Cheshme-Anjir area in Shiraz is one of the most interesting typical sites in the South of Iran which contains many plant species. This natural storage has been located in Shiraz-Beyza road and visited as natural site by whom interested in nature. Within two entire courses of growth and development, the above mentioned area plants gathered, pictures were taken and identified after transferred into the herbarium. The total number of collected species of this area was more than 72 various species which characterized in 25 families and 60 genera. The most numbers of plants belonged to the families of Compositae, Labiatae, Cruciferae, Papaveraceae Papilionaceae, Umbliferae and Boraginaceae with 13, 11, 5, 5, 5, 4, and 4 species, respectively. Among these, 52 plant species considered as medicinal plant species by referring to available documents, local experts, Shiraz Attaries (grocery stores for herbals). Regarding variety of medicinal plants, family Compositae with 10 species, family Labiatae with 9 species, family Rosaceae, family Umbeliferae, Family Papaveraceae each with 3 species showed the great medicinal form variety in the area. Studying biological form of the species also showed over 57% are hemicryptophytes, 14% therrophytes, 8% phanerophytes, 8% cryptophytes, %6 Camophytes and 4% geophytes. With regard to the great number of medicinal plant species in this nearly small area, this site can be used as a place for basic training of exploiting natural resources particularly medicinal plants.