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Sasanian as the last kingdom of the ancient era had many unique cultural, political, economical characteristics in the world. The kings of the Sasani tried to formalize Zartosht religion with the collaboration of the pastorate but faced with different kind of challenges such as Manoiit religion, the expansion of the Christianity and prevalence of the heretic credence such as Mazdak religion. Mazdak credence and courses was the last stage of the common heretics' outbreak in the Sasani society while the last Sasani king encountered with many social, economical and religious crises in his society. The main research question is "what conditions in the Sasani society caused Mazdak ernersion?". Based on the historical documents it can be concluded that the history of each social movement is related by internal status of the economical, social and cultural backgrounds of the country so the Mazdak movement's emersion has direct relationship with the status of the country. The main part of this paper discusses about the conditions and causes of Mazdak appearance in Sasani society at the fifth century which appeared based on mottos about the equity. The topic of this paper "the main causes of Mazdak emersion" in Sasani society proceeds with insurgences that happened after Islam based on Mazdak mottos and contemplations as well as the social, economical and religious conditions effects on the Mazak contemplations and thoughts emersion.

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Constitutionalism is one of the most important events in Hong history of Iran. Desire for freedom, justice and peoples mastery over their destiny and enjoying the law and parliament and living according to it, are among the reasons which Iranian welcomed this determining movement. This change took place under a great endeavor and had effects on all aspects of society including poetry and literature. The Poets too accompanied people through newspapers and public and political association and encouraged and stimulated the awakened people. malekal shoar bahar as distinguished politician, researcher, and poet is considered as on of the fruits of Iranian constitutionalism that used his word and pen as an effective weapon in the direction of freedom. He showed his Sensitivity to the social events and enjoyed his genius for awakening the people and the; has been effected by social and political events and as a poet, political activist, and intellectual, has emphasized the leading of the society in direction of freedom and progress. In this paper with a look to the life and works of this poet by using library method we study his effective position in constitutionalism movement of Iranians.

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The issue of the position of government and its role in economy has been debated by economists and scholars of various economic academies since the creation of economical knowledge. Since foretime especially in recent decades Muslim scholars have studied different aspects of this issue. In this paper the role of government in economy from the perspective of Muslim scholars would be examined. The viewpoint of lbnKhaldun, martyr Sadr, Motahari, Beheshti and Imam khomeini (RA) has been studied. The basis of Islamic government in the economy is expedient and the purpose of expediency is providing legislator target in order to make people to achieve worldly and otherworldly benefits. Therefore, development of idealism, creation and security expansion, economic growth and social justice are factors in which the Islamic government intervenes in order to realize them in economic affairs. This is reflected in the ideas being discussed. By a brief reflection on the works of thinkers we come to the conclusion that though they would believe the government is kind of human made phenomenon and consider to fallible rulers, they would never hesitate in necessity of government. In fact there are different approaches regarding the origin of legitimation and government obedience and political obligatory issue but most of scholars are fond of creating welfare and justice on morality and freedom.

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In the early years 13 century A.H./19 century A.D., because of Iran's defeat in the war with Russia and Iran's involuntary entry into the cycle of west capitalist, Iran's economy in agriculture, trade and crafts were confronted major crisis. With the establishment of a constitutional system, economic renewal was on constitutionalist's agenda, but political - social crisis in the constitutional era and occupation of Iran in the First World War, prevented the continued modernization of the economic structure of Iran. After the coup in 1299 A.H. the need to modernize the economy and the role of money in renovating the country were considered by intellectuals and modernists. In this regard, some suggestions were brought up in press about the boom in agriculture, trade improvement, industry promotion and concession to foreign investors. So, this paper will review and reread some of the recommendations contained in the press in the years 1300 to 1304 A.H. about the necessity of modernization of Iran's economy structure.

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Ismail Bin-Ahmad is regarded as the real Samanids edifice founder. After the death of his father, he served his brother who had become the successor of their father and at the year 261 (H.) he was dispatched by his brother, Nasr, to Bokhara in order to settle down the situations. Following the death of his father, Nasr, in the year 279 (H.), Mo'tazed, the then governor, issued the verdict of Ismail's ruling on mavara onnahr. At the same time in the east, the Islamic territory was engrossed with political and military streams and movement. It was these political movements that paved the way for the Samanid's eminence in ماوراء النهر and Khorasan.Amir Ismail, during his 16-year governorship conquered vast parts of mavara onnahr, Khorasan, Sistan, Tabarestan, Rey, Isfahan, Sind, India, Turkistan, and Gorgan and he founded one of the Islamic dynasties.The caliph was a capricious person and accepted everyone who claimed for peace and security in the east and sometimes the caliph threatened him to admit those people who claimed for peace and security in the east and respective to the temporal conditions he issued the verdict of deposition or appointment of the rulers and lords.Due to the common religious beliefs and economical and joinery relationship with the caliph and because the caliph had acquired religious legitimation and was under the dominance of the clergymen Amir Ismail always followed and was obedient to the caliph and practiced his instructions. And according to the Amir Ismail's religious and political allegiance to the Abbasid's system, the Abbasid governors completely paid a dear attention to him. He was a follower of sunni tradition and he respected the clergymen and the ministership didn't witness much boom in his era.

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Amir TeymourGourkani, the founder of Teymouriandynasty, ruled powerfully over most Asian countries from 771 to 807 in Islamic lunar calendar. He was the son of Amir Turgay and was brought up in a Turkish tribe called Berlas in "Turkestan" in former years. In his youth, he was given the responsibility of governing his own hometown and, after marrying the daughter of Kashqar'sruler, was given the name "gourkan" which means "groom" in the local language there. Following numerous conquests, he hit upon the idea of invading India and subsequently implemented his plans in 801. In the present study, firstly, the attack of Teymour on India, India's internal affairs, the reasons for the invasion, description of some significant wars, the conquest of Delhi, the approach to Indian people, the economic consequences, and Teymour's efforts at the spread of Islam are analyzed. Afterwards, according to the information mentioned, the question of whether or not his attempts have had a positive effect on the spread of Islam in India, is raised and carefully studied. Based on the facts and data provided, we'll try to have the answer brought to light.

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Yet the emergence of the Islamic rule the Arabs had for decades had passed since the two great empires of the East (Iran) and West (Rome) to transform the world. With the collapse of the Sassanid Empire in the East, the figure turned a new page of history Initiating the Islamic era and the era of the ancient. The fall of great empires and organized ethnic-hundred-year-old unknown world, yet twenty years since the release of their ignorance of the space has not passed the; Historians and scholars of history with a view to having a deep and analytical relations with Arabs Sassanid Empire could.This article is based on the quality of relations state Sassanid with Arabian Peninsula from the beginning of the reign of Ardeshir Babakan until Khosrow Anushiravan; seek access to characters and situations Sassanid government relations with the Bedouins. From the perspective of how and why the results of the analysis of the relationship.

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The tremendous socio political and military upheavals caused by the fall of the Kharazmshahian dynasty in the second of the sevent century A.H. brought about profound changes in social relations in Iran. As a consequence of the decline of EsternKhalifatedominien, the impoverishment of certain old and established institutions and religious strife, financial and economic organizations in the city began to wane. By the establishment of Ilkhani government in 654 (lunar Year), the country became practically independent and the former mongole economy based on footing which played a significant role in their livelihood in their first invasionse was gradually outmoded through economic policies practiced by Iranian officials. The improvement of agriculthrual conditions and economy provided a background for the development of civic relations and the ilkhanians started to make policies in thise connection. Such policies encouraged the population of tabriz, the mongol capital, toward agricultural and industrial activities which in turn made the way for industrial progress and the increase. in wealth. This is why a great importance was given in this city to agriculthuralplansesuce as drawing water from the river and making canals (under ground water ways) which led to investment in agricultural activities and the employment of human resources. It is, therefor, not without- reason that during this period, geographers and travellers regarded Tabriz as the land of abundance and the greatest and the most beautiful city in Iran.

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