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The concept of "other" is one of the fundamental concepts of philosophy, especially in the twentieth century and in the works of Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre and Levinas, which carriesepistemological and ontological importance. It was also introduced by Mikhail Bakhtin in the field of literature and literary theory. From another perspective, Naser Khosrow developed and introduced such a concept after joining the Ismaili sect, concerning an urban vision of religion, the ruler and the ruled, poetry, and philosophy. Accordingly, everyone steps beyond or below these lines was not exempt from Naser Khosrow’s satiric reproach. In this article the researcher explains the theoretical foundations of the concept “the other” and also the Naseri Utopia. Moreover, the researcher intends to describe and analyze the treatment of the poet of different classes and political, social, philosophical, and literary groups.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mantiqu't-Tair, a description of human love for self-scrutiny and meeting with God, is the most significant mystical work of Attar in the form of allegory of birds in search of Simurgh or phoenix. The contradictory presence of the author as a mystic and a historian at the beginning of the book is astonishing. Although the introduction is short and distinct from the mystical text, it is of great importance owing to the interaction of mysticism and history. The historian tries to discover the truth based on the valid documentations and through a retrospective look into the past and carefully analyzing the accuracy of historical quotes and reviews whereas the mystic avoids politics and analysis. In general, history is independent of mysticism but it is the best support for the mystic. Attar is a creative mystic in the sense of innovating mystical symbols and sometimes creating historical characters out of mystical symbols, while he is oblivious to the judgment of history. Symbolizing the historical figures and disregarding the historical documentations, in addition to invalidating his judgment of the individuals, have other outcomes, including a crisis of reasoning and a rejection of mystical principles that Attar himself adheres to. This study is conducted to prove this claim in the introduction of Mantiqu't-Tair.

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The modern literary movement in Iranian fiction writing is the most important movement in Iranian literature and the best author in this movement could be noted as Bijan Najdi. He was an anarchist and Empiricist author. Najdi’s stories are full of metaphors and similes, a trait which makes the language of his stories closer to the language of poetry and givessuch a stylistic distinction to his works that he is considered in Persian literature as the founder of poetic fiction. The most important factors that mark Najdi’s stories as modern stories are elements such as poetic language, use of time gaps and penetration of the mind of his characters. In this paper surveying the narrative elements of "An Indian in Astara", we demonstrate that the story is a modern story and that Najdi employs modern narrativeelements, such as confrontation of life and death, imagination and reality, and acceptance of the situation and idealism, in order to express his ideas and the intellectual foundations of his thoughts.

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One of great Shiite scholar, Mullah Ahmad Naraghi, alias Safaee has left a book called Taghdis which has indisputable similarities to Mathnavi Maanavi in form and meaning. This book is affected by Mathnavi Maanavi written by Rumi and considerable effort has been made to compare it to Mathnavi Maanaviin matter of composition, commencement and completion of speech and also semantic goal. In this paper, an intertextual reading of Mathnavi Taghdis and Mathnavi Maanavi based on Genette’s theory of Transtextuality and three explicit and declared and hidden and implicit specifications is presented. Findings of this research show that according to the theory of Genette there is no evidence for the explicit and declared intertextual relation with Mathnavi Maanavi among 65 narratives of Mathnavi Taghdisand the most significant intertextual relation is associated with hidden and undeclared transtextuality. The results further indicate that the plot, theme and characters of at least 18 narratives have been adapted from Mathnavi Taghdis and there are different signs in the narratives of Mathnavi Taghdis in terms of space of story, tone, narration manner, name of character, etc., which associate with the narratives of Mathnavi Maanavi and are included in Genette’s classification of the implicit transtextuality.

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In the words of the poets, there are motifs that in addition to being frequent and extensive are linked to the knowledge and epistemology of the narrator. Among them, the "tree motif" in NaserKhosrow’s poetry and prose with a frequency of at least 177 times is one of the central themes and images which are rooted in the poet’s intellectual and religious beliefs. NaserKhosrowhas often used this motif in two major ways: First as an image of the universe in the form of a tree with human beings as its fruits, and second as an image of a human being in the form of a tree with his moral traits as the sweet and valuable fruits as well as his immoral traits as bitter and harmfulfruits.In the present study, in addition to investigating the background and origin of this theme, its different aspects have been analyzed. The results indicate the special and unique importance of tree in the poet’s mind and imagination and also the impact of Islamic teachings and Ismaili works and theories on the poet increatingsuch themes and images.

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Discourse is the domain of producing meaning and metadiscourse is the use of ploys and techniques by the speaker to protect, repair, modify, approve, justify and guarantee his own speech.Nima byemploying metadiscourse, which appearson various levels such as emotional, religious, historical, cultural, and scientific, seeks to highlight his own language and to add consolidation and continuity to the meaning of his words.The main objective of this study is to categorize and analyze the types Nima used in the discourse of his letters with a review of some of those letter, in the process of production and continuity of meaning.

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This paper is an analysis of archetypal elements in Mahan story in Haft Paykar (“The Seven Beauties”) based on Joseph Campbell's Monomyth Theory. Greed is the reason why Mahan starts his journey and duly leaves heaven where he lived without being aware of its value. His journey starts from a palm grove, which is a sign of his spiritual ascension. Since he does not have insight yet, he sees the leaders on his journey as monsters thatmake him suffer during the night but when the night endsthey changeinto light as a manifestation of God’s face. Mahan meets Anima after passing the thousand step well (the whale’s belly) which brings himawareness, and after gaining awareness he meets his guide who is the Khidr. Their meeting is a rebirth for him and a return to heaven, and the reward and bless he acquiresthrough his journey is an eternal life in heaven.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of thisarticle is to depict the true, scholarly and deep interest of Iqbal Lahori, the great Pakistani poet, in Iranian culture and Persian Language and civilization. First a couplet out of his renown Ghazal composed on Iranians, which represents the works in verse and prose attributed to Iqbal Lahori, is discussed to show that he was well familiar with the Iranian culture and even with some particular symbols in Persian literature. Then the five subjects of religion, philosophy and theology, mysticism, reason and love, and Persian language, which are the most important constituents of the Iranian culturalare explained and discussed in relation to the work of Iqbal Lahori. It is concluded that the Iranian cultural components, rites and traditions are blendedthoroughly with his literary and philosophical books.

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Tarjoman al-Balaghah written by Omar Radoviani, as the oldest Persian book on eloquence and criticism, holds a special and prominent stand among works devoted to the subject.It is the main source and reference for significant Persian books on eloquence such as Hadaeghat al-Sehr and Al-Mo'jam, which were compiled later .It was the first attempt to understand and establish Persian literary devices.The present study is devoted to a structural review as well as an appraisal of the innovation and imitation of the book.To this end, we started with its main source, namelyMahasen al-Kalam Fi al-Nazm va al-Nasr written by Marghinani, and analyzed its configuration, definitions, titles of literary devices, indexes, and examples.Then, a few chapters of Mahasen-al-Kalam were compared with its main source,Al-Badi'written by Ibn-al-Mo'taz.We proceeded to review the structure of Tarjoman al-Balaghah, the way literary devices were organized, and how it was influenced by Mahasen al-Kalam.We concentrated on the similarities and differences between the two to get acquainted with indexing of literary devices based on the main reference, the alterations, as well as added devices in new classifications along with Persian examples.These enabled us to observe and explain the formation and development of Persian eloquence from the very beginning.Our findings indicated that although Radoviani was directly influenced by Mahasen al-Kalam, he added new devices and categories which were absent from Mahasen al-Kalam, and scholars in the field of eloquence used his book as a model for compiling new books.His innovations included utilizing a treasure of Persian names and poems by his own efforts.Although Radoviani adapted parts of Mahasen al-Kalam, he used a new structure, and his simple and fluent work took a pleasant Persian format.

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Modernity made widespread changes in the institution of theIranian family reflected in the Persian novels. The aim of this research is to study the effect of modernity on the traditional structure of family based on the novel of Shohar-e Ahoo Khanoom. The method of research is qualitative content analysis. The effect of modernity on the relationship between family members, changeof family functions, presence of women in the society, and marriage and divorce are among the topics which were studied in this research. Afghani tried to depict the changes of Iranian family in the period of the first Pahlavi. The findings of this study shows that modernity diminished the high status of the father in the Iranian family and, on the other hand, women attained independence and individuality and became more active in the society. Moreover, more traditional members of the family developed tendency to modernity, though their understanding of modernity has been superficial.

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The language philosophy theory of “speech acts” is one of the text analysis theories on the basis of which we can analyze rhetorical and literary concepts in smaller linguistic units (utterances). This article analyzes Sepehri’s "Seday-e Pay-e Aab" according to this theory. This poem has been analyzed according to the revised model of J. R. Searle’s five “speech acts," and the author’s three affective methods. After defining the expressions and the principles of the speech act theory and specifying the concept of the three effective methods in line with this theory, under each of the five acts (assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, declarative), some examples of the lines of the poem have been analyzed. Sepehri has used assertive and expressive acts in all the parts, directive act in most of the parts, but no commisive or declarative acts in any parts of the poem. To intensify the effects of his words, the poet has used strategies like repetition, intensification, and linking of the acts in his poetry. Using the directive, assertive and expressive speech acts, on the one hand, Sepehri describes and criticizes the past and present of the world; on the other hand, by delivering his poetic view and his ideal world, he coaxes his readers into living a specific lifestyle. To achieve this, he uses three affective methods creatively. Due to the specific features and applications of commisive and declarative acts, Sepehri has not been able to use them in this poem.

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Gerard Genette is a French structuralist theorist and critic. In this paper we have investigated the speed and time technique of narration in the story of Varqa and Golshah by Ayyuqi from the viewpoint of Genette. The result of the structural study of Varqa and Golshah indicates that for the normal progress of the story and to avoid any ambiguity the writer has chosen the present time as the base and main time. Internal retrospective anachronism in the context of the story is used to inform the audience or restating the memories, and anticipative anachronism is only used to express the ambitions of the characters of the story. The study of duration shows that the story has been narrated with negative acceleration. By using this element, the writer has built the desired form of his story and has been able to increase the epic aspect of the story more than its lyric aspect. The element of frequency has been investigated from the singular, repetition, and frequent aspects. The results show that these elements have caused the text to progress fast and have led to meaningful repetition of events and emphasis on them.

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The poetry of Mahdi Akhavan Sales in contemporary Persian poetry and Al-Bayati in contemporary Arabic poetry comprises many Romantic elements. This article is mainly a comparative analysis ofthe titles of the two collections: Akhavan's Zemestan and Albayati's Al-Majd lil-Atfal wal-Zeitoon.The researchers attempt through a content analytic method to show and compare the presence of Romantic elements in these poetical titles. The results show that some Romantic elements such as return to childhood, escape and travelling, sadness and loneliness and Romantic archaism are obviously reflected in the titles of the two collections of Akhavan and Al-Bayati. The title has an important role in forming the general identity of the text, and this fact indicates the special position of Romanticism in the two poets’ perspective. Some Romantic elements, such as nationality, are reflected in Al-Bayati's poetic title, but this feature is not seen in Akhavan's poetic title, though the case is different in the text of his poems.

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Studying and analyzing the ways of rewriting and recreating in Bahram Beyzai’s literary works is the main goal of this paper. He is a norm-breaker author who destroys the reader’s mental and language structures and defaults. The plays, scripts and narrations which are analyzed in this article are Azhdehaak, Arash, Ahu, Salandar, Talhak va Digaran, Pardeye neiy, Siavash Khani, Shabe hezar-o Yekom and Majlese Ghorbaniye Sennemar. At first, in this research, Beyzai’s descriptive-analytical ways are introduced, and then these ways are analyzed in Beyzai’s works. The ways are generally as follows: 1. recreating an old work on two levels: “changing the plot” and “changing the dutifulness of characters,” and 2. rewriting an old work in some ways by “adding dialogue between characters”, “suggesting cause and effect relation” and “changing the ways of narration.”

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