In this research, the copper extraction from the activated copper concentrate of Miduk mine was studied by leaching in the diluts sulfuric acid solution. The effect of mechanical activation on the roasting was studied and the combined effect of activation and roasting on the leaching processes was investigated. Samples of sulfide concentrate mixed with lime were activated under air atmosphere and oxygen for different times. minimum temperature and required time for roasting were obtained using thermal analysis (TG-DSC). The activated samples were roasted in argon and air atmosphere in 750oC for 20minutes. The samples roasted under air atmosphere and a sample of inactivated concentrate was leached for different times. The results of XRD phase analysis indicated that activated samples under the air atmosphere a significant amount of sulfur in concentrate is converted into CaS and CaSO4 as a result of roasting. The result of atomic absorption analysis showed that about 70% of copper recovery reached in the first 30 minutes of leaching process and increase of time until 4 hours had littel impact on copper recovery. Due to insolubility of CaS and CaSO4 in acid, the sulfur remains in solid waste of leaching. This waste contains CaS, CaSO4, Fe2O3 and insoluble silicates.