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The rural skeletal texture in Gilan province like the other regions is influenced by the various natural, climatic, economic and social/cultural factors. It is clear that these factors impact on each other too. But this paper topic is the impact of the social/cultural factors on the skeletal characteristics of biological and rural systems. This paper is seeking to find an answer to the social/cultural factors influencing the texture of Gilan villages and the characteristics of the impact on its skeletal structure. This paper, which is based on an applied developmental research with a descriptive/casual study's strategy, focuses on a case study on Gilan province. It uses some documentary evidences and literature on the one hand and investigates the social/cultural conditions and the concept of rural skeleton from a holistic perspective on the other hand. In the most sections, the theoretical basis of this qualitative research is according to the structuralism paradigm and it is independent of common literature and documentation. The field study data of the paper have been collected from 150 villages of Gilan among 2800 residential villages during 14 years. These villages have been selected among the different cultural areas in the east and the west of Gilan and the climate zones in the mountains, foothills, plains and shorelines in order to make a generalization to the other regions of Gilan. In this paper, at first the social factors influencing the settlements' skeleton was generally investigated and then, the architecture of Gilan province's villages has been studied in terms of social/cultural characteristics and some of its most important aspects were explained. The research findings indicate that the rural people's social interactions are influenced by the natural conditions on the one hand and are based on economic characteristics and livelihood practices on the other hand. This issue itself is one of the factors to coordinate the social actions and leads to integrate the rural residents' social and cultural relations. All of these factors create a homogeneous skeletal texture that has been made in response to the same social, cultural, livelihood and climatic demands. The basic elements of the human societies in Gilan province's villages include the population, culture, material products, technology, social systems and social institutions that have a significant impact on the rural skeletal characteristics such as land-use, streets network, neighborhood classification system, and architectural structure. These factors along with the skeletal form of residential complex lead to the social and personal authentication that not only is influenced by the culture and living methods, but also it establishes some requirements for the residential skeleton that is resulted from the human significant social actions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In most post-disaster reconstruction programs, the policy of relocation of some parts or the whole settlement area is technically considered as a suitable solution for the risk reduction and safety against some phenomena such as earthquake, flood, landslide, etc. Studying different experiences reveals that due to the lack of rules and guidelines on how to intervene in rural settlements and also lack of a comprehensive definition of the concepts of in-situ reconstruction and relocation in intervention policies, ambiguity in the application of these approaches and lack of participation of the rural people in new village reconstruction process is such that the relocated survivors are generally not satisfied with relocation and it has often led to the loss of rural people's self-reliance and their loss of place attachment and in some cases, the constructed units in the new village are left unsettled.The theoretical literature study shows that the experts define the concept of participation somehow differently. Overall, the definition of participation in the present paper is based on collective wisdom and indigenous knowledge and it is a conscious and voluntary activity which is accomplished by participation of the beneficiaries in all aspects of decision-making, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation with the aim of empowering them by higher efficiency. This research seeks to illustrate the concept of rural people's participation in the process of relocation and reconstruction of rural settlements. Since the total study population was 16 villages relocated in south of Kerman province with 538 constructed units and all of which were not possible to be studied due to the study limitation, it was attempted to select a sample out of the population using exact statistical technology to over generalize the obtained results to the whole population with a logical reliability.Accordingly, using the random sampling, 4 out of 16 relocated villages in Kerman Province were selected and by using Cochran relation, 150 constructed units were surveyed via simple random sampling. The findings suggest that there is a direct relationship between participation of the rural people and their settlement in the new village in decision-makings on relocation, location selection, design, construction and monitoring the construction of the new village. Meanwhile, there is a direct relationship between the distance of the new village from the old one with vacant units. Further, there is a reverse relationship between the provided services in the new village and the number of vacant units in the new village.

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Climatic design and attention to the discussions of sustainable architecture, which have been considered as the most important issues of contemporary architecture, have thousands of years of history, especially in Iran. Nowadays, climatic design is a rational reaction to the crises caused by the shortage of energy resources and increasing environmental pollutions which have been created by fossil fuels. In Iran, one of the climates that attention to its ecological conditions is vital for creation of thermal comfort and climate architecture is hot and humid climate which is facing high heat and humidity. In these regions, provision of ventilation and cooling by mechanical equipment requires to spend a great deal of energy and cost. In this paper, considering the discussions of climatic design in hot and humid climates of Iran, attempts were made to offer an appropriate physical mechanism (related to the optimal shape of roof and natural ventilation) to use natural ventilation in the residential buildings of Chabahar which are located in hot and humid climates and face the problem of heat and humidity. The research method used in this paper was descriptive analytical and computer modeling and numerical simulation by Autodesk Vasari software were applied to evaluate appropriate roof shape and efficiency of wind tower and wind scoop in the natural ventilation of residential buildings of Chabahar. Results of the computer simulations by Autodesk Vasari software were validated by ANSYS CFX software. The required information and data for this paper were collected from meteorological stations and valid documentation and library resources.Warm and humid air has a tendency to stay stagnating and, for ventilation, airflow must be used. In low-height and surrounded buildings where the facade of which is not encountered by appropriate airflow, roof has an essential role in the mechanism of natural ventilation. Furthermore, the airflow that crosses the roof is more stable and stronger. In this paper, through studying and modeling  three kinds of roof (curve, steep, and flat) and their appropriate wind tower and wind scoop, appropriate roof shape and efficiency of wind tower and wind scoop in natural ventilation were evaluated and optimal physical mechanism of natural ventilation in the residential buildings of Chabahar (villas and apartments) was investigated. Finally, optimal form of the roofs (related to natural ventilation) and their wind tower and wind scoop were recommended to be used as the patterns of vernacular architecture in Chabahar city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Rural housing under the influence of rural life has features that distinguish it from urban housing. Surveys conducted in rural housing units by considering architectural values, reveal weaknesses that requires the intervention in this type of architecture. In stages of intervention in rural housing, the domination of one-dimensional thought instead of comprehensive one due to the lack of designer's knowledge of some housing hidden aspects, have had some failures. In other words, some of skeletal characteristics of housing have roots in economic, social, cultural, environmental factors of rural life which are not easily detectable at first sight especially for those who do not have the experience of living in the countryside. Superficial glance at the rural housing architectural components has caused the hidden roots of housing architecture to be neglected and ultimately has been followed by the inability of analysis and understanding of the skeleton. It should be noted that understanding the process of changes in these roots that has occurred over time and affects the today's architecture of rural housing, is an important factor to meet today’s needs of rural housing. Ideally, designer's master of all aspects affecting the housing design is a prerequisite for proper intervention. This study has tried as far as possible, by reviewing the professional texts, to gather various aspects of rural housing from the perspective of experts and also present new aspects of rural housing which is the result of several years of authors’ fieldwork. The result is that, fairly complete set of aspects affecting rural housing design is presented. This set includes economic, social, cultural, environmental, and skeletal aspects of housing. Drawing the attention of housing designers to the mentioned set, is followed by comprehensive look at rural housing and will be an effective step in improving the results of interventions in rural housing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 3959

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Human being chose social life in order to dominate nature, escape insecurity and threat, provide his basic needs and all in all to achieve security and a secure feeling; and on the other hand as the society and social contracts grew more and complicated he entered diverse relationships that separated the different aspects of life under rubrics of social, economic, political and cultural which endangered his security altogether. Thus human being has readied a new threat for his own security by forming a society in the first place, a threat that results from the social life itself. Considering the increasing level of social ills and problems in today's societies and communities, an analysis of the sense of social security seems as inevitable as crucial. Our country’s rural areas, as a host of 30 percent of the whole population, is a place for living so that gaining a knowledge of its people’s sense of security is a necessity in maintaining the population. One of the factors that can play an important role in households’ feeling of security is social capital and its diverse aspects. In the present study, this issue has been considered carefully and scientifically. Therefore, this is an applied research with a descriptive-analytical method. The sample includes the households of the villages in Marhamat Abad Myani rural district of Myandoab county which is located in West Azerbaijan province. According to the 2012 census, this rural area has 1616 households and a population of 7040. The needed sample was 270 according to the Cochran formula. Considering the number of households in every village, a certain number of households were randomly chosen for filling up the questionnaires so that the equal opportunity principle would be observed rightly. A questionnaire of 21 indicators related to the feeling of social security and 28 indicators related to social capital was designed. The level of reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using the Cronbach’s Alpha 0.71 which shows a proper reliability coefficient. The method of analyzing the data was descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (Kendall test, one-sample t-test, and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient).The study shows that in the indices of social security, having an equal education opportunity for all people and their taking part in elections are the means of the studied households’ sense of social security. The results demonstrate that among the indices related to low environmental pollution, items such as waste disposal, air and water pollution, hygiene and the possibility of entrusting capital to others are not in a very good condition. Also the results show that due to the lethal drought of recent years and Urmia Lake’s worsening situation, the households’ sense of security has been badly damaged and threatened. And in the end, it has been proven that the most effective dimension of social capital on the households’ sense of social security has been the social coherence dimension.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the years after Islamic Revolution, establishment of industrial zones in rural areas has been considered as a policy for diversification of rural activities. Socio-economic structure of rural areas has been transformed by establishment of above mentioned industrial zones. The present paper has considered the consequences of industrial zones establishment in rural areas with special reference to Kuhpaye Industrial Zone. Kuhpaye Industrial Zone is located in Jabal rural district including 13 villages. This district has been faced with emigration process. The main aims of research has been analyzing the role of Kuhpaye Industrial Zone in creation of job opportunities, increasing income, reducing rural-urban migration process and finally socio-economic development of rural area. Therefore the main questions of research have been as follows: Has establishment of Kuhpaye Industrial Zone created job and income opportunities? Has it resulted to reducing rural -urban emigration? Has it led to socio-economic development of the area? Required data has been collected through field study including observation, interview, completing questionnaire and some documents. 205 questionnaires have been completed by the research sample society which has been selected randomly. Collected data has been analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and SPSS. There has been a negative relation between Kuhpaye Industrial Zone and agricultural activities as a whole (farming & animal husbandry) in the area, because firstly, agricultural and grass lands are mostly devoted to industrial land use, Secondly, incomes  from agricultural activities are unable to compete with industrial wages. Therefore active human labor force is transformed to industrial sector. Kuhpaye Industrial Zone has also changed the farm system pattern. This means that the previous farming system was labor intensive, including Cotton, sugar beets and cucurbits, but nowadays, the use of  agricultural technology has been increased as a result of human labor limitation, therefore, Beans, lentils and wheat are the main elements of farm system. The direction of population emigration has been chanced by established industrial zone. Before the industrial establishment, the population of these rural areas migrated to cities such as Isfahan and Tehran, but today, they are migrating to Kuhpaye which has led to Kuhpaye urban population growth and evacuation of some rural centers. Kupayeh urban population was 3653 in 1996 but has increased to 6000 in 2012. On the contrary, 53 villages have lost their population and this process is going to continue .The people of the area have been divided in two groups for accessing to services. The first group which is the employers of industrial units has access to educational, transport and welfare services. But farmers in villages have not suitable access to required services, most of them are unsatisfied. Cultural characteristics of the area have been changed by Kuhpaye industrial established zone. Local dialect has been substituted by Persian language speaking; traditional behavioral pattern has been changed. There was not any computer in the area until 2000, but currently a considerable number of rural households use computer at their homes. The findings show that establishment of this industrial zone has not reinforced the linkage between industrial and agricultural sectors. As a result, it has not led to animal husbandry and agricultural development. The economic effects of industrial zone establishment have been more than its social and cultural effects. Using durable consumption goods, changes in food consumption patterns, extension of participatory dimension, increasing job and better income opportunities, improving health services, and better access to education possibilities has been the important consequences of industrial zone in rural area. Due to establishment of industrial zone, emigration has reduced and persistence of rural population has been increased. Job opportunities and income of rural dwellers are increased and the region is moving towards economic and social development.

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The main factor of residents’ identity of a place is the place itself. A place is not just a collection of things but individuals’ mind can be influenced by specified concept of pictures of places. Individuals’ perceptions of a place are influenced by their emotions and make concepts of pictures of places in mind. These concepts of pictures in mind and emotions make the individuals' identity. Perceptions of belonging to a place make a strong connection between each individual and a place and this connection makes a profound interaction between the individual with the environment and the individuals define themselves at a place they live in and indeed they are one part of that place. When they do think so, it makes a harmonious relationship between the environment and their satisfaction and increases motivation to remain there. The present research investigates the relationship between the measure of residents’ participation in residential design and their perceptions of belonging to a place. This article is conducted to show whether the measure of perceptions of belonging to a place depends on the measure of satisfaction or sense of security at a place, physical characteristics, and the effects of that place on the conceptual formations and maintenance of these concepts. The data in this documentary and survey research is collected by the questionnaire as an instrument. Findings of this study shows a fact that the measure of perceptions of belonging to a place changes based on the changes of each variable and recognizing these effective factors is impossible unless by the individuals’ participation in residential design and consequently the more residents’ participation in designing, the more perceptions of belonging to designed places for them. Significant differences found between males and females perceptions of belonging to a place that refers to their gender differentiations. The security and short history of places with regard to social security is important for males and also for females, because both of them try to have a safe life. Females prefer surrounded environments and like to have neighbors to provide both their security and interaction with others. On the other hand, males prefer the open environments and believe that surrounded environments equals not having freedom. Separation from public and privacy environments is the priority for males but from females' point of view, the plainness of the environment is important. The other difference between males and females is in their preferences to have natural views or perspectives that are true for females but males prefer to have special parts for different affairs and a special part appropriate to their job. The social interaction is the last effective factor in the perception of belonging to a place that is important for females but is not applicable to males.

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Human being chose social life in order to dominate nature, escape insecurity and threat, provide his basic needs and all in all to achieve security and a secure feeling; and on the other hand as the society and social contracts grew more and complicated he entered diverse relationships that separated the different aspects of life under rubrics of social, economic, political and cultural which endangered his security altogether. Thus human being has readied a new threat for his own security by forming a society in the first place, a threat that results from the social life itself. Considering the increasing level of social ills and problems in today's societies and communities, an analysis of the sense of social security seems as inevitable as crucial. Our country’s rural areas, as a host of 30 percent of the whole population, is a place for living so that gaining a knowledge of its people’s sense of security is a necessity in maintaining the population. One of the factors that can play an important role in households’ feeling of security is social capital and its diverse aspects. In the present study, this issue has been considered carefully and scientifically. Therefore, this is an applied research with a descriptive-analytical method. The sample includes the households of the villages in Marhamat Abad Myani rural district of Myandoab county which is located in West Azerbaijan province. According to the 2012 census, this rural area has 1616 households and a population of 7040. The needed sample was 270 according to the Cochran formula. Considering the number of households in every village, a certain number of households were randomly chosen for filling up the questionnaires so that the equal opportunity principle would be observed rightly. A questionnaire of 21 indicators related to the feeling of social security and 28 indicators related to social capital was designed. The level of reliability of the questionnaire was obtained using the Cronbach’s Alpha 0.71 which shows a proper reliability coefficient. The method of analyzing the data was descriptive (mean and standard deviation) and inferential (Kendall test, one-sample t-test, and the Pearson’s correlation coefficient). The study shows that in the indices of social security, having an equal education opportunity for all people and their taking part in elections are the means of the studied households’ sense of social security. The results demonstrate that among the indices related to low environmental pollution, items such as waste disposal, air and water pollution, hygiene and the possibility of entrusting capital to others are not in a very good condition. Also the results show that due to the lethal drought of recent years and Urmia Lake’s worsening situation, the households’ sense of security has been badly damaged and threatened. And in the end, it has been proven that the most effective dimension of social capital on the households’ sense of social security has been the social coherence dimension.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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