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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Ramroudi Hamid | Nasrollahnezhad Ghomi Ali Asghar | Zaynali Nezhad Khalil | DEHGHAN MOHAMMAD ALI

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Brown wheat rust caused by Puccinia recondita f. sp tritici is one of the most important diseases of wheat in most parts of regions in the world. The progeny of F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 derived from cross of Bolani×ATRI525 and Bolani×ATRI527 with parents, were cultured in a completely randomized block desigen for the study of wheat rust resistance. Trait such as infection, Infection type, contamination coefficient and surface under the disease progression curve were measured and evaluated. Genetic analysis by analysis of means and variance of generations showed that in addition to increasing effects, epistatic effects also play an important role in the control of traits. However, dominance variance had an important role in the control of traits in the incremental variance and there was a significant difference between the generations in terms of all traits in the one percent (P<0. 01) level. The results of genotyping average analysis indicated that the dominance of genes was the most important genetic factor in control of the studied traits. Epistatic additive×additive incremental addiction was more important than the epistatic dominance×dominance. The average of heritability for the traits was the percentage of infection, type of contamination, contamination coefficient and under curve of disease progression were 0. 88, 0. 92, 0. 82 and 0. 86 for the first population and 0. 75, 0. 68, 0. 62 and 0 59 for the second population. Private heritability for the above mentioned traits was varied by 0. 42, 0. 34, 0. 52 and 0. 17 for the first population, and 0. 45, 0. 39, 0. 46 and 0. 19 for the second population. The mean genetic dominance (√ (H/D) was less than one for all four attributes, indicating the role of dominance effects in trait control.

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Take-all disease, caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici (Ggt) is one of the most important of wheat diseases that causes severe damage to crown and root rot in different regions of Iran. Development of resistant varieties requires genetic study on inheritance and type of gene action in disease resistance, which so far has not been any report in relation to (Ggt). Therefore, in order to genetically analyze of resistance to this disease, the generations of P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 were produced and planted at greenhouse. After artificial infection of plants with T-41 strain of (Ggt), the phenotypic measurement was based on the degree of disease damage and its symptoms on the crown and root were recorded. The results of the generation mean analysis indicated that the five-parameter model can explain the variations between the means of generations in two crosses (1528×164 and 1622×1526) and four parametric models in third cross(1528×1546). Additive, dominance and epistatic effects including additive × dominance and dominance × dominance were exist in controlling of this trait. The dominance and epistatic effects were greater than the others. Distribution of F2 generations, showed a tendency toward susceptibility so the susceptibility was dominant to resistance. Analysis of the F2 data based on the classical ratios showed that with phenotypic grouping of F2 generation in three susceptible, semisusceptible and resistant groups. These three groups corresponded to the epistatic ratio (9: 6: 1), respectively. This result was almost consistent with the results obtained from the Generation means analysis, since in GMA, duplicate dominant epitasis and partial duplicate interaction were detected and the minimum number of genes involved in controlling this trait has been estimated by 2 gene that it has a relative accordance by duplicate dominant interaction with additive effect (9: 6: 1).

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To deal with stresses, especially drought stress, identification of resistance genes in plants and understanding their functions is very important. In this study, we investigated the effects of drought stress on expression of TaNAC2A gene as well as on the activity of ascorbate peroxidase and catalase in some of the durum wheat genotypes. The experiment was conducted in factorial based on randomized complete block design with five drought stress levels (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25% of field capacity) and five durum wheat genotypes (Shabrang, Behrang. Karkhe, Arya and Dena) in three replications. The genotypes were planted in pots and different levels of drought stress were induced at seedling stage (four leaves). Variance analysis showed that the effects of genotype, drought stress and drought stress×genotype interaction were significantly different compare with the control (25% FC). Drought stress of 5% field capacity had the greatest influence on TaNAC2A expression as well as catalase and ascorbate peroxidase enzymes activity. The level of TaNAC2A expression and the activity of catalase and glycol peroxidase enzymes in Shabrang genotype were higher than that in other genotypes. Interestingly, with increasing drought stress levels, the TaNAC2A expression and antioxidant activity of catalase and ascorbate peroxidase was increased in all tested genotypes. Moreover Shabrang genotype had the highest TaNAC2A gene expression during drought stress of 5% field capacity compared with the control.

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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the indices of drought tolerance and find out the relationships between them and their application in wheat screening programs. In order to proper screening of genotypes, the principal component analysis and biplot were analyzed and genotypes were placed in biplot based on factor scores. An experiment was conducted using alpha lattice design with two replications in rainfed and irrigated conditions using 132 bread wheat genotypes in the Gonbad-e-Kavos Agricultural Research Station in 2015-2016. Based on yield in no stress (YP) and stress (YS) conditions, drought tolerance indices such as stress susceptibility index (SSI), stress tolerance index (STI), tolerance index (TOL), mean production index (MP), Harmonic Index (HM), Yield Index (YI), Sensitivity Drought Index (SDI), Relative Drought Index (RDI), Stress Susceptibility percentage Index (SSPI), Drought Resistance Index (DRI) and yield Stability Index (YSI) Were calculated. Tolerance indices such as STI, GMP, HM, MP and YI had a positive and significant correlation with yield in normal conditions as well as with yield in stress conditions. Therefore, genotypes with large numerical values for these indices had high yield under stress and no stress conditions. TOL, SSPI, DSI and SSI Indices identified genotypes with high yield under normal conditions but sensitive to stress conditions (Group B Fernandez). Also, YSI and RDI indices differentiated genotypes with high yield under stress conditions and low yield under favorable conditions (Group C Fernandez) from other genotypes.

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In order to assess the protein pattern changes in tolerant and susceptible cultivars of wheat under drought stress in seedling stage and for understanding their mechanism of stress tolerance, two cultivars of spring wheat, including Kavir (as tolerant) and Bahar (as susceptible) were cultured in the growth chamber. Proteome analysis by 2D electrophoresis and staining of gels by Commassie brilliant blue for two cultivars was performed and 20 and 86 protein spots with significant difference between control and drought condition in the Kavir and Bahar cultivars were identified, respectively. Using MALDI-TOF/TOF, 18 and 84 protein spots of them in the Kavir and Bahar was identified. Total of proteins with significant expression changes related to the Kavir were divided into six functional groups, including Calvin cycle (seven protein spots), light reaction of photosynthesis (four spots), nitrogen assimilation and proton transfer (each two spots), the biosynthesis of starch and glycolysis (each one spot) and the unknown proteins (three spots). The number of protein functional groups in the Bahar was more diversity and these proteins were divided into 11 functional groups, while in Bahar as well as Kavir the highest numbers of proteins was related to the Calvin cycle (35 protein spots), light reaction of photosynthesis (22 spots), assimilation of nitrogen (eight spots) and proton transfer (five spots). Generally, the most protein amounts in the Kavir were related to Calvin cycle such as Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (three spots) and RuBisCO small subunit precursor (two spots), respectively. While more of proteins involved in the Calvin cycle of Bahar cultivar such as RuBisCO activase A proteins (seven spots), fructose 1, 6-biphosphate aldolase (six spots) and catalytic large subunit of RuBisCO (five spots) were. On the other hand, in Bahar, proteins of OEC (12 spots) were the largest of protein groups involved in light reaction of photosynthesis. While in the Kavir, Cytochrome b6-f complex, Chlorophyll a-b binding protein, CYP38 and HCF136 protein under drought stress just one of each apiece were induced. Also in the Kavir and Bahar, the largest of protein groups related to nitrogen assimilation were Glutamine synthetase (GS) enzyme. Generally, these results to identify and better understand of the metabolic pathways, effective proteins and important proteins involved in tolerance and sensitivity of wheat will help.

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Seperated experiments were carried out at Motahari Research Station of Karaj, in order to ranking and grouping the different fullsibs and hybrids obtained from sugar beet breeding programs under drought stress and normal conditions. Accordingly, 17 and 28 different fullsib and hybrids respectively, along with resistant and sensitive cultivars, were examined for different yield, qualitative and physiological traits in separate experiments in dry and normal conditions. The results of the ranking showed that fullsibs 1, 2, 4 and control cultivars 18, 22 and 25 in drought conditions and and fullsib 16 and control cultivars 18 and 22 were superior in normal conditions compared to the rest of the full sibs. Each population of Fullsibs and hybrids was divided into two distinct groups. Fullsibs grouping were very similar in two conditions. But in hybrids, there was no significant association between the grouping of normal and stressed conditions. Based on principal component analysis, under stress conditions, fullsibs 3, 4, 5, 9, and 14, and under normal conditions, fullsibs 10, 18, 16, 1, 2, 6 and 8 were better in terms of yield traits. In hybrids, under stress conditions, hybrids 7, 10, 20, 5 and 11 were somewhat better in terms of root and sugar yield. In contrast, in normal conditions, hybrids 2, 17, 6, 25, 7, 9, 21, 27, 4, 13, 19 and control 30 were somewhat weaker in terms of yield traits, but for leaf area and relative water content traits, were superior.

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Chickpea is involved in biotic and abiotic stresses during its growing period. Ascochyta blight is the most significant fungal disease that causes main yield defection in chickpea. Breeding to obtain resistant cultivars is the most important method for coping with Ascochyta blight. Evaluation of the pattern of gene expression and identification of resistant genes using RNA-Seq technique provides valuable information for breeders. In present research the transcriptome profile of a C-727 as sensitive variety and CM-88 as a resistance variety were investigated. RNA extracted from the leaves of the plants under Ascochyta infection. following by preparation of depleted RNA library from rRNA. Then, sequencing was performed by illumina genome analyzer deep sequencing. An approximately 84653468 (C-727) and 97400784 (CM-88) raw reads were generated. In total, 3106 genes were determined by differential expression. From 3106 genes in CM-88, 1546 genes showed the decrease in expression and 1560 genes showed the increase in expression than C-727. After KEGG analysis, 1285 genes were recognized in 122 biological pathways. from 1285 genes, 627 and 607 genes were down and up regulated in CM-88. The results of the KEGG analysis and the pattern of expression of the genes showed that the N-Glycan biosynthesis pathway and the pathway for the synthesis of amino acid arginine and a transcription factor that induced hormones related to defense signals was enriched with enhanced expression genes consequently they may play a role in resistance to ascochyta in the varieties studied.

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T h e selection of suitable yielding maize cultivars to water deficit is one of the main objectives of the breeding programs. Therefore, selection of a suitable breeding method for better productivity from genetic potential of stress tolerance and understanding the type of controlling genes action and their inheritance is very important. In this regard, genetic analysis of some of the agronomic traits of the generations resulting from cross between corn inbred lines MO17 (Tolerant to stress) and B73(stress sensitive) including: F1, F2, F3, BC1 and BC2 along with parents in three irrigation conditions (normal, 50 and 75 millimeter evaporation from class A evaporation pan) was evaluated in 2017-2018. Experiment was conducted in each irrigation conditions in a randomized complete block design with 20 replications. The traits including grain yield per plant, biomass per plant, 1000 grain weight, ear diameter, ear weight and rows number were measured. Combined analysis revealed that there was a significant difference between the studied generations for maize agronomic traits. The results of the scaling test indicated the existence of epistatic effects for most traits such as grain yield per plant, biomass per plant and1000 grain weight under different irrigation conditions In most of the traits such as grain yield per plant, biomass per plant, row number per ear and 1000-grain weight, dominance effect was significant at 5% and 1% probability level. About rows number three-parameter model was the best fit model, in all three conditions. For most of studied traits, six parameters models were significant in different irrigation conditions, but was not significant for plant height under normal irrigation conditions and 75 mm evaporation due to maternal effects, gene association and multiple chi-square epistasis. Estimation of the dominance degree above 1 for grain yield and less than 1 for ear diameter in all three irrigation conditions indicated that there was a phenomenon of over dominance and incomplete dominance in the control of them. High levels of genetic broad sence and narrow sence heritability suggested that genetic effects and additive effects have a greater role in the inheritance of 1000 grain weigth in all three irrigation conditions.

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To investigate the genetic diversity of differential cultivars wheat rusts (yellow (Puccinia striiformis), stem (P. graminis) and leaf (P. recondite) rust) for phenological, morphological and agronomical traits 58 differential cultivars along with 5 control genotypes (Karem, Yavaros, Rejab, Saji and Zardak), an experiment base on augmented design at the the research field of Ilam University during 2017 was carried out. The studied traits were phenological traits (from days to emergence, days to shooting, days to booting, days to heading, days to flowering, days to physiological maturity) and morphological traits (plant height, peduncle length, node number per shoot, tiller fertill nounmber per plant, tiller number per plant, awn length, spike length, spikelet no. per spike, 100 seed number, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index). The range of trait changes from 134 to 188 days was variable and respectively for differential cultivars SR17 and SR13. The range of plant height changes varied from 47. 4 cm in the differential cultivar YR8 to 100. 3 cm in the differential cultivar LR12. Cluster analysis by Ward method divided the differential cultivars yellow, stem and leaf rusts were studied in three, three and five groups, respectively. LR1, LR9, LR12 and LR13 were identified as the best differential leaf rust varieties in terms of yield and yield components. YR4 and YR11, which are among the yellow rust differential cultivars, had high grain yield and harvest index. SR1, SR13, SR6, SR14, SR7, SR8 and SR3 were identified as superior stem rust genotypes. Therefore, it can be concluded that these varieties are of great importance in selection and breeding programs to achieve higher yield.

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Heat stress is one of the most important limitations of agricultural production across the world. High temperature significantly influences water status, biosynthetic pathway, morphology, phenology, yield and quality of wheat. In order to study the effects of heat stress on yield and yield components of wheat, 33 spring cultivars were evaluated in two randomized complete block designs with three replications in Ahvaz (hot) and Karaj (moderate climate). Heat stress applied through late sowing, so that the plants encountered to temperatures exceeding 30° c at terminal growth stages. Days to flowering, days to maturity, peduncle length, plant height, spikes per square meter, seed per spike, thousand kernel weight and yield were measured. Analysis of variance and mean comparison indicated that cultivars were significantly different in most of the traits measured. At Ahvaz, Chamran, Kauz and Dez were the most tolerant while Hamoon, Montana and Kavir were the most susceptible cultivars. Kauz, Behrang and Darya were the most tolerant and Babax, Montana and Neyshaboor, the most susceptible ones in Karaj. The number of spikes per square meter and thousand kernel weight were affected the most by heat at Ahvaz. However, at Karaj spikes per square meter and kernels per spike were profoundly impacted by heat stress. Correlation and regression analyses demonstrated that days to maturity and kernels per spike were the most critical, traits for screening under stress in Ahvaz and Karaj conditions, respectively.

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Cucumber is one of the important agricultural products consumed in various forms by people in Iran and other places in the world. One of the important factors in reducing the production of this product is soil and water salinity. The aim of the present research was to investigate the effects of salinity (NaCl) on vegetative and physiological characteristics of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. ). In this experiment, after growth of plantlet, (after weeks), they were exposed to different concentrations of sodium chloride solution including, , , and mM were treated and irrigated. Samples were taken after applying all salinity concentrations to different plant rows. Then characteristics such as the number and length of the root, the number of leaves, the weights of fresh and dry root and shoot, relative chlorophyll and chlorophyll fluorescence were measured. The results of data analysis showed that different salinity concentrations reduced vegetative and physiological characteristics of the cucumber. The highest quality of vegetative characteristics was observed in control plants and, with increasing the salinity concentration, the vegetative characteristics decreased until the lowest quality was observed in all mM salinity treatments. The highest amount of potassium in shoot and root was observed in control plants and then mM NaCl treatment, and the lowest amount was observed in mM NaCl. The highest levels of root and shoot Na were observed in and mM NaCl, respectively. Salinity caused the reduction of chlorophyll in the plant and in conclusion some of plants due to reduction of chlorophyle level induced chlorosis and finally were dead. This problem was observed in plants with higher salt concentrations.

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In order to evaluation of adaptability and grain yield stability of durum wheat genotypes, an experiment was conducted under rainfed and supplemental irrigation conditions based on a randomized complete block design with three replications at Sararood dryland agricultural research station (Kermanshah, Iran) for three cropping seasons (-,-and-). Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant differences (P< ) between the main effects due to genotype, environment, and genotype x environment (GE) interaction. The magnitude of GE interaction was greater about twice times than the genotype effect that indicates the probability of different environmental groups for the genotypes adaptation. Biplot analysis of grain yield data based on AMMI model showed that the genotypes had different responses to the environments, so the adapted genotypes were determined for each environmental group. According to Ebrahat and Russell's criteria, genotype G and G with higher yield than grand mean, and minimum variance deviation and regression coefficient close to unit, were found as desirable genotypes. Based on AMMI stability value (ASV), genotypes G, G and G were identified as most stable genotypes.

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Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis is one of the endemic medicinal plants in Iran that is valuable for high essential oil content and high thymol in its essential oil. In order to study the effect of drought stress on some agronomical traits of ecotypes of Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis from different regions of Iran and their classification, two experiments (under normal and drought stress conditions) were carried out using randomized complete block design with four replications in Payame Noor University of Abarkouh (Yazd province) in-. agronomical traits were recorded in drought and non-stress conditions. The results of combined analysis of variance revealed that the differences among ecotypes were significant (p< ) in all the studied traits. Drought stress reduced leaf width, plant area and shoot fresh weight, and %, respectively, compared to normal condition. The highest genetic diversity was observed for shoot fresh weight under non-stress ( ) and drought stress ( ) conditions. The highest broad-sense heritability was belonged to shoot dry weight ( ), number of days to first ( ) and flowering ( ) and essential oil content ( ). Shoot fresh and dry weight, number of days to first and flowering were the traits related to drought tolerance. Cluster analysis, based on Ward method and by using Eucilidian distance, classified Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis ecotypes under stress and non-stress conditions into three groups. Drought tolerant ecotypes were placed in second group under both conditions. The results showed that Khoramabad, Khoramabad, Arak and Fereydunshahr ecotypes are suitable for improvement drought tolerance in Thymus daenensis subsp. daenensis.

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Drought stress is the most important abiotic factor limiting growth in arid and semiarid regions. In this study, the effects of different levels of drought stress on protein content, proline, soluble sugars and the activities of antioxidant enzymes polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase were studied in fennel (Foeniculum vulgare L. ). Ten fennel ecotypes were subjected to two levels of water stress including control (maintained by regular watering at or close to field capacity) and drought stress (irrigation at field capacity), in a factorial experiment based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Results of the analysis of variance showed significant differences between the ecotypes for all measured traits except proline. Also, drought stress had a significant effect on all the studied traits. The activities of antioxidant enzymes polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase increased in the leaves of all ten ecotypes at stress conditions. Soluble sugar and proline content in most ecotypes showed a significant increase at drought stress level (irrigation at field capacity). Total protein content in all studied ecotypes showed a significant decrease at drought stress level. The results of ecotypes rating using SIIG method showed that ecotypes Khorshidabad and Tatmaj had the highest SIIG in comparison with other ecotypes and these ecotypes were identified as the most tolerant ecotypes. The ecotypes Shirvan, GhaziAntpet and Izmir were also identified as the most sensitive ecotypes to drought, respectively. Results of ecotypes ranking based on SIIG index had full compliance with the results of cluster analysis based on Ti tolerance index.

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Salt stress is one of significant abiotic stresses which has negative effects on growth and production of important medicinal plants such as stevia. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction of chitosan in four levels (, , and g/L) and salt in four levels (, , and mM NaCl) on some of morphological properties of stevia based on factorial completely randomized design with three replication at Sana Institute of Higher Education in-. The traits studied were plant height, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot, number of leaf, internode number, root height, leaf area index (LAI), relative leaf growth rate (RLGR) and leaf area rate (LAR). The results of analysis of variance showed that salt stress resulted in significant change of plant height, leaf number, internode number, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot, RLGR, LAR. However, the interaction of chitosan and salt stress caused improvement in the each trait above mentioned. For instance, the increase of internode number in Ch S ( g/L chitosan-mM NaCl), leaf number, fresh and dry weight of root and shoot and root height in Ch S ( g/L chitosan-mM NaCl), plant height in Ch S ( g/L chitosan-mM NaCl) and Ch S ( g/L chitosan-mM NaCl) was indicated. In addition, the treatments of Ch S ( g/L chitosan-mM NaCl), Ch S ( g/L chitosanmM NaCl) and Ch S ( g/Lchitosan-mM NaCl) on LAR, Ch S ( g/L chitosanmM NaCl) on RLGR showed significant increase. Therefore, the achievement of this study could present profitable data with respect to morphological traits variation in stevia under salt stress condition and chitosan elicitor in order to conserve these plants by improvement of these traits under stress.

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Drought is the major abiotic factor limiting crop production over the world. The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of brassinosteroid on yield and its components of seven wheat genotypes under water deficit conditions. A split-split plot design based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in the research filed of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute in Karaj at 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 cropping seasons. The main plots were two levels of water deficit (normal irrigation and irrigation cut off from flowering stage), subplots were four concentrations of brassinosteroid (0, 0. 25, 0. 625 and 1 mg. l-1) and sub-sub plots were allocated to six wheat genotypes (3737, 4228, 3506, 4056, 2853, Mehrgan and Parsi). The result revealed that irrigation cut off in flowering stage caused reduction in the mean values of the characters. Also, results demonstrated that the brassinosteroid partially offset the adverse impacts of water deficit, which, application of 0. 625 mg. l-1 was more effective than the other levels. The highest grain yield (1. 63 kg m-2) was obtained in 4228 genotype under normal conditions and application of 0. 625 mg. l-1 of brassinosteroid, whereas the lowest (0. 33 kg m-2) was observed in Parsi under water deficit and whiteout brassinosteroid. Based on principal components analysis the three first components explained 92 of total variance among the genotypes. According to the results of present study brassinosteroid partially offset the adverse impacts of water deficit and caused increasing in wheat yield. Also, the results suggested that 4228 genotype can be a candidate for future wheat breeding programs to produce water deficit tolerant varieties with proper yield.

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Drought is one of the most important factors limiting the growth and production of crops in most parts of the world and Iran and affects as a multidimensional stress on plants at different levels. In order to study drought tolerance of durum wheat genotypes, an experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications in stress field in Kouhdasht city. Results of analysis of variance showed that the response of the studied genotypes was different for grain yield and the possibility of selection of genotypes based on each of the traits. Comparison of numerical values and rank of each genotype according to drought tolerance indices showed that based on drought tolerance indices according to seed yield of genotypes (Omrab ), (Hana) and (Aria (stork) as drought tolerant and genotypes, Other genotypes were identified as susceptible genotypes. The results of correlation coefficients between indices showed that MP, GMP, HAM, STI indices had positive and significant correlation at probability level with grain yield in stress and non-stress conditions. There were some, so it can be said that these indices are the best indices for identifying superior genotypes. Principal component analysis results showed that the first two components accounted for about of the data variation. According to Gabriel's biplot chart, the studied genotypes were classified into two high yield potential and low yield potential areas, with genotypes (Omrab ), (Hana) and (Aria (stork) being adjacent to vectors. Drought tolerance was identified as superior genotypes. Cluster analysis based on superior indices separated the studied genotypes into three general groups, which were in good agreement with the results of Gabriel biplot plotting.

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Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is belonging to the Asteraceae family that was traditionally used as a fever and the most important constituent of the sesquiterpene lactones is Parthenolide. Parthenolide, a lactone germacranolide, is very important in preventing migraine and cancer treatment due to its medical value and pharmacological activity in particular. In the present study, young and mature leaves of Feverfew were at different salinity levels (control: EC = 3. 2(Ds/m), mild salinity EC = 6. 1, moderate salinity EC = 8. 4 and severe salinity EC = 10. 2). In order to study the changes in the expression of biosynthetic pathway genes, parthenolide, germinal A synthetase (GAS) and parthenolide synthetase (PTS) were evaluated by Real Time PCR method. The amount of parthenolide produced in the leaves was determined by HPLC extraction method using standard parthenolide curve and essential essence percentage by GC / MS. The results showed increased expression of the studied genes in young and mature leaves under salinity stress compared to control plants. The highest gene expression (TpPTS) was observed in young leaves in severe salinity (Ec = 10. 2) and in adult leaves in severe salinity (Ec = 10. 2) and moderate salinity (Ec = 8. 4). Adult was related to severe and moderate salinity treatments. Also, according to the present study, the highest expression of TpGAS gene in young and adult leaves was related to severe and moderate salinity treatments. Also, according to the present study, the highest and lowest amount of parthenolide produced in young leaves belonged to severe salinity treatment (1. 5mg / g essence) and control (0. 2mg / g essence), respectively. In adult leaves, the highest amount of parthenolide belonged to severe salinity treatment (1. 5mg / g essence) and lowest belonged to control (0. 1mg / g essence). The results of correlation between partitioning of germakren A synthetase and parthenolide synthetase genes was a positive correlation between the partitioning of germakren A synthetase and parthenolide synthetase genes.

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Papavear fugax Poir. from Meconidium section of Papaver is an important source for alkaloids. Given the presence of thebain, morphine and codeine in this plant, biotechnological studies, especially In vitro culture of this plant would be of importance. In this study, callus induction and In vitro regeneration of this species from leaf explants in MS medium containing different levels of naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D), Kinetin (Kin) and Benzyl adenine purine (BAP) was investigated at 25 ° C and 16 h light and 8 h darkness based on a completely randomized design with three replications. Analysis of variance showed that for callus induction rate and callus weight, there were significant (p<0. 01) differences between different culture media. Based on results, the proper medium for callus induction of leaf explants was MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l NAA and 1 or 0. 5 mg/l BAP. The highest callus fresh weight was obtained in MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l NAA and 1 mg/l BAP. In vitro regeneration of this species from leaf explants was also investigated in MS medium containing different levels of NAA, Kin and BAP and the best medium for regeneration was MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/l Kin and 1 mg/l NAA. By inspecting rooting of seedlings in MS medium containing different levels of indole acetic acid (IAA) plus Kin or BAP, the highest rooting percentage was obtained in MS medium containing 1 mg/l of each of IAA and Kin.

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Phosphorus is one of the most nutrient elements in plants that has multiple structural roles in the cell and catalytic function of the enzymes involved in metabolism. Due to low phosphorus availability in calcareous soils and differences in plant genotypes in soil phosphorus uptake, identification and study of different genotypes with high phosphorus uptake efficiency is essential to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers. For this purpose, 76 pure sunflower lines collected from different parts of the world were investigated in two separated optimum and phosphorus deficiency conditions based on completely randomized design with three replications in Faculty of Agriculture research field, Urmia University during 2017 cropping season. In optimum condition, 0. 4 g/kg triple superphosphate was added to the soil with deficient phosphorus content (7. 24mg/kg) in each pot. Significant difference was observed at 1% probability level for all investigated traits including plant height, stem diameter, head diameter, thousand seed weight, grain yield and percentage of phosphorus. Oilseed sunflower lines were clustered into four clusters under both optimum and phosphorus deficiency conditions. The distribution of investigated lines in the same clusters was different under optimum and phosphorus deficiency conditions. Finally, based on the biplot of MFVD multivariate tolerance index, principal component analysis and the result of cluster analysis lines 6, 72, 71, 19, 35 were identified as desirable lines. These lines showed high grain yield and yield components and lower reduction under phosphorus deficiency condition which can be used for introduction of new hybrid varieties.

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