Religious tourism activity have a great potential for economic development at national and local level, in which, cities, as a place of concentration, have a great role. In Iran, cities like Mashhad, Shiraz and Qom which are characterized by their religious attractions, also can earn considerable profits and experience economic development. Shiraz, as an Iranian-Islamic city, with religious places, pilgrimage buildings, historical sites and recreational facilities provide a suitable basis for religious tourism development as one of prominent types of tourism activities. So this research aims to recognize and study the effect of physical Factors on religious tourism development in Shiraz. In doing so, literature review of this effects has showed some physical criteria that can be classified in two main categories, subjective (including, visual pleasure; placidity; security; and place identity), and objective (including, desirable view; the quality of accessibility; utilities and services; and enclosure). Case study survey and statistical analysis shows that objective criteria have more effect on religious tourism than subjective ones. Among them, the objective criteria, "the quality of accessibility" is the most important criteria while the "enclosure" has not been recognized affective. Among subjective criteria, "placidity" and "visual pleasure" are the most important criteria while the "security" is not affective. All in all, the proposed conceptual model of research has been accepted with R-Square equal to 0.745 which means the mentioned indicators and criteria are explaining the dependent variable up to 75 percent.