Iran, because of its geographical position, is one of the areas in the world that have most potential for the occurrence of natural hazards, particularly earthquakes, so that it has the 7th place in Asia and the 13th in the world. With an overview of the seismic zoning maps, we find out that more densely populated rural and urban settlements are located in the foothills of Elburz and Zagros mountains, which have relatively high vulnerability in terms of natural hazards, particularly earthquakes. Therefore, the emphasis of this study was to assess the capacity and vulnerability of rural areas of Sombol Abad against earthquakes. This research seeks to measure the capacities (in social, economic, institutional, physical and natural dimension) in order to coping with the effects of the earthquake hazard, practical explanation of the role of capacity building or strengthening existing capacities to reduce the effects of earthquakes in target rural areas. To investigate this issue, both documentary and field approaches, through descriptive - analytical research method have been used. In the process of field operations, two types of questionnaires were prepared. The first questionnaire was completed by 224 families selected from 11 villages of the county through stratified sampling and the second questionnaire was completed by 45 of rural authorities. For data analysis, SPSS software, descriptive statistics (mean and average) and inferential statistics (Friedman test, one-sample t-test and correlation coefficient) were used. According to the research objectives, the hypothesis, “whether the administrative capacities in this area in various dimensions (social, economic, institutional, physical and natural) were sufficient for earthquake disaster management,” was examined and analyzed. To test the hypothesis, after clustering characteristics of the five capacity components of households and village authorities (including social, economic, natural, physical and institutional capacity) one sample t test was used and by considering the appropriateness of numerical capacity test (equal to 3) based on the Likert scale, it was analyzed by SPSS software to obtain the average values for each of the household capacity. On the other hand, by using the Friedman test, it was attempted to calculate numerical average of the capacities of households and Authorities of sample villages to understand the difference rate of their capacities. The results of the study indicated that the capacities available in this area are sufficient to reduce the effects of earthquake and vulnerability of the area. Given the importance of Issue, disaster mitigation is discussed among the parameters influencing the thoughts of development such as the UN Human Development Index. Therefore increasing and strengthening the capacity of rural communities against the risk and confronting future happenings are the main objectives of sustainable reduction of vulnerability in rural area. So, participatory planning approaches, such as capacity building programs through indirect government intervention to protect the villagers and Planning with the help of the people and local experts and emphasizing on training and increasing its level and granting various helps are the methods to reduce the effects of natural disasters and their vulnerability rate. Therefore, the statistical analysis revealed the positive impact of several capacities on earthquake disaster mitigation and vulnerability of individuals, groups and rural community under study and that appropriate Strategy for capacity building and capacity development can be improved to struggle the damages of future earthquakes.