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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Forensic linguistics is the increasingly important branch of linguistics which deals with the interface between language, crime and law. Today, forensic linguistics appears to be functioning as an umbrella term referring to research and practice in all those areas where legal and linguistic interests converge. Generally speaking, it is concerned with the role, shape and evidential value of language in legal and forensic settings.Forensic linguistics is applied in judicial system to identify or characterize persons or events on the basis of linguistic performance. This paper introduces some areas of forensic linguistics and explainsthose branches which are more useful in criminal investigations like: forensic phonetics, forensic stylistics and forensic discourse analysis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The fast growing evolutions in our organizations and the organizations attempt to manage these changes efficiently reveals that in order to tackle these problems, which are threatening the existence of our organizations, and convert them into development chances we need to supply our organizations with knowledge and knowledge management. Having done this, it would be possible to pass through the labyrinth of current changes in today’s world and make our organizations grow in an efficient manner. In fact, knowledge is a tool which can convert natural and individual assets into wealth and direct us to progress and improvement. In this article, with the aid of a literature survey, the concept of knowledge and its types, knowledge management and its associated models as well as its goals and obstacles especially in governmental organizations are described. Afterwards, there is a conclusion on how to expedite this procedure and finally, the current situation in Police Organization is discussed via interviews and document studies. This approach has been followed several times in recent years and has led to a number of outcomes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Industrial development (regardless of its scientific and materialistic benefits) has created new social issues. This process in the third world has led to increase, decrease or some changes in the shape of crimes as a result of asymmetrical developments and imitations.In this article, the impact of industrializing society will be examined based on five indicators including: population density in cities, technology development and its culture, consumerism, individualism and debilitation of surveillance and protection of traditional families on mundane, spiritual and legal elements of crime.The results of these investigations reveal that the effect of industrializing on modification of some crimes like: forgery, scamming and political crimes is quite obvious whereas no meaningful change is observed. On the other hand there is a completely meaningful relationship between industrialization and raises in the rate of some crimes like: Suicide, Abortion, Drug Abuse, Road Accidents, Divorce and Abandoning homes.Industrialization is quite effective in the creation of crimes like: computer crimes, industrial drugs and money laundry however, in human trafficking, a strong relationship is not observed.Finally, it is suggested that an independent constitution should be founded, after obtaining the requisite jurisdiction from the president or the head of the judicial organization and being supervised by the Iran Police, for compiling the policy against criminals and reengineering the organization involved in confronting crime development since it might be a threat to our national security and social integrity. Through this way, it can be useful to exploit the positive experiences of other nations, having comprehensive studies with aim of crime prevention and informing people by gaining their trust and giving them appropriate social services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of this case-study is to compare the psychological profile of intentional murderers (aged between 20 and 40) in Tehran with a normal population which has been performed by scientific comparison method on 120 human samples. The results reveal that there is a meaningful difference between the intentional murderers in all 24 criteria of Millon test. In 22 criteria the average marks for the murderer group was significantly higher than the ordinary group and in two criteria (showy personality disorder and narcissist) the average marks for ordinary group was higher than the murderer group. From the gender aspect, there is a considerable difference between men and women in personality disorders, depression, sadism, masochism, schisotypal, paranoid, anxiety, stress and women got higher average marks compared to men. In drug dependency criterion, there is also a meaningful difference between males and females with females having the higher average. In other criteria including: schizoid personality disorder, isolated, showy, narcissist, anti-social, obsessive, pessimist, maniac, alcoholism and delirium, the differences were not tangible. The conclusion drawn from the results indicated that the murderers do not have mental health compared to ordinary population and there are more mentally-disordered women among the murderers who suffer at least one mental disorder.

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Security has been among the most fundamental needs of our social existence. Obtaining and maintaining national security is the chief duty of governors and the top priority in government’s foreign and non-foreign policies. Today, the conceptual realm of national security and subsequently the extent of national and international threats have been extended. Ensuring security in all aspects including: martial, economical, social and cultural entails the attention to all kinds of threats in foreign and non-foreign areas.One of these threats in our country which has influenced many aspects especially the economic aspect is good smuggling. Although many attempts have been focused on welfare and short-term economical outcomes resulted from smuggling, less attention has been paid to its long-term outcomes and its direct relationship with economic security.In this paper, it is tried to take a remedial approach against smuggling and also investigate its negative effects on economic security with the aim of helping the legislative organizations which are fighting it. Since one of the basic requirements of economical development is production reinforcement, it can be concluded that economical threats in general and smuggling in particular can severely threaten our government and frustrate all the attempts in achieving the development and eventually, enervate our economical power as an influencing factor on our national security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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What are the characteristics of criminals especially the dangerous ones? Psychologists consider criminals as psychopaths having personality disorders. From the sociologists and pathologists point of view these are due to social and economical relationships.Today, studying the characteristic features of criminals only, is in no way useful and to subjugate crimes in society a multi-disciplinary study is required. However, there have been progresses through this way and a number of connoisseurs believe in social, psychological factors and genetics contributing to a criminal’s personality as well as crime perpetration.

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Having knowledge about how offenders commit their crimes and knowing their modus operandi is the first tool for detectives since this will greatly help them to discover crimes and catch offenders.A number of offenders have a specific method of their own for committing their crimes. These methods consist of their previously learned behaviors which evolve with time and as the offender becomes more experienced, the methods will become more reliable and refined. On the other hand, the methods may be executed with less dexterity due to a decrease in offender’s mental ability as well as his/her addiction to drugs. In general, however, schemes and methods for committing a crime are substantially practical.The scope of this article is the criminal behavior of burglars resulting from seveeral case examinations and discussions with detectives and experts regarding the burglary schemes.

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The main premise of this paper is that lasting social problems such as threats to social security can be solved through public education via mass media. The present paper will delve into effective media education strategies and tactics aimed at establishing and maintaining social security. The viewpoint supported by this paper is that to achieve effective media education on social security, emphasis should be put on principles that end passivity of the audience and help them to take part in a process which will finally lead to their empowerment.Media strategies in the field of social security, media information tactics related to social security such as educational feasibility, respecting order in education, freedom of choice, preventing provision of mass information, diversity in repetition, taking advantage of models and leaders, taking advantage of motivations, availing of social supports, banking on emotions, attention to subcultures, taking advantage of personalization techniques, using conceptual methods, impartiality, simulation… are major topics to be discussed in this paper.The author maintains that such strategies and techniques can be used to convince people, encourage them to play their part in maintaining social security, prevent crimes, reduce delinquency, and so on. Meanwhile, it should be noted that in order for media education on maintenance of social security to be more effective, such indexes as individual and group behavior, lifestyle changes, changing social conditions, empowerment and active thinking should be taken into consideration.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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