Motifs and mythical thoughts through human history go into a variety of formats to survive and are reconstructed, recreated and reproduced in ideas and different worlds. One of these realms and worlds is a mystical world. Motifs and common points of the world of myth and mysticism in foundations of knowledge, interpretability, sacred time and space, symbolic language stem the possibility of convergence, communication and interaction between these two worlds. The present article, based on Attar's narration in Tazkirat al- Awliya, explains how Rabai after passing through the stages of the heroicsecret school (Unusual birthday, rite of passage/ Captivity, slavery and minstreland hero's Journey / Journey to the Kaaba) is raised as the goddess and Great Mother's womb. Rabaidisplayed dual and contradictory character in the ancient pattern of her mother goddess and female dutifulness. She is a compilation of virginity and fertile. Rabai is both the virgin, and the mother (making a theme for spiritual birth) big men such as Hassan Basri, al-Hallaj. She isalsoboth minstreland mystic, that poured the love on the body of the ascetic mysticism in an expression of all her feminine sides. Rabia in all lenity and kindness, is strongly fearsome and notorious (terrible, kind mother in the myth). After passing the ritual of initiation, in moving toward the center(Kaaba) and towardachieving equilibrium, evolution and unity, Rabaiherself became a center for the mystics of her time.