The present study has set the following objectives: To determine the relationship between social family role stress scores and social support scores among women clerks, doctors, and university teachers in Tehran. To determine the differences between the clerks and doctors, clerks and university teachers, and doctors and university teachers in the relationship scores of social family role stress and social support. Social family role stress scores were significantly positively correlated with social support scores among clerks, doctors, and university teachers, indicating that the more social support they received from the family and husbands for the work, the higher the social and family role stress they experienced. There was also a significant difference between the clerks and doctors in the relationship scores of social family role stress and social support. This difference may be attributed due to the higher mean score of doctors than the clerks. Significant differences were not found between the clerks and university teachers and doctors and teachers in the relationship scores of SFRS and SOS. A close scrutiny of results suggests that there is no significant difference in the correlation coefficients among clerks and university teachers. Among from 400 participants only 300 were selected for final analysis.