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In order to analyze the floods of the Larestan area, the rain days with 0.1 millimeter or more were obtained from the Iranian Meteorological Organization for the 1960-2005 period. First the plenty of rainy days were divided to groups based on their continuation, Then made known the highest region rains during the statistical period, after that assigned the probable rain and return period of torrential Larestan's rains.The result of research showed that:1) The most important cause of happening of Lar floods is intensity and duration of rain and also topography of region.2) The mainly Lar flood way that damage the ancient texture of city is Varband flood way and the new texture of city is Asad strait's flood way.

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Landslides are natural hazards that cause financial and life damages. Identification of regions having potential for landslide occurrence is one of the basic measures in natural resources management which decreases damages caused by these phenomena. For this purpose Different landslide hazard zonation models were proposed based on the environmental conditions and goals. The Moalemkalayeh Watershed with area of 723.4 km2 is highly susceptibility to mass movement occurrence. Mass movement inventory map (1: 50000) was prepared using stereoscopic interpretation of vertical aerial photographs and field checks.448 mass movements were identified.50 mass movements were chosen by randomly and the effective factors on mass movement occurrence were identified. Geology, slope, aspect, fault, road, river, elevation, land use and rain factors were identified as effective factors. Information layers of nine factors in Arc- GIS environment were prepared. These layers were crossed with Inventory map and the CF of nine layers were computed then landslide hazard zonation map was provided based on Certainty Factor and. The applicability of this map was investigated with correlation coefficient and process of hazard classes distribution. Results showed that CF model is the suitable model for the Moalemkalayeh watershed.

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Heart attack is the most current cause of death in the world, imposing huge costs to the governments. One of the diseases that threatens ailing people particularly those who are captured by heart and coroner infirmity is the cold weather of the winter. Generally heart attacks are more usual in winter than in summer. Heart attack (Myocardial Infrectose, "MI") means the un-retrievable death of part of heart muscles and its magnitude differs on the basis of its signals and appearances. The main reason of MI is the lack of balance between the demand and supply of oxygen in heart muscles whose cause also is the blocking of heart veins by blood clots. Body veins become compressed during the winter for keeping the temperature, hence increasing the activity of heart and thereby its tiredness. These conditions get intensified during the initial hours of the morning when the patient has to go out of house for his/her usual works. The occurrence of temperature inversion in cold seasons causes the previous day's polluted air move down toward the lower layers of biosphere alongside the temperature reduction and occupies the living layers of the earth. The patient, who is exposed to such a contaminated and cold weather especially through cold mornings, would be probably more susceptible for heart diseases, MI and even death. As we approach toward the mid day and the weather becomes warmer, the polluted layers moves up and becomes far away from life layer. Therefore the air condition is better on midday. The present article has been compiled through a survey of 828 patients and has paid attention to the Pearson correlation analysis of linear histograms of temperature and death tolls caused by MI in Ahar Township. Results indicate that there is a significant correlation between low temperatures and heart attacks in this city. The p-values verify the significance of correlations. The correlation type is negative and its amount is average.

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We report the first thermoluminescence ages for the quaternary sediments of the Taleghan Drainage Basin which is located in Alborz geological zone and in central Alborz sub- zone and about 90 Km northwest of Tehran, Iran. Quaternary deposits in this region have been formed of four terraces (Oldest to youngest: Qt1, Qt2, Qt3 and Qt4). In this researche we study three terraces include Qt2, Qt3 and Qt4. Three samples were collected from the Qt4 (Toria wart), three samples were collected from Qt3 (Wurm) and finally seven samples was taken from Qt2 (Riss) for thermoluminescence datig. Thermoluminescence (TL) samples prepared for dating using fine grain method and were analyzed using the combined additive and regenerative method, separated from the bulk sediment sample. Samples from the Toria War terrace yielded ages of 4650+520 years (M114-4), 5000±600 years (M 5-3), and 5200±680 years (M 5-2). Two Samples from the Wurm terrace (agriculture) yielded ages of 9100±800years (M 110-3) and 9400±950 years (M 113-4). A Sample from the Wurm terrace (rangeland) yielded ages of 15600±2000years (M 16-4). The oldest age obtioned from the Riss terrace is 54900±8700 years (M 16-5).sample M123-41 from the Riss yielded an age of>100000 year and we can’t exactly determine age because of TL saturation. we theorize that Riss deposition occurs during arid and cold periods, Wurm deposition occurs at humid (pluvial)–arid transitions and Toria War deposition occurs during flooding periods. However, given the paucity of absolute ages for Taleghan sediments and the general complexity of erosion–deposition processes in most watersheds, more work is required to confirm or reject this theory. In general, luminescence ages were stratigraphically, geomorphically and ordinally consistent and TL ages could be correlated with climatic events. Based upon the TL dating we propose to divide Wurm to two sections, Wurm 1 (agriculture with 0-10% slope) with 9000 years age and Wurm 2 (rangeland with 10- 40% slope) with 15600 years age.

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The purpose of this research is using the drought and wetness year's maps. Finally comparing the data change for determining moisture fluctuation index. For this Sarab plain stations evaluate with SPI Index. Then the drought and wetness years determined. The data transferred to GIS and then interpolated. Then moisture fluctuation has been calculated with mathematical equations. The results indicated that every pixel with highest anomaly between wetness and dry year has the highest degree of moisture fluctuation index. Due to this the sensibility of this pixel is high against moisture fluctuation. Comparing the MFI index and settlements distribution show that there is direct relation between them.

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Today as the landfilling of solid wastes without taking into consideration the environmental issues would threaten the land greatly, the selection of an appropriate site for hygiene disposal of the wastes is a necessity. On the other hand, the site selection of optimum landfills for solid wastes is one of the most important aspects of waste management. In the meantime, the science of geomorphology considers the study of evolution of landforms and can play a major role in the site selection of waste disposal sites. In this paper, we have attempted to specify a landfill site for solid wastes of Bonab with an emphasis on geomorphic standards as well as other effective features (including environmental, economic, and social aspects). Taking into consideration all of the standards, necessities, and borderlines, we selected 9 suitable sites for solid waste disposal in Bonab, which is one of the cities of East Azerbaijan Province, using GIS software (ArcView, and ArcGIS), and the application of Spatial Analysis.

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The preparation of landslide susceptibility map is a major step in hazard management. Nowdays, such maps can be prepared by GIS-based qualitative and quantitative techniques useful to analyze the relationship between landslides and their influencing parameters. Study area in this paper is Vaz watershed that is located in the northern Alborz and mazandaran province (south of Chamestan city).Here, landslide susceptibility map using with statistic technique Logistic regression to describe the relation between the presence or absence of landslide (dependent variable) and a sets of independent parameters such as lithology and slope angle. Landslide distribution map was used to produce a dependent variable, which takes a value of 0 for the absence and 1 for the presence of landslides. Lithology, slope angle, aspect, altitude, landuse, distance to road and fault were taken as independent parameters. The effect of each parameter on landslide occurrence was assessed from corresponding coefficient that appears in Logistic regression function.The study area was classified into five categories of landslide susceptibility: very low, low, medium, high and very high. The very high and high susceptibility zones makeup %20.3 of the total study area.

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This article aiming to identify the factors affected on creating the phenomenon of landslide, to specify areas with zonation and potential landslide in the basin Karaj Dam was performed by Hierarchical Analysis Process (AHP). At first the most important factors a factors affecting landslide were prepared. Then landslide map was prepared with using aerial photos with scale of 1:50000 in 1957 and 2003, and field checks with using GPS. Then affecting factors were binary compared using surveying satellite images analyzing method determined the weight of each factor as indicator for their amount effects. Accordingly, the landslide zonation hazard map was prepared in different sensitivities. Results of this study are showed that most recorded landslides in this area there are in the high sensitive zone marked by offered model.

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