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In order to study agronomy and morphologic traits of common bean, a number of white bean genotypes (30 lines) were studied in a randomized complete block design. Analysis of variance for most traits showed significant differences among genotype, indicating the existence of genetic variation among varieties. The highest yield was related to the number 29 genotype and the lowest value was for genotypes number 4 and 15. Results of this experiment showed that weight of pod was highly correlated with the seed yield. Path coefficient analysis showed that the highest direct positive effect was related to weight of pod. Factor analysis was performed for genotypes and three common factors were extracted, which described 82 percentage of traits variations.

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Five rice genotypes (Hasseni, Dailamani, Shastak-mohammadi, Sange-tarom and Daei-shastak) and their 10 hybrids obtained through half diallel set were evaluated for combining ability and gene effect studies of grain density trait. Single seedlings of each entries were transplanted at 20×20 cm spacing in 3×5m2 plots in a randomized block design replicated three times during 2004-2005 at research station of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University General combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) was analyzed for this agronomic trait. The results showed significant difference between general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) for the investigated character. This indicates the role of additive and non-additive gene action in inheritance of the trait. Also the results showed that selection for grain density character can’t well succeed, because of there was a high amount of non-additive gene action in the genetic variance. Thus this character was important for production of hybrid variety and application of heterosis. In this study, investigation of graphic Wr-Vr analysis for grain density indicated overdominance effect because the regression line intercepted the Wr axis at negative point (a=-118.024). Also, the GCA effects of each parent for this trait showed that the Daei-shastak is good general combiner for grain density.

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Mazandaran province is an important area in rice cultivation but salinity is one the biggest constraint to obtain crop potential yield in some part of the coastal line of rice cultivated area in northern Iran. In order to find tolerant varieties and study the reaction of some newly released high yielding varieties to different levels of salinity of  irrigation water a Factorial experiment was conducted in a RCD in a greenhouse at the Rice Research Institute of Iran, Amol station. 8 varieties, cultivated in pots, were tested with 3 levels of salinity (2, 4 and 6 dS.m-1) along with control (S0: EC=1 dS.m-1) with 3 replications. Results showed that salinity had adverse effects on yield, number of tillers per pot, filled and unfilled spikelets, fertility, 100 grain weight, but increased number of unfilled tillering. Relative yield in salinity treatment in comparison with fresh water were 23, 63 and 85 percent, respectively. The average of rice yield loss threshold was calculated 1.3 dS.m-1. In average, number of panicle and no. of filled spikelets accounted for 80 and 59% of total variation of grain yield, but it decreased by increasing in salinity level. There was a high correlation between yield and number of panicle and grain weight per panicle. The results showed that the yield in each salinity level could be predicted by number and weight of panicle (r2=0.85).

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Identification of rice germplasm is necessary for aplication of genetic resources for rice breeding. In this purpose 30 rice genotypes evaluated based on important agronomic traits and RAPD markers. The maximum variation coefficient belonged to unfilled grain (76.6%) and minimum to panicle iength (18.46%). results of Euclidean similarity coefficient and UPGMA algorithm indicated 3 distanced groups. The maximum similarity related between Sang-Joe and Domsia (69%) and the minimum to the Sang-Tarom and Binam genotypes (10.01%). Towelve RAPD primers out of 24 primers indicated suitable polymorphism and its cluster analysis also shown 4 groups that Amol2 with Haraz with maximum similarity (94.2%) and Zire-bandpay with minimum similarity (34.2%).

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The rice crop is cold sensitive plant that under cold stress is more decreasing yield. Therefore, knowing defense mechanism of rice crop and low temperature is necessary. In order to, the effects of cold on some morphological and physiological characters of two rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties (Onda and Domsiah) were studied under control treatment (day/night 28o/25o) and were treated after two weeks with cold stress (day/night 15o/13o). The results showed that dry weight, length of shoot and root decreased in both varieties significantly, but the Domsiah variety was more decreased. The amount of chlorophyll a, b and starch content was decreased under stress in two varieties. However, the amount of decreasing was about 48, 54 and 38 percentages related to control treatment in leaves of the Domsiah variety, respectively. The content of proline, MDA, soluble sugars were increased in the Domsiah variety in which the amount of increasing of proline and MDA were 62 and 70 percentages respectively Fructose content in Onda variety was observed about 74% as to control. Results showed that Onda variety was tolerant than Domsiah variety and as a results was more tolerance to cold stress.

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Rice cultivar Tarom Dilamani becauded a fragrance, flavor, cooking and marketing is a qualitative rice in Iran. This cultivar have high susceptibility against blast disease (Magnaporthe grisea). One of the important trouble producers of the Dilamani's rice cultivar is chemical control against blast disease and cause poisonous pollution of natural environment. The best manner in order to control this disease and avoid its damage is preparation and cultivation resistant cultivar. In this research we used classical breeding method to developing resistance cultivar. Female parent was qualitative Tarom Dilamani cultivar and male parent was near isogenic lines C101LAC and C101A51 that carry dominant resistant genes to blast Pi-1 and Pi-2, respectivly. Parents' seeds prepared, cultivated and propagated. When rice plant entered flowering stage, sensitive cultivar was confluenced with resistant lines' pollen. Hybrid seeds would cultivated next year. Plants cause selected according to morphological characters and virulences tests. Back cross was accomplished until four years until Bc4 generation. Plant inoculation was accomplished with dominant race of fungus cause blast at Agricultural Research Station of Sari Agricultural sciences and Natural Research University. Results of this research was transferred two resistance genes in sensitive Tarom Dilamani cultivar. The recovered cultivar showed resistance to races of fungus cause blast on region. Infection type of sensitivity (4 and 5) that was prior of accomplished of this research have converted to infection type of resistance (1 and 2). Morphology and quality of plant changed slightly, but was satisfactory prevention of damage due blast and increase grain yield.

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Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) is an important plant of family Lamiaceae and its essential oil is famous among 10 essential oil of medicinal plant. In present study, effects of nitrogen application methods was evaluated at two moderate and semi arid zones for distinguishing the best nitrogen application method in each habitat considering the growth differentiation balance (GDB) for vegetative production and secondary metabolites. The experiment was conducted into a randomized complete blocks design with 3 replications in two regions Shahr e ray and Karadj in 2008. Treatments were included nitrogen application methods (no application as the control), 50 kg.ha-1 soil application and 50 kg.ha-1 foliar applications. Fresh samples of thyme plants were taken at two experimental farms and after drying in the shade, oil was extracted and the essence was analyzed by the GC apparatus. The results of independent and combined analyses showed that the foliar application of nitrogen at Karadj significantly increased plant height, percentage of thymol (2.74%) and thymol yield (19.5 kg.ha-1), dry shade yield (2498.2 kg.ha-1) and essential oil (38.9 lit.ha-1) as well. In contrast, the highest values for dry shade (2772.7 kg.ha-1), yield essential oil (19.1 lit.ha-1), yield and percentage of secondary metabolites i.e.) percentage of Thymol (1.2%) and thymol yield (7.72 kg.ha-1) percentage of P-cymene (0.68%) and P-cymene yield (7.62 kg.ha-1) and percentage of carvacrol (0.076%) and carvacrol yield (0.85 kg.ha-1) (measured under the soil application of nitrogen on the experimental filed of Shahr e Ray). Thymol and P-cymene were the representative compounds at two experimental locations. It was concluded that better adaptation of thyme plant under the moderate cool and high altitude in Karadj rather than the semi arid condition in Shahr e Ray was due to the faster establishment and increase of the number of branches. Foliar application of nitrogen in Karadj resulted in a kind of growth differential balance (GDB) and increased both vegetative production and thymol composition as the most important secondary metabolites of thyme. Declined humidity and warm wind, in the experimental farm of Shahr e Ray reduced nitrogen absorption through the leaf feeding.

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