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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Isis as a new demonstration of radical Islamic fundamentalism, has committed many crimes in Iraq and Syria under pretext of restoring the Islamic Caliphate and as an effective actor in politics and international relations it has played an increasing role in the current international arena. Therefore, the question is that could the various theories of international relations to explain the motives, objectives, procedures and behavior of this terrorist group?Religious extremist group behaviors are not based on rational actor model that can be easily understood or managed. On the other hand, their behavioral rules are not in accordance with the most basic assumptions of the international relations theories, so neither the mainstream nor mid-stream do not have possibility of comprehensive analysis. However, there are concepts of constructivist analytical framework which have a view to sociological, normative, identity, culture factors and emphasis on the role of discourse that provide a more appropriate context for the analysis of identity- ideological groups, Including to consider principles of collective identity and ontological security in addition to physical security which are more able in analyzing the behavior of Isis in the field of international.

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International institutions have always sought to prevent escalation and continuation of violation acts, such as genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, in international arena by taking preventive measures.In this regard, "the doctrine of the responsibility to protect" which is a global political commitment that endorsed by all member of the United Nations, has regarded as a framework to counter such volatile acts against humanities. In order to do so, the state sovereignty should be contained to prevent such acts on anomalies. But since the doctrine itself has some ambiguities, this paper will discuss the important issue in this regard. The main question will discuss theoretical source of the doctrine. The question is that whether international relations' theories could provide a better understating of the positive or negative effects of this doctrine in International arena?In response, the constructivism theory of Alexander Wendt and deductive method will be used to point out the role of "the doctrine of the responsibility to protect" and its impact on sovereign states will also be examined.

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یکی از مهم ترین جنبش های اسلامی که تاثیرات شگرفی بر مصر و چندین کشور اسلامی دیگر نهاد، «اخوان المسلمین» است. این سازمان در شرایطی که مصر از نظر سیاسی، اجتماعی، دینی و اقتصادی در وضعیتی بحرانی قرار داشت، تشکیل شد که از یک سو برای حاکمیت تعالیم اساسی اسلام در زندگی اجتماعی و سیاسی می کوشید و از سوی دیگر می خواست معتقدات اسلامی را از حالت ایستا و خمودگی خارج نماید. با شکل گیری بهار عربی که با سرنگونی بن علی در تونس آغاز شد و به مصر هم رسید، اخوان المسلمین نتوانست در تشکیل و استقرار حکومتی باثبات موفق عمل نماید. این مقاله درصدد است با روش تحلیلی-توصیفی و با یاری مستندات تاریخی، علل ناکامی اخوان المسلمین را در استقرار حکومتی باثبات بررسی کند. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد که علل ناکامی آن را در عوامل داخلی، مانند: نقش تخریبی ارتش، نفوذ جریان های سکولار، فاصله گرفتن الازهر از حکومت مرسی و عوامل خارجی؛ از قبیل دخالت های کشورهایی مانند آمریکا و عربستان سعودی از یک سو و کشورهای ترکیه و قطر از سوی دیگر می توان دانست.

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After the Islamic Revolution, several coalitions are created in surrounding regional geopolitical area of Iran, especially in the Saudi Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia is one of the pivotal and important actors of coalitions in the Persian Gulf region. Saudi Arabian authorities justify these coalitions in the base of balance of threat which Islamic Republic of Iran considers as the main resource of threat. This article want to answer this question: what is the base of Saudi Arabian Coalition building in the face of Islamic Republic of Iran? The hypothesis of article is that the real roots of coalition building of Saudi Arabia should be seek in domestic and internal crises, in the base of Omnibalancig theory. Some domestic threats like Succession crisis, Ethnic differences, constantly changing price of oil and Absolute monarchy cause to this regime seek to its security in the coalitions such as Persian Gulf Cooperation Council and Decisive Storm in Yemen. The hypothesis of this article is processed with using qualitative method.

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November 21, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych at a meeting in Lithuanian canceled the Agreement on trade and cooperation with the Europe Union and refused to sign it. This led to massive protests in Ukraine. With killed five Protesters Ukraine into its most serious political crisis since the 2004 Orange Revolution. As in other crises, including the crisis in Syria in 2011, Russia and the United States of America With the support of the government and the opposition protesters were at odds with each other again. The main question is: what is the most important factor that influencing on the attitude of Russia and the United States in Ukraine crisis? This study argues that the root of the conflict between Russia and the United States in Ukraine should be searching in Ukraine's geopolitical and geopolitical competition between Russia and United States of America in the After the Cold War. Ukraine is the most strategic areas of Eurasia and East Europe. The purpose of this study was to investigate the main factors affecting the attitudes of East and West in the Ukraine crisis. Geopolitical theory is used to analyze the subject and the research method is descriptive- analytical.

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The aim of the article is to review of strategies and decisions by the US and North Korea and their results (outcomes) during North Korea nuclear crisis. To this end, article viewed to John Brams’ Theory of Moves. Since 1993 that issue of North Korea nuclear program looked by global society as an explicitly threat, strategies and counter strategies by the North Korea and the US assumed that, ultimately, caused achieving of nuclear bomb by the North Korea and test it two times. Following it America established massive economic sanctions in frame of Security Council against North Korea. In the article view, each decision (move) by each one was for maximizing of interests and minimizing of risks and, of course, has closed relations to other one’ move. Hence tow countries' strategies have undulated in two positions of hard line stance and comprising. Article found that at the first time, the aim of North Korea in produce nuclear bomb was getting some upper hand and grant, none deterrence, but after whatever refrain of 1994 contrast by the US and threatening of Pyong Yang it has tended to achieve atomic bomb.

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Following the developments that have occurred in recent decades, once again religion as an important variable have been entered in the social sphere and has challenged secularism authority in all areas. This led to not only have been focused attentions once again to the role of religion in political relations, rather many believe that despite the prevailing notion, religion has acted in the human life in different ways and has a positive function in order to achieve peace and a negative function by fueling tensions. In response to the how religion Is permanently acting In the public sphere in general, this hypothesis is followed that religion because it has been along human history and provides a framework that mankind think and act in its form, affect his life in a variety of ways and so, what is known as the secularist although denied the authority of religion as a guide to life, but could not quit itself from the and its indirect and hidden consequences of religion so that following change in circumstances and communities, onc again had proceeded besides hidden influence revitalized its authority in all aspects of human life.

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