviting investigators, preparation plan and invite capitalists to investing in medical, gardening, sport and health tourism camps, pass specific laws to prevent from destruction of orchards and adoption heavy fines in case of violation, inviting from scholars, Intellectuals and indigenous people to decision making in related tourism affairs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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