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The article studies the role of nationalism on the process of formation of democracy in Iraq. To explain the problem the authors have introduced different theories of democracy and among them, they have choosed the Associational Democracy Pattern as a proper theoretical framework in this study. This pattern of democracy emphasizes on four features: Participation of all important ethnic groups in decision- making; autonomy of the ethnic groups in administrating their internal affairs; proportional representation of the ethnic groups; and he right of veto for the minoritie.These features explain how to achieve a proper model of democracy in a multiethnic society. This study is based on documental analysis method by emphasis on the Iraq's new constitutional law and observes the different ethnical interpretations of the kurds, the shiite and the Sunnite minorities. The article finally comes to the conclusion that, while, the different and sometimes contrary ethnical interpretations of the constitutional law are made by these three main ethnic groups, there is little hope in the near future on formation of Iraq's democracy.

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Today, many international and global processes and concepts such as securit, threat …, are influenced by astonishing development of word wide informative and communicative technology. In regards to such developments in these areas, this essay tries to investigate the role and impact of Internet, as one of the most important informative and communicative technological tool, on the activities of al-Qaida group after September 11th. Therefore, the present article is preparing the proper answer for this funds mental question that does Internet have the essential and vital influence on extension of al-Qaida activities? To answer this question, we will explain how Internet and virtual world have had vital impact on this group and how it organizes its multinational forces and its other activities by using of Internet.

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The regional development is a familiar and historical concept, and the development term involves predominantly a limited and area implication. In this context, the factors concerned with such a limited implication includes: limitation of the capital and productive forces, deficient efficacy and limitation of markets concerning the lack of roads, shortage of quick and in expensive transportation and restrictions of technology. These factors result in the reduction of production, limited distribution range and lower consumptions. In this condition, any economic struggle would typically doomed to be limited and in efficient. The factors which determine the human effort limitation in the traditional economics originate from the nature. The experiences from study of the countries provide four possible principles which need to be studied further: 1) planning for the regional development needs a real and powerful operational power. 2) the political commitment in a developmental program should not be interrupted. 3) Using the machinery and tools in the regional development needs the coordination. 4) in the national perspective, a kind of balance should be kept among the various developmental dreas in the country.This research tries to explain that if these conditions are not considered and followed practically, the probability of in efficiency of the applied polices and development will increase.

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Nation-State building is on of the important new research and study subjects in International Relations discipline. In the Post Cold War area, some new members have Joined to the system of states.As a result, this subject has gained more attention among scholars both in theoretical and case studies across the glob.Nation-State building in post communist countries is a new area subject studies. The collapse of Soviet Union led to the new subject study in International Relations and scholars in this area were confronted with numerous questions about problems of post Soviet countries and tried to find proper answers to them. It is concluded that the real roots of these problems, especially in security issues should be analyzed in the theoretical frame work of Nation-State building process. By studying this subject, we can better understand the world order and stability. The article, with regarding the importance of the process of the Nation-State building in the contemporary world and its direct and indirect effects on International Security, tries to review different models of Nation-State building and provide a theoretical framework for this subject study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There have been some important and considerable changes in the field of philosophy of science in the twentieth century. In a general view, we can numerate four major discourses in this area which are as followed: 1) positivism and inductive method, 2) refutability, 3) structuralism, 4) relativism and hermenutics.By dominating Hermenutics on philosophy of science in the twentieth century, a basic change happened in the field of methology. The writing the present article is that to indicate writher Hermenutics can be used as a method in theology and religious political thought. The author by classifying the different views and attitudes of Hermeniticians intends to show that the hermenutic theories are capable of establishing themselves as methodological rules in theology and religious thought, both on the position of Judjement and to explore and collect data in their fields; although this capacity has not yet been explored properly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Persian Gulf has always been concerned due to its geo-economic and geo-strategic position. Increasing the consumption of world energy simultaneously faced with decreasing of oil reserves in other parts of world let to the importance of Persian Gulf as a major center for world energy demand. Energy has a direct impact on the economic growth, welfare and national security of all countries and the U.S.A. as a big consumer of world energy will be influenced by all changes due to supplying of it. From this point of view, accessing to a safe and continuous energy supply will be vital to the interests of the W.S.A. government.On the other hand, the role of energy is not ignorable in the structure of security of Persian Gulf. Oil plays a major role in the political stability, welfare and finally the maintenance of Persian Gulf countries.While security has a basic and major role for Producers and consumers of energy, especially the U.S. government, the article attempts to analyze the relationship between energy and security in the Persian Gulf region. Its aim is to present a pattern for participated security for benefits of all Persian Gulf countries regarding present facts.

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To talk about political thought of Ferdowsi, the Iranian greatest epic poet, in the frame work of modern concepts is rather difficult. Ferdowsi's political thought is not compatible both with classical pattern of political philosophy and models of modern political thought. Therefore, Ferdowsi's theory on politics is in fact a kind of reflection on political conditions and relations and is not considered as philosophical thought.So, we suppose that his political ideas are difinable mainly within political advice and the discussion on power and how to gain and maintain it. This view coincides with theory of kingdom in ancient Persian political thought. The article tries to explain this subject by exploring the characteristics of Ferdowsi's epic poems and his social and political implications.

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A short review on Iran's political thought shows us that the structure of power in Iran, since the beginning has been shaped on the basis of absolute monarchy which is Justified by theory of Grace of God. This means that kingdom is a gift of God which is given to a special person. It is indicated that Iranians in ancient time could only once to know about the form of government different from absolute monarchy due to their contact with ancient Greece. Since then, the model of absolute monarchy has been experienced down to Iranian modern era which began by Iran and Russia wars, new contacts with the west and finally constitutional Revolution. Since Constitutional Revolution new thoughts and ideas entered to Iran which caused many great new changes in all fields.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Positivism, Hermenutics and critical-Cultural theory are three scientific discourses that appeared in 1960 decade. Critical view has challenged other discourses seriously. The content of the critical theory is somehow the negation and verification of different fields, such as science, economics, politic, education and mass culture of late modern society. Late modern society was gradually shaped by the formation of welfare state in the twentieth century. At this stage, capitalist society distanced from the primary ideal situation or liberal- Democracy and confronted by the widespread crisis. The philosophy foundation of the critical theory is based upon the epistemology which is related to thetrilateral interests: positive sciences or technical, hermeneutical and emancipatory. The difference between this theory and other critical theories is its emancipatory character. The article tries to make distinction and to show the related difference: ideological aspect of positivism, conservative aspect of hermenutics and relativist view of postmodernism towards knowledge.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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