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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Dear Chief in Editor;Health literacy measurement tool design has recently engaged by health researchers around the world. In this regard, important steps have been taken especially in the design, testing and implementation of screening tools [1] but there is still no general agreement on the various tools for measuring health literacy. Since the level of literacy depends on the individual characteristics and the number of people in contact with the health system so various tools are required for different age groups, different stages of life and various health topics. The level of health literacy and the information needs of a pregnant woman are quite different with a person who has recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and this should be taken into account in measuring health literacy [2].

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Couples’ divorce disrupts family foundation and can cause serious damage on children's growth and formation of healthy personality. Hence, the majority of these children are in need of psychological rehabilitation programs. The aim of this study was to investigate effect of positive group psychotherapy on psychological well-being of divorce children. Two samples of 12 participants randomly for control and experimental groups were selected among all of second high school students of divorce. Participants of experimental group participated in positive-oriented group intervention during 8 sessions of 75 minutes but control group did not receive intervention. Data were collected by using scale of psychological well-being 84-item. experimental group increased in posttest significantly. This means that performed intervention as a group was effective in improving psychological well-being. The findings of this study indicate that positive group psychotherapy can help children of divorce flourish their capabilities better than before and can be used as a good option for psychological rehabilitation of this injured group.

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One of the consequences of living in this century of machine and technology development is poverty in movement and reduction in physical activity. This study aimed to examine the predictive factors of physical activity in health volunteers based on the structures of Pender's health promotion model. This study was perform 80 health volunteers working at urban and rural health centers that were selected by multistage random sampling. Data were gathered by using a questionnaire for which the validity and reliability were confirmed. The results showed that despite a relatively high awareness about the benefits of physical activity (earning an mean score of 30.6 ± 3.8on perceived benefits out of 40), 55% of participants did not have a good physical activity. There was a significant positive correlation between physical activity behavior and health promotion model variables such as perceived barriers, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy. A total of 66.8% of the variance of physical activity behavior were explained by health promotion model variables that among them, self-efficacy, positive feelings associated with the behavior, and situational influences were the strongest predictor. According to the results, physical activity in health volunteers is low and interventions are needed to improve this behavior. The design of training programs for promotion of physical activity should be focused on strategies to strengthen self-motivation in individuals and families at their homes and improve workplaces.

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There are different therapy approaches used by family therapy researchers over the years to evaluate their reliability and effect in couples. Bernstein's approach of behavioral-communication is one of these approaches. Accordingly, the current research aimed to survey the effectiveness of behavioral-communication couple therapy in improving dimensions of marital adjustment among infertile couples. This quasi-experimental research was designed as pretest-posttest and employed control group. 40 couples referring to the Gynecology centers was selected through convenience sampling method and assigned into two groups of experimental and control. At the beginning of the study, pretest was performed on both groups and then, an intervention (based on Berneshtain behavioral-communication couple therapy) was conducted during 10 sessions of 90 minutes (one session per week). After completion of the treatment program, the posttest was performed. Also, the follow-up stage was performed on both groups 2.5 months later to evaluate the stability of therapeutic intervention. The tool used in this research was Spinner adjustment questionnaire. The results showed that after behavioral communication training, a significant difference was observed in the dimensions of marital adjustment among infertile couples between the experimental and control groups. The results showed that couple therapy with behavioral communication method is effective in increasing adjustment and its dimensions. In fact, this study showed that behavioral-communication couple therapy increased agreement among infertile couples by improving communication skills and reducing conflicts.

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Patients are exposed to stressors such as death anxiety despite the effectiveness of hemodialysis in renal failure. The aim of this study was to investigate relationship between spiritual well-being and sensation seeking with death anxiety in hemodialysis patients. The statistical population included 215 hemodialysis patients in 2013 that 138 patients were selected by the convenience sampling method. Data was collected by using spiritual well-being scale, zuckerman's sensation seeking scale and templer death anxiety scale. Data analysis showed that there was statistically significant reverse relationship between sensation seeking and its components with death anxiety as well as between spiritual well-being and its components with death anxiety. The findings indicated significant relationship between sensation seeking and spiritual well-being with death anxiety. Regression analysis showed that predictive variables explain 22% of the variance of death anxiety. Therefore it can be concluded that efforts to promote spiritual well-being and sensation seeking of patients can have important role in reducing their death anxiety.

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Organizations need to employ committed individuals for their survival and development as well as to achieve their short- and long-term goals. In account of this, successful organizations are those with committed managers and staff. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors influencing organizational commitment. The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of psychological capital in the relationship between spiritual intelligence and organizational commitment among employees of Ardabil University of medical sciences using a correlational method (structural equation modeling). Regarding the desirable size of the sample (n=125) for structural equation modeling, 183 employees were selected using convenience sampling method. The results showed that the direct effect of spiritual intelligence on organizational commitment and the direct effect of psychological capital on organizational commitment are statistically significant. Also, the spiritual intelligence may effect organizational commitment through psychological capital as mediator (p≤ 0.01, b=0.41).

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Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency throughout the world, and young girls are among the most vulnerable groups. The quasi-experimental study was conducted on randomly selected 190 junior high school girls to determine the effect of PRECEDE-based health education program in prevention of iron deficiency anemia. The intervention was carried out in three 90-minute sessions, and data were collected immediately and three months after the intervention using PRECEDE–based questionnaires. A significant improvement was observed in the case group compared to the control after the intervention in mean scores of predisposing factors (knowledge and attitude), empowering factors (holding and participation in educational classes and use of educational resources), reinforcing factors (peers’ and teachers’ encouragement) and iron deficiency preventing behaviors. The present study showed the positive effect of PRECEDE-based educational intervention in increasing iron deficiency anemia preventing behaviors.

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Marriage is one of the most important social institutions in all cultures and today societies. The relationship between couples is a permanent exchange of information and messages. Faulty communication is a major cause of the disintegration of a marriage. The purpose of this study was to investigate couples' communication styles with pre-marriage familiar, criteria of choosing spouse in pre and post marriage and love styles among couples. The participants of the current study were 92 couples. Couples filled Communication Patterns Questionnaire, Triangular love scale and criteria of choosing spouse. The results indicated that there are significant differences between criteria of pre-marriage with criteria of post-marriage among men and women. Men had more similarity in criteria of pre and post marriage and fewer changes in comparing to women. Also, there are significantly different in criteria of couples' pre and post marriage that were above 30 years old in marriage. In addition, criteria of marriage in this age category are different with younger ages. Intimacy, passion, commitment and criteria of post marriage have predictive effect on constructive communication styles of couples. The relationship between criteria of the marriage and communication style along with gender differences between couples showed its significance role of these variables in emotional relation kind after marriage.

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Although all societies consider marriage as one of mental health factors, mental health cannot be realized if the marriage does not create adverse conditions to satisfy psychological needs of spouses. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate effect of Transactional Analysis group therapy on couples’ marital adjustment. This is a quasi-experimental study with control group, pretest-posttest design and 3 months follow-up test. The statistical population consisted of all the couples who attending at the counseling center in Mashhad. The sample included 16 couples who were selected by convenience sampling method and was assigned to experimental and control groups randomly. The experimental group received 8 sessions of Transactional Analysis group therapy. The instrument in this research was Dyadic Adjustment Scale. All couples completed Dyadic Adjustment Scale at pre-treatment and post-treatment and at 3 months follow-up. The data was analyzed by Repeated Measure Analysis of Variance. The results showed that scores of experimental group was significantly higher in affectional expression and total dyadic adjustment in posttest and the follow-up in comparison of control group. As a result, Transactional Analysis group therapy seems effective intervention method is increasing marital adjustment.

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Addiction and Problematic drug use, led to the physical, psychological, social and family destruction especially clinically significant or serious discomfort. This study aimed to efficacy of spiritual therapy based on family-centered on marriage satisfaction in couples with husbands' drug-dependent. This design was a quasi-experimental. The population consisted all drug-dependent and their wives in Quchan (prisoners and patients referred to the clinics withdrawal). 40 couples volunteered to participate in this study and were placed randomly in the experimental group (20 couples) and control group (20 couples). Participants reply to afrooz marital satisfaction scale. Couples in experimental group received 10 sessions of 90 minutes spiritual Family therapy and the control group received no intervention. Analysis of covariance showed that the differences between pretest and posttest of marital satisfaction in experimental group and all its sub-tests that increased significantly in the experimental group, while no significant changes in control groups. Also there were significant differences in marital between the experimental group and the control group. So spiritual therapy based on family-centered on marital satisfaction of couples were effective. Spiritual therapy based on family-centered could improve their marital satisfaction Couples with husbands' drug-dependent and effected on increasing of marital satisfaction of couples involved in addiction that shows abnormal patterns of family relationships. The results can be the aimed to family-based treatment and harm reduction interventions at preventing relapse and reduce craving in substance abusers and can be used re-examining it.

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Physician-patient relationship is one of the effective factors in satisfaction with medical services. One of the key elements of this relationship is the patient's trust in the physician, which can increase patient satisfaction with the physician. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of patient trust on satisfaction with physicians. This cross-sectional study recruited 400 diabetic patients. Data were collected by using questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire was validated through face validity and internal consistency of its items. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between trust in the physician and satisfaction with the physician. Regression analysis showed that the variables of global trust, dutifulness, honesty, confidentiality, and competence had the greatest impact on the variable of patient satisfaction with the physician, respectively. According to the results of the study, it is recommended that more emphasis be placed on how to create and maintain mutual trust in medical education, such that more patient satisfaction is achieved in the competitive and customer-oriented care system, and also prepare the patient for better response to the treatment.

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The integrated postpartum care is the most important factor in the prevention and reduction of delivery complications. Despite the free services for pregnant women, mothers do not show their interest to use them as appropriate. Therefore, this research was carried out to determine the effect of training pregnant women based on health belief model (HBM) on increasing the use of postpartum health care. This research was an empirical study (before-after study) conducted on 90 pregnant women referring to healthcare centers of Hamadan. The participants were randomly divided into two intervention (n=45) and control (n=45) groups. The educational intervention in this research was based on HBM performed as lecturing and question/answering in four 1-hour sessions and presenting educational content as leaflet. A researcher-made questionnaire was used in 3 stages of before intervention, and immediately after intervention, and 2 months after delivery to collect data. The comparison of the two groups showed that the mean of knowledge and constructs of HBM (including perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self-efficacy) as well as behavior of mothers after training had a significant increase in the intervention group compared to the control group. According to the obtained results, designing and implementing training programs based on health belief model can help promote mothers` behavior in postpartum care.

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