Relating and informing in God's Prophet (peace is upon him)'s way, was one of the most important means with which the Prophet could approach the Arab society to the Islamic meanings and make Muslims united and related, he could relate with his audiences by face to face relation and using methods such as debating, functional relation, techniques of persuading, convincing and speaking. That high Prophet according to the conditions of the time made benefit from the speech principles as the best principles and with his direct and explicit expression guided others. To know the bright appearance of the Great Prophet (peace is to him) and become familiar with his method and way of life is a base for elevation and evolution in material and spiritual life of human beings and can conduct the societies to the way of growing and overgrowing. Since the time that relating and informing means like smoke, fire, drum, writing, scripting and ... have come to help human beings, relation between men increased in the way that it made close to each other all of men throughout the world. Each of God's messengers did perform their valuable duty to clarify the principles of man's relation with themselves and God and creatures. And among them we can't ignore the role of Mohammad (peace is to him), the last messenger of God, in making relation with people. This essay is going to survey the most important ways in making relation in Prophet's method by reliance on compound method that mostly see the subject from the view point of history and leaning on Prophet's phrases. I would make pleasant the flavor of right seekers from this modest research and with the help of Prophet's method, and holy souls and natures delight from its pure drinking.