Introduction: A young population and delayed socialization for a new world order in the transitional society of Iran, has led to the development of adolescent and youth delinquency. In this context, young people who cannot direct their desires in a normal channel may turn into deviant and delinquent behaviors(Mohammadi asl, 2006: 11). This study considers serious delinquent behaviors which are named as high-risk behaviors, namely, behaviors that increase probability of physical, psychological and social negative consequences (Zadeh Mohammadi & AhmadAbadi, 2008: 88-89). Major causes of death and disease in industrialized and developing countries refer to relatively limited number of high-risk behaviors which are mostly begin from teen and young ages (Anteghini et al.2001: 1). Teens and young adults are one of the important groups exposed to high-risk behaviors such as AIDS (Mozafarzadeh & Vahdaninia, 2008), suicide (Aliverdinia et al.2011), sexual activities, violence and drugs (Baskin-Sommers & Sommers, 2006; Flisher & Chalton, 2001). Since social, family and economic factors play an important role in directing behavioral patterns of individuals, particularly adolescents and youth, if these factors do not play a desirable role, adolescents and youth experience challenge and pressures derived from these challenges and difficulties, may attract them towards high-risk behaviors (Barikani, 2008: 192-193). Occurrence and prevalence of high-risk behaviors among adolescents and youth is a result of disruption of social mechanisms and is due to several factors. One of these factors is social skills, which are essential elements of social life and the enjoyment of it can play an important role in deterring high-risk behaviors, especially among youth, because youth age is a period of transition accompanied by various crises. Social Skills are learned adaptive behaviors that enable individuals to interact with different people, expressing positive reactions and avoiding behaviors with negative consequences (Kartledge & Milbern, 1990). Lack of social skills may lead to behaviors such as delinquency, maladjustment, poor educational performance (Nasr Esfahani et al.2005), drug abuse and addiction (Ghassemzadeh et al.2007). Having social skills provide context for participation of individuals in the community and help them represent effective social reactions in confronting with really difficult social situations. In fact, social skills, transform people's potential abilities to actual ones and are essential to create, maintain and organize human relationships.