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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Climate has always been a decisive factor in the residential architectural formation of the region of Yazd, with the sun exposure and the wind as its main elements. The bioclimatic condition of this region is considerably hot during June, July and August while the bioclimatic conditions drastically change into cold and dry weather around December, January and February. Furthermore, the wind streams carry sands and effecting the residences' life. The present study aims in investigating the influence of the central courtyard pattern of houses in Yazd region and determining the role of the current proportions between the yard and the walls in moderating the harsh conditions of the hot and dry climate. Three dimensional models were provided from the Baqer Dashti house (Muzaffarid Period) and Mashrooteh house (Safavid period). Solar simulation was conducted by means of Ecotect software and besides, the storm in the 29th of May 2003 with 26.4 m/s speed was simulated by means of the FLUENT software. The analytical results of the Ecotect software revealed that 35.6% of the summer quarter's area in Mashrooteh House is protected by the shadow during the hot months of the year, while this area in Baqer Dashti house is 24.5%. On the other hand, the winter quarter of Mashrooteh house in cold months of the year receives 2752 W/m2 of sun exposure, whereas the sun exposure in Baqer Dashti house is only 850 W/m2. Despite the equality of the shadow on the northwestern side of the both houses during the hot months of the year, the amount of the received energy in this side on the cold months of the year is not equal, that is, the Mashrooteh house receives 3108 W/m2 amount of energy while Baqer Dashti house receives 1358 W/m2 energy. The majority of the both houses are exposed to the sun radiation during the hot months of the year, however, the yard of Baqer Dashti house receives no sun exposure during the cold months of the year, while 14% of the Mashrooteh house is receiving sun exposure. The analytical results of the Fluent software reveals that wind blows with more severity in the interior yard of the Mashrooteh house with the speed of 28.8 Km/h which was almost twice more than Baqer Dashti house, which is due the larger area of the yard in Baqer Dashti house. The microclimate which is constructed in the yard in order to create a peaceful and calmer atmosphere in the yard. Therefore, considering the total conditions of the both houses, we can conclude that the pattern of the central yard in the Mash- rooteh House has a more efficient function in moderating the harsh climatic environment and the proportion of the house's various components have better harmony in this house.

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The historical urban quarters are the rich sources of physical and cultural heritage, though not only for their great historical buildings and places, but also as they are the history of all the communities who have been there during ages. In other words the physical and cultural heritage need to be revitalized because of "obsolescence" process during the ages and it is quiet natural. On the other hand the characteristics of the historical tissue must be updated to meet the contemporary human needs. Among the several methods of intervention in historical quarters, the "revitalization" approach, is important as it have concern the physical, economic and social dimensions. Beside of all of these revitalization based on maintaining natural capital for present and future generation which is known as "Sustainability". The main aim of this paper is to propose a model for integrating the two concept of sustainability and revitalization of historic urban quarters and to indicate an appropriate strategy for their revitalization. Based on this aim, this study use analytical-descriptive method according to documents and theoretical framework. The results of this research show that the intervention strategies need to consider priorities by identifying obsolescence and dynamics development factors and then classifying sustainability level. Based on this research there are five situations: First, the physical unsustainability and dynamics development. Second and third, the partly sustainability as the problems on physical and functional dimensions. Forth, unsustainable economic and social structure while the physical dimension has no fundamental problem. Fifth, when the quarter placed on unsustainable situation in all dimensions. This research try to proposed revitalization strategies according to each sustainability situation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2574

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A large part of Islamic architecture is Tomb monuments. In these monuments, shrine complexes and constructions are of great importance. The shrine of Ahmad ibn Musa has been one of the most important shrine monuments in different eras in Shiraz. Although the context of the formation of Ahmad ibn-Musa (a.s) returns to the seventh century (lunar calendar), but its architectural evolutions in different eras have been neglected. However, with the recognition of this monument at different periods an important part of the history of the city, which was occurring in such shrine complexes, will be clarified. So the purpose of this article is to search evolutions of this tomb according to the context of this period and to identify the place of this tomb in the Shiraz city of Safavid period. In this research the information was gathered from primary sources and reliable ones including historical and geographical documents. After getting out the needed information and thinking deeply in the data, the evidence have been analyzed using interpretive-historical method.Results indicate when the Safavid period began, the context changed and believes in Shia spread. So more attention was paid to religious and shrine monuments like Ahmad ibn-Musa (a.s). In this state by changing the patrons of this tomb with availability of appropriate economic context, the tomb and its ruined parts were repaired and new building were constructed near the tomb. In fact, in this era the tomb changed into a complex and its connection with city developed, based on these changes and also its location in the city and the expanse of its Waqf places. So that this complex got a new place in the Safavid city of Shiraz in this period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Religious tourism activity have a great potential for economic development at national and local level, in which, cities, as a place of concentration, have a great role. In Iran, cities like Mashhad, Shiraz and Qom which are characterized by their religious attractions, also can earn considerable profits and experience economic development. Shiraz, as an Iranian-Islamic city, with religious places, pilgrimage buildings, historical sites and recreational facilities provide a suitable basis for religious tourism development as one of prominent types of tourism activities. So this research aims to recognize and study the effect of physical Factors on religious tourism development in Shiraz. In doing so, literature review of this effects has showed some physical criteria that can be classified in two main categories, subjective (including, visual pleasure; placidity; security; and place identity), and objective (including, desirable view; the quality of accessibility; utilities and services; and enclosure). Case study survey and statistical analysis shows that objective criteria have more effect on religious tourism than subjective ones. Among them, the objective criteria, "the quality of accessibility" is the most important criteria while the "enclosure" has not been recognized affective. Among subjective criteria, "placidity" and "visual pleasure" are the most important criteria while the "security" is not affective. All in all, the proposed conceptual model of research has been accepted with R-Square equal to 0.745 which means the mentioned indicators and criteria are explaining the dependent variable up to 75 percent.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Historic districts of cities in deserve protection and maintaining due to their socia- cultural val- ues and the role of them in identitying these cities. Also, these districts are severely unstable and vulnerable against earthquake. Considering the vulnerability of Tehran particular historical places and spaces in the central part of this city against the earthquake, it is important to assess the factors influencing the vulnerability of the city's historic quarters and offer some Strategies to reduce their vulnerability to the earthquakes.In this regard, the present study has attempted to recognize the factors affecting the seismic vulnerability of spatial, social and economic dimensions, in the Sirous neighborhood within the historical context of Tehran, and then to Identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing its terms. At the end, this research offer the strategies that led to the rehabilitation and renovation of this historic quarter against the earthquake crisis and reduce it's damages. The approach is a qualitative research, with using of a descriptive - analytical metod. According to the results of this study, employing knowledge of urban restoration in the historical context of Sirous neighborhood led to preserve and restore its values and improving living conditions and also, can be consistent in crisis management purposes in order to prevent a crisis or reduce its vulnerability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Several factors, including social contribution, are involved in the development of cities. One of the instances of social contribution is Vaghf that is fulfilled according to Islamic rules and with an intention to gain the divine contentment. Vaghf has many outcomes in society; this article aims to study the interactions between endowed places and the development of six localities in Tehran city during Qajar period. Therefore, the research is based on qualitative method, and the data were collected from valid sources, and then were subjected to analysis The findings show that the endowed places of Tehran city during the Qajar period were helpful in the qualitative rasing of environment through internal structural development of localities, reinforcement of identity-bestowing elements in localities, and urban furniture raising. Tehran social, economic, physical development has been effected by both construction and type of endowed places. In the other hand, some endowed places were constructed and some of the old ones were ruined. Moreover, endowed places have never hindered city development, but by being left idle, the security level and the importance of the functions of their neibouring places will decrease as well, and city finds an unbeautiful image. The number of endowed places in different localities indicates their sporadic distribution: most of the endowed places are situated in Bazar, and least of them are situated in Arg and Dowlat localities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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