In recent years, there have been cases of successful and unsuccessful suicides among university students, which have made widespread concern in the public minds, experts and academics because of the community's sensitivity to youth and university students. This article studies the contexts, causal, exacerbating conditions, interactions, and the consequences of suicide from the perspective of students who had experienced unsuccessful suicide. Based on theoretical and purposive sampling, ten students of Kharazmi University with unsuccessful suicide experience in recent years were selected and interviewed. After analyzing the interviews and coding, different categories were developed: economic, social, and family disruptions as "Underlying Conditions", frustration, weakness, forced marriages, psychological stress, university differences with past expectations of students as "Causal Conditions", the gap generation, religious weakness, gender inequality, need to be considered as "Intervention condition", loneliness, labeling, avoidance and lack of support by others as "Common and Coping Strategies". Finally, for most survivors, negative consequences such as rejection and loss of social capital, physical and mental injuries, and ultimately unsuccessful return and repeated suicide attempts and for a minority of them successful return to social life were identified as possible outcomes. "core category" is best represented in the following statement: "Suicide is a personal response to frustrations, pressures, disruptions, and lack of support. "