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Turkey is a country which is having a contradictory identity and it is conservative too. The reason is that on the one hand Sufi Islam is dominating her and on the other hand she propagates Western values and tries to be close to the West. During the past decade، Erdogan who is leading Justice and Development Party (AKP) has tried to keep satisfied the Western countries and Turkish Muslim people who constitute 98% of Turkish population. It seems that he is inclined both to West and Islam. This can be seen in his performance and decisions. For instance he abolishes the ban on Hijab in government offices and on the other hand he maintains alliances with West and Israel against Syria. It can be said that although these dual and conservative policies have not created serious problem for his government and even he has won the presidential elections، yet in the long run this paradox cannot last long because this contradictory identity and non-fulfillment of the majority of Turkey's population expectations will disappoint them and Erdogan cannot keep his hold on power for good.

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The relations between Russia and Turkey expanded considerably from the beginning of 21th century particularly after coming into power of Justice and Development Party (AKP). Taking into consideration the expansion of relations between the two، the present paper wants to answer this question whether the expansion of economic relations between Russia and Turkey between 2002 to 2014 have led to expansion of political relations between the two? This question is based on one of the main assumption of liberalism theory i. e. economic interdependence leads to political cooperation. The underlying hypothesis of the article which is examined by a descriptive analytical method is that between 2002 to 2014 the economic relations between Turkey and Russia has had a noticeable growth and parallel to that the political relations between the two expanded but political integration has received lesser impact from political cooperation. The political integration has been influenced from variables other than economy and trade. The examination of the above hypothesis shows that in analyzing the ties between the countries one cannot rely on one theoretical approach but a collection of different approaches should be used to analyze their relations.

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The recent developments in the Arabian Middle East countries particularly Iraq have attracted the attention of international relations observers but what has turned the region into an explosive situation is the expansion of terrorist activities of radical Islamic groups and the military presence and violent and hegemonic measures of the United States in confronting the phenomenon. On this basis، the examination and analysis of terrorism and hegemonic suppression of it and the role of these two phenomena in intensifying each other needs to be explained because it is one of the important problems in the Middle East today. The paper attempts to evaluate the picture and outcome coming out of the interaction and confrontation between terrorism and iron hand suppression of it. In fact the paper wants to examine the causes of growth and expansion of terrorism in the Arabian Middle Eat with emphasis on relations between hegemonic suppression of terrorism and terrorism in Iraq. The article takes the help of historical descriptive، analytical method and statistics to prove the hypothesis. The finding of the study shows that the growth and expansion of terrorism in the Arabian Middle East is the product of employing explicit and implicit violence by the United States hegemonic stability strategy and the relation between hegemonic stability and terrorism in Middle East is evaluated.

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Women such as men have the fundamental social, cultural, economic and political rights, but what is worthy of more reflection and study is the scrutiny of the differences between these rights in Islam and the west. The main question which this research deals with is the impact of Women's rights on the foreign policy of the United States towards the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is our hypothesis that women's rights, for a long time, have been affected the foreign policy of the United States towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and is one of the key elements of continuing hostility and pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran. Despite numerous conventions and rules in the West, with slogan on equality, rights and responsibilities of women, in the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of gender justice, we see that the role of women, with regard to their ability, in politics and decision-making still remains low. For instance, we can indicate that legislators still have not serious determination to end discrimination between men and women. Research Methodology in this thesis is qualitative and descriptive approach by using of analyzing and the library tool.

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The policy of promoting democracy is one of the most important strategies that the United States is pursuing in the post-Cold war period to keep its dominance and influence on Latin American region countries. This policy coincided with the formation of the third wave of democracy in different parts of the world. The United States leaders tried to make use of this wave as an instrument for furtherance of their own objectives in the region. The present article by choosing the policy of promotion of democracy from the viewpoint of William Robinson in Latin American region with emphasis on Venezuela tries to examine that on what basis، determinants and mechanism the United States implements the policy of promotion of democracy in Latin American region? The finding of the study shows that on the past quarter of century the United States government has planned and endeavored that only those kinds of elite should come to power in Latin American countries that follow neo-liberal economic policies and open market economy. In this direction destabilizing the nationalist and leftist governments has been the most important mechanism of the policy of promotion of democracy. A policy which was implemented throughout Hugo Chavez presidency in Venezuela، and continued after his death.

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After the victory of Islamic revolution in Iran the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia as two regional powers moved in a conflicting direction. There are several reasons for this trend. Reasons like Iran's competition with Saudi Arabia for leadership of Islamic world، leadership of Shiites versus leadership of Wahhabi and Saudi's cooperation with West versus Iran's anti-West stands but there has been change and fluctuation in these policies due to change of governments in Iran. The present paper wants to examine the relations between the two countries from a different perspective and distinct from the existing international relations theories and is called motivational realism. The paper examines the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran from the time of coming into power of Ahmadinejad till now and studies the relations between the two countries in these two periods by a comparative method. The paper wants to know that despite considerable differences between the foreign policies of Ahmadinejad and Rouhani government what has been the Saudi Arabia's reaction to moderate foreign policy of Rouhani? What has been the impact of moderate foreign policy orientation of Rouhani on regional policies of Iran and Saudi Arabia?

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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After Obama came into power as president، there has been a shift in the United States foreign policy orientation. While during George Bush unilateralism and emphasis on achieving security and interest through hardware method was on the agenda، Obama based his foreign policy on multilateralism، soft power، public diplomacy، democracy and international norms. The present article first summarily examines Obama’s foreign policy then the criticism to his foreign policy in the Middle East and Ukraine crisis are reviewed. The article by relying on specialized articles on the United States foreign policy and by analytical explanative method wants to prove the hypothesis that the critics blame Obama for backing out، isolationism، weakening the position of the United States in world affairs and losing the position of leadership. The critics are also of the view that the United States has lost her self-confidence and is not in a position to take firm stand for supporting her allies. For this reason the United States allies have lost their faith in her position as a world leader.

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As regard the nationality in Islamic law there are three categories of nationality: Islamic or Uma nationality، contract nationality and national nationality. Islamic nationality is based on "Islamic nation" and contractual nationality is based on Zemme contract (a contract between the Islamic government and non-Muslim citizen who have accepted holy book). The Zemme contract is having its basis on faith and national nationality is based on international private law criteria and its base is physical and material. The present paper wants to answer this question that on what principle the concept of nationality in contemporary international law and Islamic law are based? What are the similarities and differences between the two legal systems in question of nationality? The present paper wants to introduce a mix of material and faith principles to examine the concept of nationality from the viewpoint of religious jurisprudence. The paper shows the similarities of Islamic legal system and contemporary international law in the concept of nationality and the differences between the concepts of Islamic nationality and concept of contractual nationality. For examining the legal concept and element related to discussion the descriptive method is used and for explaining the legal values and elements scientific analysis method is used.

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