Many nations cultural identity adjacent to Arabia peninsula was involved substantially with the expansion of Islamic victories.But Iran cultural identity in the early centuries after Islamic, is among the necessary discussions and meanwhile challenging that is encountered with different analysis and sometimes contradictory in contemporary era.The research tries to deal with this question that what sort of changes were accepted by Iranians cultural identity in connection with conquerors and Islam religion.The research was carried out with usage of analytic-historical method and considering undeniable hypothesis with the stance of divine religions in identifying to the communities and with the approbation of Islamic cultural making quintessence and the continuation of historical-cultural of Iranian identiy, concerning how the discourse and interaction between these two put toward.The findings of this research indicate that Iranian identity gradually with Islam expansion in this land achieved to a combination of ancient heritage and Islam monotheism values.Man of letters and Iranian farmers who were mostly Moslems enacted a very important role in this trend, they didn't construe Islam acceptance as the meaning of disregarding their own social connection.As a result, this identity was shaped according to the axis of values, during the centuries, and was deepened in Islam beliefs, that its important indices consisted of: Monotheism (belief in a single God), to have affection for Islam prophet and his family, spirituality, philanthropy, to belong to the country, continuity to the beliefs and values which were not opposed to monotheism, maintenance the Persian language (among the changes that it gradually accepted) and finally the equilibrium between Islamic and Iranism.