In the age of globalization information and communication technology have developed extensively and its growth has led to spread of a large volume of data and information with great variety. Among these media, internet, satellite networks and television channels have had tremendous effects on societies. The Arab world, despite considerable progress in the field of internet and television coverage, establishing media towns in United Arab Emirates and Bahrain and other Arab countries, removing subjective and objective obstacles on the way, is still having a long way ahead to set right the communication and media infrastructure gap. This communication gap will hinder their way to reach an ideal position and be able to adjust them with the pace of new developments.The present article while explaining the position of media and internet in Arab countries tries to examines the most important obstacles and challenges in the field of media before the Arab world. One important fact which is to be remembered is that the wide wave of information and propaganda which reaches the developing Arab world population through Western communication networks and programmes contain both useful and harmful contents. The useful part is making use of scientific information and the harmful part is negative and destructive propaganda, secular and unethical teachings, anti-Islamic propaganda and colonial objectives. Thus, the developing world and in particular the Arab world should cautiously accept the good aspects of these programme and repulse the unethical and harmful aspects of the so called "Western cultural invasion".In present world the developing and developed countries need to cooperate and exchange information in order to progress. On the one hand contacts with the world and Western countries are necessary and inevitable but this contact should be balanced and sound and mutually beneficial. Today due to globalization phenomenon and the nature of new communications which is all pervasive and transcend the geographical borders the foreign ideas and thinking penetrate every home through satellite networks and media. On the other hand it is to be remembered that the information technologies have provided avenues and opportunities for educated people and elite to present their views and thoughts. Therefore, it is the right time for cultural adjustment. The Arab governments while planning suitable programmes to face the new situation should take the help of national elite to confront cultural invasions.