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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Rural development systematic approach knows pre-request accessible to development purposes participate of all rural people including woman, man, young and adult. It is considered participating and development plans as a pre-request of participating advantages toward achieving development aims. This research has done with comparative study of rural women participate obstacles in development plans in two Samaleh and Salie-e villages in Khuzestan province. It was all people over 10 years educated as statistic population case study and selected the sample persons to random sampling method between them. Data collection was questionnaire by library studies. Research results indicate that different factors such as economic, social and cultural effect on rural women participation. In other hand have been social and cultural factors women participation obstacles in villages study area. It was different priority obstacles and participate women barriers, regarding cultural diversity between two villages (one Arab language and other Lorish languages). According to results it seems request measuring achieve by executing and women participators and execute plan. Also it can promote women participate rate and level by using linguistic and local language in development programs.

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The exogenous pattern of development weakened the traditional relationship among the urban places in Iran. The high urban growth led to the emergence of primate city which gave special hegemony to the capital Tehran. One of the main consequences of urban growth in the country has been the disintegration of urban network system. Evidences show that the province has experienced demographical transitions which the large central cities tended to cluster and forming a regional dominance on the urban network system. The present paper aims to examine the change and distribution of urban network in Mazandaran province. The methodology of the research is based on a descriptive-analytical method by using rank-size rule, Christaller and primate city index to determine the hierarchical order of urban places in the region. The results revealed that the regular urban network has changed to the irregular urban pattern which however has a more balanced pattern compared to the arid and semi-arid areas of Iran but smaller urban centers losing their importance in the benefit of the larger cities. It could be concluded that with respect to the balancing role of small and intermediate towns, it is quit logical to define more functions for the smaller urban settlements to distribute socio-economic opportunities for an appropriate urban network system.

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One of the effects of unorganized and immethodical growth and congestion of activities in urban areas in our country lies in big crowd and high rate of intra-city traffic accidents. That is why Iran is considered as one of the car accident-arising countries in the world. This article tends to have a general investigation over intra-city traffic accidents in the city of Bandar Anzali and their emerging factors in the citizens' views.Data are generally gathered through questionnaire in a field study. The results found indicate that weakness in public transportation system with high capacity of carriage, lack of special lane in the main street, apartment building, population increase, and poor public parking spaces are the main factors of crowd congestion and intra-city traffic. Similarly, selling excess building lands by municipality, migration, and narrow passages in old part of the city are the other factors of crowd congestion and intra-city traffic in citizens' views.

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Extend Abstract:Introduction: Development of human settlements and the creation of an appropriate system and network unsafely in the development process can cause spatial justice, urban and rural space narrowing, strengthening the link urban and rural and finally merge them and changes in economic conditions, social, physical lead and comprehensive development and to create stability. Accordingly, the villages in its transformation process at the time of emergence, growth and long to have survived. In the process of integrating it with other villages and integration within the cities or population growth, the city began to have a new life. Some villages still have to survive as a rural settlement. Another group of villages with changing economic conditions - social and technological developments, have passed the decline and over are faced with population decline. As city of Miandoaab in most Iranian cities, rapid development in the 1980S to 2000S is the integration of eight villages surrounding the city. Therefore, this study investigates the effects and consequences of economic, social and physical integration of eight villages of Qareveran, Tghiabad, Valiabad, Behykandi, Vakilkandi, Bashirkandi, Ebrahom Nayebkandi and Yuzbashkandi is paid in the Miandoaab city and satisfaction after the inhabitants of these villages have been merged in the city.Methodology: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the consequences of the merger is in the village. With a descriptive - analytical to explain effects of physical, social and economic of cultural integration is mentioned in the study villages. Two methods for data collection and survey documents have been used. The documentary method, to identify factors affecting the integration process and evaluate the comparative effects of integration in the village, is separately incorporated settlements. The survey method using observation, interviews (city officials and council), and questionnaires completed by 260 households in eight settlements mentioned have been merged. Information obtained from questionnaires completed by families residing in incorporated villages, using SPSS statistical software and T-test and descriptive statistics and statistical analysis has been analyzed.Result and Discussion: Results show that the views of residents, the maximum and minimum positive impact of physical integration villages in the city, with 72.3 and 14.5 percent, respectively increase quality of asphalt pavements and improve the shape of doors and windows. However, the maximum and minimum negative impact on the physical integration with 62 and 41.3 percent respectively is tissue changes settlements and separated development of land. in the social aspect the views of residents, the maximum and minimum positive impact of social integration villages in the city, with 89.8 and 31.2 percent respectively, improving quality of life and reduce the tendency to migrate to the city. However, the maximum and minimum negative impact of social integration villages in the city, with 58.5 and 3.2 percent respectively, increasing urbanization and the fading of social participation. Also in the economic aspect the views of residents, the maximum and minimum positive impact of economic integration villages in the city, with 59.8 and 10.8 percent respectively, increasing land prices and increasing number of industrial and semi industrial workshops. However, the maximum and minimum negative impact of economic integration villages in the city, with 81.8 and 38.8 percent respectively, Increasing costs of living and withdrawal of government support and assistance to the villagers. According to tests conducted overall the visual effects mentioned families in rural settlements merger integration is positive. Comments of the municipality and city council officials, the advantages and disadvantages of merging the village in the city, indicated that the benefits of integration between their villages, in the city terms of creating jobs and increasing the administrative, commercial and services, promoting culture, urbanization and rising levels of culture and information to help people enhance the survival of the population living in cities and attract a limited number of rural migrants, facilities and institutions to create new services, improving the physical condition of the city, garbage collection, construction of housing and commercial units and construction management, construction of protective facilities in the city and its surroundings and provide some services from the municipality, there is consensus and also, in terms of disadvantages, such as rising housing prices and speculation, rising expectations of people, cut off some aid and government support, which is rural. The officials, council members and families into settlements, there is consensus. Views of officials and households living in integration of rural disadvantage in decisions and policies can usually be resolved. Integration between villages in the city (in terms of physical size, economic and social) integration, and distance to downtown and village development plans for city development (physical development - physical) there is a significant relationship. Because, the more time passes from the merger of the village in the city, the number of facilities and services in urban settlements than before the merger and the increased quality of services, particularly administrative services - credit and health - health has improved and villages that have a distance less than the city center, further development and integration of urban services have benefited more than other villages. As a result, more households have been accepted by the population.Conclusion: The results of the findings show that the maximum benefits Integrated of village in the city is the physical and the economic aspect is the minimum advantaged. While conversely, the maximum disadvantage is the economic aspect of integration in the village in the city and the physical aspect is the minimum disadvantages. This indicated that the integration of anatomical changes and increased services in rural areas in urban settlements has been the integration of other dimensions and in rural areas in the city benefits from the integration of anatomical, between authorities and households sampled, there is more consensus. Also the results show, however that the majority of responses stated that Guyana and the positive effects of integration in their village has negative effects and consequences and satisfied. This action has yet been able to meet all the expectations of residents. Therefore, it seems to create and deploy the necessary infrastructure for development in similar areas the integration process in the village and the legal infrastructure to support economic investment and prosperity in business is essential.

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In recent years, tourism is considered as an important industry in the world , both in the number of participants and generated economic is high ranked. According to the continuous negotiation about stable development and opinions of most theoreticians, tourism can be posed as the main and primary skeleton in stable development.According to the tourism industry divisions which tourism is its inalienable part, upon data and suitable planning in identifying current potentials and limitations in village tourism, empowering positive features, omitting negative facts in stable development, and stabilizing economic and population balance we can pace an affective and positive foot to deliver tourism and village tourism definitions, determine studying limits, identify advantage and disadvantages of the area, finally, we give appropriate strategy and alternative.

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Extend AbstractIntroduction: One of the characteristics of our age is urbanization, increasing of urban population and developing and growing of towns and cities. The third millennium has been called urbanization age because urban population has increased from 29 million in 1800 to 2/8 billion in 2000. It is forecasted that urban population will be 3/3 billion in 2030, and 90 percent of this population will live in the third world cities. Urbanization in Gilan province has ever been less than its average in Iran but its urban system has been similar to the rest of Iran. Urban pyramid is unbalanced and unequal in Gilan, and the top of the pyramid is very narrow due to existence of big cities, and the base of the pyramid is very wide due to existence of many small towns.Methodology: This research based on studying in Guilan province is going to analyze urbanization dimensions and trends, the increase of city numbers through transformation of villages to towns, and primate city indexes in it. The type of research is applied and its method is descriptive-analytical. Required data has been collected through the results of public Censuses of Housing and Population from 1956 to 2006.Results: The survey of population and urbanization in Guilan province shows that urban population were increasing from 1956 to 1986, and had a falling trend from 1986 to 1996, in all of these periods urban population growth rate was more than rural and total population growth rate but rural population was always more than urban population. In 2006, for the first time urban population has transcended to rural population. The increase of extent and ratio of urbanization has been due to increase of rural immigration and the transformation of villages to towns. During the late five decades, Guilan province has ever faced with increasing of city numbers. The average of population of villages transformed to towns is low. Grouping of cities shows that the cities with population between 10000 and100000 have increased from 1966 to 2006, but cities with population more than 100000 haven't changed so much. The survey of numbers and population of cities in different groups shows that small towns (less than 25000 populations) have had the least population and the most numbers in all periods of Censuses. Primate city indexes in Guilan indicate that urban system is unbalanced, it means that primate city degree and centralization are high there. The main reason for this centralization is the state's policies and modernization.Conclusion: Surveys indicate urbanization level in Guilan province has increased and rural population ratio has decreased in five recent decades. Rasht city (the capital of the province) has had the most urban population, within the six periods of Censuses the average of its population has been 43/1 percent of urban population of Guilan province. This unbalanced population distribution in the province is because of unbalanced distribution of services and facilities there. So it is necessary to change or improve the population settlement and settling pattern in order to achieve development.

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One important indicator of the degree of development of countries in the Human Development Index is used. Advance human development, improving quality of life or living standards of people in a country or region. The main objective of benefit to humans, Terms of improving the quality of human lives. The World Bank's index is used to calculate the degree of development of the country. The present article aims to review the province's Human Development Index, with a descriptive - analytical those addresses. Results show Iran's Human Development Index of 571.0 in 1975 to 779.0 in 2008 has increased. Increase of per capita income in 73.0. Expectancy 755.0 increase in education index 851.0. These increases resulted in improvement of the human development index of 77.0 in 1384 to 788.0 in 1385 has been. Improvement in the human development index too. Human development indicators in the education sector but in the context of improving life expectancy, per capita income has not recovered. The results show positive effects of development has tended to provinces and territories that already have better social and economic conditions.

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Human should keep in mind to use territory as much as it's potential to prevent poverty and destruction of territory and also kind of use should be determined refer to territory potentials, economic and social needs. Spatial development of Guilan province (north of Iran) is representing policies and socioeconomic attitude of the society in the past decades that can be characterized with elemental metamorphism in shape and spatial organization. Spatial organization of Guilan province is ruling by arrangement and distribution of members of a set in space for application of all members. In spatial organization of Guilan, dots like: entrances, villages, cities, regions (industrial, agricultural and service regions) and cities, grids like: roads, channels, power transfer lines etc. and areas like: agricultural lands, forests, sea, rivers and lagoons are important. Finally configuration of spatial structure can be presents balanced, incidental, concentrated, hierarchy or conversely.

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Participation and cooperation culture have a root in long history of Iranian people and it’s a part of traditional culture in development culture. This concept since 1970 by propose some concepts in scientific and executive circles such as economic, cultural. Development and stable development obtained more significance. And not it’s a missing link of development process then the present research with due attention to the significant. Of matter on hand, try to study the village of soltanali rural district of Gonbad Kavos province comparatively.This research is descriptive- analytic and field- based and to measure the research components, we use chi-square experiments, correlation analyzes, Variance analyze, logistic regression and Kruskal-Wallis. And obtained results indicate that between people's social and economic level and place with the amount of their participation in line with rural development, there is a meaningful connection at the high and acceptable level. And further more people's participation play a key (main) role in developing of rural areas in studding area.

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