This research is considered geo hazards of landslide, earthquake, flood, erosion and desertification in Golestan province. For this purpose, the province's digital topographic maps, aerial photographs, satellite images, geological and pedological maps, the statistic of hydrometric and seismic stations, the data of Golestan earthquake which is recorded in recent 20 years and desertification/erosion zonation maps were used. In addition, the Analytical Hierarchy process (AHP) technique was employed for the province landslide hazard zoning and also earthquake intensity and fault-lines layers were used for seismic zoning map and finally the statistic of hydrometric stations were used for flood hazard zoning map and flood coefficient, for erosion hazard zoning from PSIAC model and for desertification zoning map based on the initial map was used. Then, the hazard zoning of each hazard was determined through overlapping of the layer of each factor separately with the cities and townships limits. According to the final results of all hazard zoning maps, the maximum relative surface area encompassing each of the hazards in the province are as follows:30.36% of the province's area is in the high risk landslide zone; 51.84% of the province's area is in the average seismic hazard zone, 28.63% of the province's area is in the low risk flood zone, 39.23% of the province's area is in the average erosion hazard zone and finally 43.93% of the province's area is in the very low risk desertification zone. The Examination of natural hazards with regard to the province's area and population also shows that 23, 1, 215, 13 and 56 villages are at very high risk of desertification, erosion, flood, earthquake and landslide, respectively. According to the results of area and relative area tables of each hazard in Golestan province`s cities and townships, in term of landslide and earthquake, Azadshar township, in term of flood Ramian township, in term of erosion Kalaleh township, in term of desertification Gonbade Kavos township in compared with other townships exposed to higher risk.